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Chapter 68

Chapter 68 It was already noon when Josie left the hospital. The weather was great, and a smile finally appeared on Josie’s face. She thought, “Thank goodness… Everything seems to have a new turning point. Finally, I don’t have toworry that I’ll die at any time. Everything will go on regularly as long as it’s cured and doesn’t relapse.” At that moment, her phone rang. It was a call from Arthur, the butler from the Gibson residence. With that. Josie’s grip on the phone tightened, and she answered, “Hello, Arthur.” “Ms. Yates, you haven’t returned for a meal for a long time. I’ve made ravioli for you guys. Come backand eat them, okay?” There was a trace of anticipation in Arthur’s voice. Since he was old, with no children and no wife, he would feel somewhat lonely living his retirement lifealone in the Gibson residence. Josie’s heart tightened when she heard his words. Indeed, she had overlooked that matter. “Sure, I’ll goback now.” But she didn’t want to see Henry. “Henry… Will he go back? “Mr. Gibson’s assistant said he was busy just now and might not return.” Arthur’s voice was full ofdisappointment. He mused. “In fact, last time, I noticed that something seemed to happen between Mr. Gibson and Ms.Yates. However, I didn’t ask them. After all, young people had their own ways of living. John was mostworried about Josie before he died. Now that John has passed away, what if Mr. Gibson and Ms. Yatesgot divorced…” Then you shall wait for me at home, Arthur.” Josie smiled. She could only feel much more relaxed without Henry. After hanging up the phone, Josie stretched her body and raised her head while closing her eyes tofeel the sunshine.

She mused, “I have to survive. That’s the most important thing.” Josie became worried when she took out her phone to check the balance of the bank card. Although she had accumulated a lot of savings over the years, and the doctor also mentioned that shecould apply for a slot for free treatment, she had to plan for the expenses for follow-up treatment andrehabilitation. Therefore, there was no way that she didn’t have to work

a plac She thought, “Grandpa left me the Gibson residence, but that place is for Arthur’s retirement, and it’swith lots of memories. So I can’t sell it.” Josie sighed and swung her legs. “I still have to work, she mused. On her way back to the Gibson residence, Josie received a call from an unknown number on the bus. She answered the call, “Hello.” “Is this Ms. Yates? I’m Harley Garcia, the HR manager of Clusia Media Group.” The woman soundedexceptionally gentle at 1/4 Chapter 68 the other end. “Hello, Ms. Garcia…” Josie was stunned for a moment and was a little anxious. She had no idea why the person from Clusia Media Group was looking for her. “Your friend. Madelyn, is an outdoor reporter for our company. She showed your resume to me.Although our company is still in the development stage. I sincerely hope that you can consider the role,Ms. Yates” Josie was taken aback for a long time and at a loss for words because she didn’t expect that peoplefrom Clusia Media Group would take the initiative to call her. “You can rest assured that your salary and benefits will not be worse than your salary when you wereat Dahon Corporation.”

“You know that I worked in Dahon Corporation before?” Josie asked in a low voice. “Ms. Yates, do you know why I insist on letting you work at our company? Please spare me thepleasantries. The core concept of our company is to grow together with young people,” Harley repliedwith a smile. She continued, “I cooperated with you two years ago, Ms. Yates. I wonder if you still remember thatDahon Corporation and Clusia Media Group had a small collaboration that year. It was about offlineproduction and online promotion.” Josie gaped at her remarks. “You’re the one with Mr. Yancey?” “Yes, I was only Mr. Yancey’s assistant back then.” Harley smiled, and the conversation between theduo became more natural. Josie smiled as she congratulated her, “Wow. Congratulations.” I didn’t think about you at first, but after seeing your resume, I think it’s a pity that Dahon Corporationlost you. I wonder if you are interested in coming to our company. We can work together to makeourselves and the company better.” Harley’s words were less formal, which sounded more friendly. In fact, Josie had an impression of Harley. The latter was courteous, unlike people in other largecompanies. “But… I had never been a manager, so… Josie was still not confident “Ms. Yates, you are a management course student. Both your education qualification and experiencemeet our requirements, Managing artists is the same as leading newcomers when you are in DahonCorporation. You just need to take care of their daily life.” Josie said nothing in response as she was tempted. She thought, “Clusia Media Group is undeniably a good enterprise. As the saying goes, one shouldalways aim for improvement. To me, it’s a new beginning to be able to enter Clusia Media Group.But…” “Ms. Garcia, you probably don’t quite understand my concerns. You should have seen the newsnovelbin

yesterday. I have a conflict. with Gibson Corporation. I’m afraid…” “Are you afraid Mr. Gibson will find us and not allow us to hire you?” Harley spoke out Josie’s worries. She continued, “You may not know Clusia Media Group’s president well. He is a tremendouslymysterious and righteous person. Gibson Corporation wanted Ashley to be the female lead of a periodpiece film and claimed they would increase the investment by 50 percent, but our president turned itdown. There is no room to accommodate a freeloader in our company, but I don’t think our companywill be influenced by anyone as long as that person is worth it. That’s also why all our employees canstay in the company with peace of mind. It’s crucial to be happy and have a work-life balance.” 2/4 Chapter 68 Josie looked out of the window in shock. Iler hand holding the phone tightened gradually and thenslowly loosened. Harley’s words hit her right in the heart. She repeated inwandly, “It’s crucial to be happy and have a work-life balance.” “Okay, Ms. Garcia, I’ll think about it carefully and give you a reply as soon as possible. Thank you forgiving me this opportunity. Thank you so much for telling me so much information,” Josie replied. Harley uttered. “I’m looking forward to being colleagues with you. After hanging up the phone, Josie took out her headphones to listen to the music. She looked out the window quietly and felt like her life had started over. “Everything is a beautiful new start since I divorced Henry, as long as 1 face it positively,” she mused.Josie smiled from the bottom of her heart and thought, “I have to live life to the full. I need to survivefirst and then try my best to live an ideal life. Since I have divorced, why should I give up on myself?This is the new life I wanted, isn’t it? No matter what I’m going to face in the future, I have to give it atry.” At Clusia Media Group, Samuel sat in his office and received a call from Hofcaster Hospital.“Mr. Turner, per your instructions, I’ve told her I’ll apply for a slot for free treatment for her. Ms. Yates isvery happy when she leaves today.” “Thank you, doctor.” Samuel was in a better mood.

It was as though the sunlight could dispel the gloominess. The doctor responded, “I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving we After ending the call, Samuel was stunned for a moment. He mused, “It’s Thanksgiving today. Peoplefrom the north eat ravioli on Thanksgiving, whereas people from the south eat beef stew. Hofcasterbelongs to the middle part of the city, so we have to eat both beef stew and ravioli.” Yuri walked into the office and said with a smile, “Mr. Turner, is there any good news? Why are yousmiling so happily?” “It has nothing to do with you. Singles don’t deserve to inquire about it.” Samuel looked at Yuri indisdain. “Well, I’ve wasted my effort on an ingrate.” Yuri put a stack of name lists in front of Samuel. “Thecompany is planning to sign new talents, but many talents couldn’t shine as they are in some unpopularfilm companies. Check out these talents. If there is no problem, I’ll ask the managers to review theassessment. Just deal with it as you like. I’m busy. Samuel smiled and got up to leave. Yuri queried, “Where are you going?” “I’m going to the supermarket to buy ingredients so that I can make ravioli and beef stew for mygirlfriend tonight.” Samuel waved his hand. Feeling defeated and shocked, Yuri was left alone in the office. “Evil attached individual!” Yuri rolled his eyes.

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