Ex-Husband's Regret

Chapter 364
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Chapter 364

Chapter 0364

She's fucking driving me insane.novelbin

My eyes stay locked on her pussy and ass as | walk toward her. When I’m standing with only a fewinches separating my jean-covered dick from her slickness, | place one of my hands on the small of herback and run it up her spine. She's on her hands and knees, but | want her chest to be on the bed.Her breath hitches at my first touch.

| reach the base of her neck and apply pressure. She understands what | want and lowers herself untilshe’s on her elbows with her

cheek to the comforter.

“Spread your legs more,” | tell her, pushing down on her lower back.

She does as she’s told, but not enough.

“More.” | grunt at her and apply more pressure.

She spreads her legs even wider. | stop her when she’s at the perfect level to take my cock.

With both hands now, | start at her ass and move them up her si until | reach her breasts that aresmashed to the bed. | reach beneat tweak her nipples, and then bring them back down her sides.

Her skin is so smooth and feels fantastic beneath my palms. She moans into the comforter and archesher back. When | reach the

crease of her legs and hips, | change directions and slide them down her thighs. On my way back up, |lea

wrap my hands around her thighs so my fingertips are right at her pussy.

| pull her back against my dick, and her warmth hits me, intoxicating me. | tip my head back andrelease a groan at the same time she


moans. When | bring my head back down, she’s gripping the sheets tightly in her fists. | pull her backagain, grind her wet pussy against me, and have to fight the urge to yank open my zipper and shovemy dick in her tight cunt.

| shift back and bring my hands over her ass again until my thumbs are poised right at her wetness. |look down when | pull her lips apart and watch as her juice slides down her thighs. She’s fuckingsoaked, and my mouth waters to lap up every single drop.

run both thumbs up and down her slit a few times, before | slip one inside.

“Fuck!” | hiss when her walls clench around my thumb, gripping it tight, and she whimpers, causing meto push in further.

Not able to stand it a moment longer, | take my hands away and take a step back.

Her protest is instant. She looks over her shoulder.

“| can’t wait anymore,” | growl between clenched jaws. “I promise I'll take it slow after this, but | need tobe inside you right now.”


“What are you-” She stops short when she sees my hands at the waist of my jeans. She breathes an

“oh,” and her eyes flare wide w desire.

| keep my eyes on her as she watches me slide my pants down my hips. My dick jumps with her stare,

and a pearly drop of precum

appears at the tip.

“Cheek back to the bed,” | order harshly.

She bites her lip and does as she’s told.

| bend to untie my boots and then toe them off. Once | step out of my jeans, | grip my cock and give itafew pulls. Stepping back up to Chris, | lay a hand on her left hip and feel a shiver race over her.


I can only see one side of her face, but the side | do see shows her eyes clenched tightly shut.

Still holding my dick with one hand, | take the tip and rub it along her opening. Instead of slipping itinside, | grab the base and angle it down until it meets her clit.

Her panted “Rowan” against the comforter and her backward push with her hips say it won't take longto send her over the edge.

Thank fucking christ for that, because | sure as shit won't last either.

| bring the head of my dick back up, trail it past her slit again.

My grip on her hip tightens as | slide inside.

She moans, and | feel the sound all the way down to my balls.

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