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Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Kent shakes his head, unwilling to think of it. But beyond that, he needs to secure Fay mentally and emotionally as well, securingher loyalties so that she doesn’t betray him-

Because, god damnit, so much now depends on this girl —Kent throws the car into park, stepping out and striding towards the stables.

The stable workers react in much the same way as his home staff did — getting out of his way as fast as they can and makingthemselves scarce, so that when Kent strides through the stable it looks like a ghost town. Only the horses are curious enough topeer at him over their stall doors.

When he gets to Heathcliff’s stall, though, it’s empty.Which means only one thing.Kent keeps going, passing quickly through the barn and heading for the training ring out back.

He sees her almost immediately, her flame-red hair flowing over her shoulders, seated on the beautiful red horse that he chosespecifically because they were a match, a pair. Even as Kent strides forward, eager to interrupt, needing to talk to lock her

Chapter 116down, he can’t help but admire her progress.2/4

Fay is going in slow circles around the ring, her horse trotting neatly as she raises and lowers herself in the saddle to match thehorse’s gait. Kent can see the smile and the joy on her face as she

does it a natural horsewoman, yes, but also someone who isseeing the results of her hard work.

As he nears, though, Kent frowns. He sees that her smiles seem to be continually directed to the center of the ring. Kent shiftshis gaze, then, and is suddenly furious when he sees someone standing there in the middle of the ring, giving her directions.

Not her trainer, but, instead, Jerome.Kent increases his pace, fueled by his anger at that boy. What the hell is he doing in the ring with her — he isn’t trained —

As Kent continues forward, he sees Jerome call to Fay. She slows the horse and, smiling, walks him to the center of the ring,where

Jerome waits.

The smile on her face — coy, sweet, as she laughs and jokes with that kid — the fucking kid he picked up to cover the most menialof the family’s tasks — completely expendable —

And yet she’s smiling at him, laughing down into his face, and he’s

Kent goes red when he sees it.

Chapter 116


The boy first grasps the horse’s reins, and then puts a hand out to rest on Fay’s knee —

To slowly, leisurely stroke his fingers across her thigh, working his way upwards-

Fay glances at the touch, blushes, but doesn’t push it away-

Kent rips open the gate to the riding arena, bursting through it.

Fay sees him first, her eyes going wide with shock and then her face going white when she sees the expression on his face, thefury in his eyes.

Jerome spins, reacting both to the sound of Kent's approach and to Fay’s shock. He gasps, tearing his hand from its place onFay’s thigh and tucking it guiltily behind his back, his own eyes trained

on Kent's raised fist-

Which, a second later, slams directly into Jerome’s face, cracking

across his jaw.

Fay screams, unable to stop her own fear and surprise, as Jerome stumbles and then falls back into the dry dirt of the arena-

Kent sneers down at the boy but then snaps his head up as he hears the horse screech, shying away in fear, his haunchesbunching below him as he rears and then bolts, heading away from this violence, eager to get to the other side of the arena


Chapter 116

anywhere else —414Kent sees her face, then, and feels the horror within himself as

she clings, first, to the horse's eand then loogeg-hehbdlande, Theceniént!i Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

flying free of the saddle and throughthe air as the hgrse\idlts Gfcpntants $h NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

She slams into the ground, face.down, her heapedfeérh laying stinovelbin

Theldont {At is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

as Kent rushes forward.



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Chapter 117

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