Ex-Husband's Regret

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120

Three months later Chapter 120



It’s been three months. Three fucking months since Ava was shot, and she’s yet to wake up. With eachmonth that goes by, everyone is slowly losing hope that she’ll ever wake up.

It’s frustrating as hell, but there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s now beyond anyone’s power.

She was taken off the machine a month after her accident. She didn’t need them to breathe since her

lungs were doing just fine. They even transferred her to a normal room. We all thought she’d come out of

the coma then, but it never happened. Two months down the line, and we are still waiting.

“Should I wait for you, Mr. Wood?” my driver asks just before I get out of the car.

“It’s not necessary. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

I get out of the car and walk into the hospital. The staff greets me because I have been a regular visitor

for the past few months.

I just nod my head. I feel the tiredness down to my bones. I haven’t had a moment of peace since that

day. Sleep flees from me every single night, and I’m left either staring at the ceiling all night or working.

Due to the circumstances, Noah is back to living with me. He’s here every day after school. Visiting his

mother and sister. I see the toll everything is taking on him, but I know it’ll only be better when Ava and

Iris leave the hospital.

I head first to see Iris before seeing Ava. That little girl has won my heart these past few months. Her

resilience and strength to overcome what was thrown at her remind me of her mother.

“You’re here, Rowan; let me just get our little princess ready,” Mary says as she busies herself. 1

Iris was taken out of the incubator a week ago. The doctors said that she was now healthy and out of

danger. Since she had reached the nine–month milestone, there was no need for her to remain there. 2

Minutes later, Mary is handing Iris over to me.

“Hey princess, How are you doing today?” I ask her with a smile.

I hold her tiny form in my chest and rock her back and forth. She doesn’t cry; she just stares at me in

fascination. She looked like Ava, but her blue eyes were Ethan’s. She’s definitely going to be a knockout

when she’s older.



I run my finger down her cheek, and she grips it in a tight hold. I smile at that. She’s become the highlightof my day, a part from Noah. She may not be my biological daughter, but in my heart, she was. Nothingcan change that.

“It’s now time for her bath,” Mary informs me.

I look up at the ticking clock only to realize almost forty minutes have gone by. Iris is precious. While withher, you easily forget everything else going on around


I let Mary take her away from me. This is usually the hardest fucking part. Letting her go.

“I’ll come to say goodbye to her once I’m done visiting Ava,” I say as I stand.

She nods her head and turns to leave. I watch them, feeling the heaviness in my heart get worse witheach step she takes away from me.

I was just about to leave when the pediatrician stopped me.

“Do you have a minute, Rowan? I want to talk to you,” she asks in a gentle and kind voice.

She’s around my mother’s age, and she just has this aura that immediately calms you down when you’rearound.

“Sure, about what?”

“It’s about Iris. As you know, she reached nine months a week ago, and since she’s healthy and nolonger in any danger, we’ll have to release her from the hospital.”

I stare at her, not really knowing what to do. “You can’t do that. Her mother hasn’t woken up yet.”

“I know, but those are the rules of the hospital. One of you has to take her home whether Ava wakes upor


Fuck. I run my hands through my messy hair. “Can’t she stay for just a little bit?”

“I’m sorry, but no. We can only allow her to stay until tomorrow, but that’s it”

I nod my head. “Okay. I’ll discuss it with her grandparents.”

Without waiting, I walk out of the nursery and head straight towards Ava’s room. I was about to enter,

when the door opens. Nora and Theo come out of the room.

“Just the people I wanted to see” the doctor’s voice makes all three of us turn to face him.

“Is there a problem?” Theó asks, concern marring his face.



“Yes. I want you to consider a certain option for Ava. Usually patients wake up from the coma within a

month, the fact Ava hasn’t concerns us and we are afraid that she won’t be able to”

I feel dread rising in my back. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I don’t fucking like where this

conversation is going.

“But you told us she might recover,” Nora points out.

“Yes, might, but now I’m not too confident. Not when there is little brain activity‘ he takes a deep breath.”

I suggest you consider stopping her treatment”

The sounds that comes of my mouth can only be described as a snarl. “In other words, you’re asking usto

end her life. To kill her”

“I’m sorry, but yes. She hasn’t responded to treatment and J fear that she may never will. At this point, it

would take a miracle for her to wake”

Feeling tired of hearing his nonsense I turn.

“Then that is what we will wait for. A fucking miracle, cause there is no fucking way we’re going to do

what you’re suggesting.”

I don’t wait to hear his response or those of Nora and Theo. I walk away and enter Ava’s room.

Collapsing on the chair, I take her hand in mine.

“Please, Ava. Come back. We can’t do without you. Noah misses you so much, and so do I. Iris also

needs you, now more than ever. They want to release her from the hospital. Please. Please wake up,” I


There is nothing from her side. She doesn’t move. She doesn’t open her eyes. She doesn’t speak.

“They want us to consider ending your life. Please don’t make me do that. Don’t make me watch while

they kill you. You need to open those fucking beautiful eyes.”

I place my head on my hand and just lean into her. For the first time since her shooting, I let my tears fall.novelbin

I can’t stop them even if I want to, so I just let them fucking flow.

I let the sorrow and heartache that I’ve been holding in wash over me. I was supposed to be strong for

Noah, Iris, and her, but now I feel like the weakest fucker to ever walk the earth.

I continue silently crying. Begging God for a miracle and begging Ava to wake up I don’t know how long I

was bent over when I felt soft, trembling fingers running down my face.

At first, I thought it was just my imagination until a voice called my name. It’s hoarse, but it’s



I take a deep breath before rising my head, so afraid that it was all a dream, but it wasn’t. My eyes clash

with her confused ones.

Holy fuck. Ava was awake.

Today’s Bonus Offer

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