Ex-Husband's Regret

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298

Chapter 0298

“It’s never a good thing when someone starts a sentence like that.” His brows pull together in a frownas he stares at me. It was almost as if he was trying to figure out if he did something wrong.

I don’t say anything. First of all, I was trying to come down from the high of sexual arousal. Second, Ididn’t yet know how to broach the subject with him. I was trying my best to put my thoughts in order.

“You’re scaring me, Ava,” he says, shocking me and making me scoff a bit.

“Nothing scares you.”

And it was the dam n truth. Nothing ever scared the man standing in front of me. Have things changedthat much? Did something happen during the period I couldn’t remember to make him afraid?

Standing up, he walks the short distance to where I am standing. Cupping my cheeks, he gives me asmall, quick kiss. It wasn’t as powerful as the one we had moments ago, but it still weakened my knees

“Before, yes, but now? Now I’m scared of losing you,” he pauses as his eyes drill into mine. Showingme the truth and sincerity in his words. “I’m scared of living in a world without you.”

I’m taken aback by his confession. Never in a million years did I ever think I would hear Rowan uttersuch sweet words at me. It felt really good to hear them. It felt like a dream come true.

I used to lie in bed every night, thinking how good it would feel if Rowan wanted me. I wanted him tolove me and care for me. I wanted to be the one that his heart beats for. I always imagined how happy Iwould feel when he told me sweet things.

It was happening now, and it has been happening since I woke up. I can’t stop the flutter in my heart orthe dam n butterflies that are causing havoc inside me.

“You’ll never lose me, Rowan.” I finally get my mouth to move and say something.

I see the small doubt filter in his eyes. It puzzles me that he doesn’t believe me. That part of him doubtsand thinks that I’ll ever leave him. Why would I? Especially now that I have everything I’ve alwayswanted and desired.

Unless he takes the first step and walks away from me, I don’t think I ever will. I can’t imagine anythingthat would cause me to walk away from this version of Rowan. “Trust me,” I tell him while holding hishand. “There’s nothing that can take me away from you. Not even death His eyes continue shiftbetween mine. As if he was trying to search for the truth of my words in them. I let from the depths ofmy soul. A small smile plays on his lips seconds later, and I know I’ve convinced him. He goes to kissme, but I stop him. “I’m not going to let you distract me” I say with determination. “We really do need totalk”

He nods his head and then takes my hand. His eyes search the living room. They land on the babymonitor. Without a second thought he grabs it and silently leads us to his office.

“So, what did you want us to talk about?” he asks once we get to his office.

The door is locked, and I watch him as he confidently sits down.

“I want to go see Ethan,” I say, deciding to rip it off like a freaking band aid.

“Over my dead body.” The words are growled rather than said.

The calm atmosphere suddenly becomes charged. The peacefulness and calmness that had comeover him completely disappears. In its place is a cold mask and anger.

I feel myself shutting down. I would have accepted his answer like I normally would, but somethinginside me won’t let me bow down to him. I can’t put my finger on it, but something inside me haschanged.

“I wasn’t really asking you. I was just informing you as a freaking courtesy. I glare at him, letting himsee my displeasure. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but there was no d amn way I was going toback down.

“You’re not going to see him, Ava. That’s final”

“He’s Iris’s father for f ucks sake, Rowan… Other than chaining me to the f ucking bed, I don’t see howelse you’ll stop me from seeing him.”

“That can be arranged.”

“You’re not serious!”

I stare at him, shocked. That he would honestly consider chaining me to a bed boggles me completely.He was truly out of his freaking mind, and all because I wanted to see and meet the father of mynovelbin


“I am,” he says through clenched teeth.

Sighing, I throw my hands in the air in frustration. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go. He

“Theo and Nora can always take Iris for a visit. You don’t have to be the one to meet with him”

Did his hate honestly run that deep, or was it something else? I get that Ethan and I had something, butit was clearly over, just like what was between him and Emma was over. So what was the problem?Didn’t he trust me around Ethan?

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