Ex-Husband's Regret

Chapter 361
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Chapter 361

Chapter 0361

I’m now mature enough to better understand Rowan and his actions.. He lost the woman he thought hewould spend the rest of his life with. If | were in his shoes, | would have reacted the same way. | wouldhave taken out my anger on the person responsible for my pain, just like | tried taking out my anger onhim after our divorce by treating him with nothing but hate and bitterness.

“I'm so sorry it took me this long to see how much | hurt you back then” | whisper, feeling overwhelmed.“For so long | was bitter. Especially after Emma came back and | realized that | could never be whatyou wanted or desired. | held for so long, and maybe if | hadn’t, you and Emma would have gotten achance at a life together. I’m really sorry. You'll never know just how sorry | am”

| pull myself back when | feel strong hands on mine. I’m surprised to see that he’d crossed to my sideand was now sitting right next to me.

He takes a deep breath and | hold on to his hand like a damn lifeline. What | did to you was muchworse. The pain that | put you through the years is something | don’t think I'll ever be able to forgivemyself. | too was selfish because | saw your pain but | rationalized that you fucking deserve it and forthat I’m sorry Ava. I’m sorry that | took i too far. Sorry that | trampled over your love and destroyed yourheart. I’m so fucking sorry | caused you so much heartache”

| couldn't listen anymore because the dam I'd been holding back, breaks and everything pours out. |couldn’t hold back my tears anymore when | saw how remorseful Rowan is and how this hurts



“It took seeing you with someone else for me to realize how much | wanted you. It took almost losingyou to someone else to see how much | love you. | pushed you into another man’s arms, and | can’t tell+25 BONUS

you just how agonizing it was knowing that you were moving on with someone who wasn’t me. Thatyou were actively trying to put me in your past. That the pain | caused you made you wish that you’dnever met me. That you regretted ever loving.”

| try to wipe away my tears, but they just keep falling down like twin rushing rivers. They were endless.“Knowing how much | hurt you now, breaks my fucking heart into

pieces. | know you deserve better, and | should let you go so that you

can find a better man, but I’ll be selfish one more time and hold on to you because | can’t imagine lifewithout you. Please give me a chance, Ava. Give me a chance to show you that my heart belongs toyou and that | love you with every fiber of my being, please?”

His words touch my heart. How did he manage to turn this around? was the one who was supposed topour my heart out, yet he completely flipped things on me.

“Oh, Rowan... You’ve got to realize that | love, that I’ve always loved you from the moment | set eyeson you when we were kids. | tried my best to kill that love and pretend that it didn’t exist, but | was lying

because it still remained even after everything.” | tell him, swiping the tears from my face.


“Does that mean you're giving me a chance?” His tone is hopeful, an his eyes are bright, reflecting thatsame hopefulness.

“A thousand times yes.”

“Fuck, Ava, | love you so fucking much,” he growls right before he captures my mouth in a scorchingnovelbin



It was meant to be a quick kiss, but she deepened it. She moans in


my mouth, which sends blood rushing to my cock. | crave her. | want her. I’ve missed her.

| pull her from her position on the sofa and lift her to my lap. She immediately straddles me, withouteven breaking the kiss. My cock hardens as | feel her heat through her panties and it nearly drives me


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