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Chapter 104

Chapter 104They had nodded their confirmation and then we had left.

Now, we're forty-five minutes out of the city, heading away from the stables and towards the beach. | can already smell the salton the air. | love the beach-I always have, despite my lily-white skin and my tendency to burn as red as a lobster. There’s just

something about the beach that just calls to me.

We pull up to the indicated spot and Daniel puts a hand on my

arm when | eagerly reach for the door, indicating that | should wait

a moment before getting out of the car. | pause, then, watching the guards climb out of the front seat and the car behind us,sweeping the area in order to make sure that we're secure.

When we get the nod from them, Daniel and | climb out and | look around, studying the scene.

Thad expected, really, to be taken to a beach house — my father, I’ve heard, owns several. But, instead, we're at a private beachfar away from any buildings. It’s just us and the sea, and it’s really very, very beautiful.

There are plenty of people milling around some | recognize as family members whom | had met at the party. Others, though, arecompletely foreign to me.

Chapter 104


One man in particular catches my eye. He’s young — perhaps my age, or just a little older than me. He has tanned skin andbleach—blonde hair, but what is really eye-catching about him is

that he’s covered in tattoos — almost from head to foot. They’re all black and white, matching his casual, sporty attire, and | cantell —

even from a distance — that each tattoo was carefully consideredand finely done.

As | stare at him, he turns and looks directly at me. He doesn’tflinch at all, but instead looks almost...unsurprised. That | mightstare at him. As | continue to look, he smirks a little and raises hisbeer to me.

Which, of course, make& me realize that | am just standing herestaring at this guy.

Which, of course, makes me blush.

| turn to Daniel, then, trying to cover up my discomfort byremembering the security of him at my side. “Ready?” | ask.Daniel shrugs and sighs. “Into the lion’s den we go,” he says, and

we walk forward onto the beach.

“Fay!” My father says, coming forward. He’s dressed in swim

trunks and a Hawaiian-print shirt, which surprises and startles

me, just a little. This is a big, Italian man — | haven't seen him in

anything less than an Armani suit yet, so such an abrupt change is...well, it's abrupt.Chapter 104


He comes forward and gives me a kiss, shaking Daniel's hand

without a word about the uninvited guest. “Welcome,” he says,

“have a drink! Make yourself at home!”

Awaiter comes forward, then, offering a tray of soft and hard drinks. | select a can of spiked lemonade while Daniel takes acoke.

Alden opens his mouth to say more when Romulus runs up to us. “Hi Fay!” he says, waving to me, apparently genuinely excitedto see me. | lean down to greet him, excited as well.

“Hey, Rom,” | say, reaching out to ruffle his hair. “Are you having


“Yes!” he says, excited, but then he

turns his attention Rania ut \Ks one shattfok Olleyball, do you

know how to play?” The content is on

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Daniel hesitates, looking at me. But |shrug, encouragin ims Deniel’s\ab okishguy, uel iokriow for a factthat volleyball is The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

one of his favorites.“Sure, kid,” he says, smiling at Romulus and handing me his drink. “Lead the way.”

| watch them head off down thestretch of sand and my father p

his arm around me)(Godd 960 hesays) “it ifPbe good for the boys toget to know one another, since theywill soon be The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

family.” He smiles at me and | smile back.

Chapter 104


“Now,” he says, giving me a little tug and pulling me over to where

some chairs are arranged around a fire. “You come with me. | have some people | want you to meet.”Write your commentnovelbin


Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

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