Ex-Husband's Regret

Chapter 318
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Chapter 318

Chapter 0318

I look at myself in the mirror, happy with how I look. My hair was in a low bun, with curled tendrilsframing my face. Tonight I wanted something different since it was my first ever date with Rowan, so Idecided on a subtle but sexy, smoky eyeshadow and red lipstick.

As for my dress, I picked a black knee–length dress. It has a plunging neckline that is delicately heldtogether by thin straps. It highlighted just the right amount of cleave, enough to tease but not come outas trashy. It had an open back that I was sure would drive any man crazy.

I continue staring at myself as I run my hand down the soft fabric. The dress was figure- hugging, andthanks to being pregnant, I now had curves in all the right places.

“Damn, babes… if I wasn’t straight, I would’ve definitely done you.” Letty praised, happiness drippingfrom her voice. “You’re sexy. Hell has nothing on your hotness.”

“She’s right,” Corrine chimes in.

They had left a couple of hours ago. We were now on Skype, since I wanted to get their honestopinion. This date was important. Like I said, it’s Rowan and I’s first date, so I wanted everything to beperfect.novelbin

“Thank you,” I smile at them.

I take a seat on the bed and put my heels on. I honestly don’t remember the last time I dressed up orwore heels. Rowan rarely took me out before, even for work dinners, so I didn’t really have anopportunity to dress up.

I don’t know if that changed later, but I’m guessing it did since I remember how amazing I looked whenEthan came to get me. Shaking those thoughts from my mind, I focus on my date ahead.

“I’m nervous though,” I admit. “What if we don’t click? I know we are married, but what if we realize thatwe aren’t compatible? Or what if something else terrible happens?”

Damn, this was so hard. A part of me wanted to cancel the entire thing because I was nervous andafraid. The other part just wanted to take the risk and just be in the moment.

I’ve wanted to experience this for so long. I always wanted Rowan to court me, to woo me, but hewasn’t interested. Now it’s finally happening, and all I can think of is everything that could go wrong.

“Stop it, Ava; you’re going to drive yourself crazy.” Letty admonishes me. I see a shadow behind her,and I’m sure’it’s Travis since they live together. “Just live in the moment. Take a leap of faith and enjoygoing out for dinner.”

Corrine doesn’t say anything, but she shows her approval by nodding her head.

I take a calming breath before releasing it. “You’re right. I’m just overthinking things.”

“Exactly. Be happy and enjoy tonight. You deserve to be happy, babe, and you deserve to be with theman of your dreams,” Letty gushed, her smile bright and brilliant.

After we’d talked for a while, we hung up. I take my purse and give myself one last look. Corrine andLetty were right. I did look sexy, and I was loving it.

I head downstairs, where I hear Rowan and Noah before I can see them. Rowan had gotten ready inthe guest bedroom while I used the masters.

I was nervous because I was dying to see his reaction. I’ve never dressed up for him, so I know seeingme like this will be a surprise for him.

I find them in the kitchen. Rowan was rocking Iris and blowing bubbles on her belly. She wasscreaming in laughter, which warmed my heart. Noah sat next to his father, looking all broody.

“Are you ready?” I ask, making Rowan look up.

At first, it’s like his mind goes blank, then he takes a double take, his eyes moving slowly down mybody. I see him swallow as his eyes darken into dark grey storms. Oh yeah, he definitely liked what hewas seeing.

“You’re drooling, Dad,” Noah tells him with a small chuckle.

I can’t stop the smirk that forms on my lips. Slowly, he stands up and walks the short distance to me.Holding Iris with one hand, he uses the other to grab me and pull me flush against his body beforekissing the daylights out of me.

I hear Noah groan behind him.

Using all my might, I pull away from him. “You’re going to ruin my lipstick.”

“Don’t really care,” he fires back, his eyes still on my lips

“Are you ready? We don’t want to be late,” I ask him, stepping away from his heat that seemed to wantto suck me back into his embrace.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the way his eyes seemed to be stuck on me. This is a whole newexperience. Something I never thought would ever happen, so yeah, I was enjoying this so damnmuch.

“We don’t really have to go,” he murmurs, his voice coming out throaty and hoarse.

“You’re the one who wanted this date, big man.” I chuckle, “So come on, it’s time for us to go”

He agrees reluctantly before he yells for Teresa. When she comes, she takes Iris from his arms.

“You look lovely, Ava,” she tells me sweetly.

“Thank you, Teresa.”

I give Iris a kiss on the head before turning to Noah. He was glaring at me, so I guess he was stillpissed. Still, I pull him to me. He fought me, but I wasn’t going to let go. After hugging him, I give him akiss and tell him goodnight.

He doesn’t say anything. He just stubbornly folds his arms across his chest.

“Noah…” Rowan growled his name in warning; he was furious at his behavior towards me.

“It’s okay”

I didn’t want anything to spoil the mood tonight, so when he doesn’t say anything, I grab Rowan’s handand turn us around. I’ll give him a bit more time.

“I’m still mad at you, Mom, but you look really beautiful tonight.” His voice makes me stop and turnaround. The stubborn arch of his brows was still there, but right now it didn’t matter.

“Thank you, my love.”

We leave after that, knowing very well that, with time, Noah will come around. I didn’t need to worrybecause I knew him. He was my son, and this was a way of testing if I would budge and let him havehis way. Once he realizes that I’m not going to change my mind, he’ll stop being stubborn.

“So, where are you taking me?” I ask Rowan once we get into his car.

“You’ll see, I have a couple of surprises for you,” he replies. “I know you think I don’t know you, but I do,Ava.”

I smile, but I don’t say anything. I doubt he knows me. Rowan has never paid attention to me oranything that concerned me, so I’m sure he doesn’t know my likes and dislikes, but let’s wait and see.

I can’t wait to see what he’s planned for tonight.

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