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Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Josie fell asleep. Even in her sleep, she didn’t feel secure.

Having cold sweats, she was sweating all the time, and the room without air conditioning was freezing.

‘Dad, Mom… Don’t leave me.”

Jo. Jol

Josie curled up in the blanket. She woke up slowly because of the pain in her back.

“It’s getting dark. Get up and drink some hot water.” Samuel looked solemn and touched Josie’sforehead. He asked, “What’s wrong?

Josie was asleep all day.

Nestled in the blanket. Josie shook her head.

She was uncomfortable everywhere and had no one she could talk to.

Tve made dinner. Get up and have some.” Samuel walked out of the bedroom, leaving Josie alone inthe room.

Josie could feel the heavy air around Samuel. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

Josie rubbed her forehead between her eyebrows and sat up.

She took a deep breath and went into the bathroom to wash her face.

Her body was very cold, and her undergarments were soaked in sweat.

Her legs were numb. Her body from below the waist felt as if it were not her own.

“I didn’t expect you to know how to cook Walking out of the bedroom, Josie was a little surprised. Giventhat Samuel grew up pampered, she was shocked that he knew how to cook.

Henry didn’t know how to cook. He would never go into the kitchen unless he wanted to get something.

Moreover, Henry was very picky. Except for socializing, he never ate his meals outside. He was evenpicky with the food the housekeepers made.

Josie learned to cook for Henry. There was an inconspicuous scar on the back of her hand, which wasleft after she was burned by hot oil when she first cooked.

“Grandpa sent me abroad and cut off my living expenses. I would’ve starved to death if I couldn’tcook… Samuel casually said as if he didn’t care at all.

But Josie could still see that he hadn’t had the best time while spending the past three years abroad.

There was a knock on the door..

“Eat first,” Samuel told Josie to sit down and eat. Then, he went to open the door.

Several workers came in with an air conditioner in their arms and checked the bedroom. “You alreadyhave an outdoor air- conditioning unit. It will be installed soon.”

Samuel nodded. “Thank you.”

Josie looked at Samuel in astonishment and got up nervously. “I don’t want to install an airconditioner…

Chapter 18

“Your room is too cold, so I’ll install my air conditioner in your room. I’m not cold, so it’s a waste toinstall it there,” Samuel muttered in a low voice, not giving Josie a chance to go back on her word. Headded, “I owe you money, so consider this as repayment and interest.”

“Tm not a loan shark… Josie couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let’s cat.” Samuel pushed Josie to the table and suggested, “Try the chowder.”

Josie took a sip of it and nodded in surprise. “It tastes good.”

It tasted surprisingly good.

Maybe there was a little pepper in it, so it warmed her stomach.

Samuel smiled and said seriously. “I’ve got to have some skills if I want a girlfriend”

“Ahem!” Josie coughed and almost choked herself

“Samuel…” Josie looked at Samuel in confusion. She couldn’t read him, “Stop it.”

“He likes me? It’s impossible,” she thought.

“I’ll give you time to think about it.” Samuel took a sip of soup quietly, not in a hurry to rush things.

“What’s your plan after returning from abroad?” Josie wanted to change the topic.

“Henry said I am nothing after leaving the Turner family. He’s right…” Samuel was a little down.

“You shouldn’t say that. Everyone has their own strengths.” Josie tried to comfort him.

“I’m not interested in the family company, Nina, Leila, and my father can run it. I plan to start my ownbusiness,” Samuel said as he looked at Josie. He continued, “It has something to do with my interests

and hobbies. I studied music and scriptwriting abroad and won some awards with my work. Now thatI’ve returned, I want to work with a few like–minded friends.

Josie nodded. She knew that Samuel was overqualified. He had his own band in college and was moreinclined to film and

In fact, she envied Samuel and all her peers. They seemed to have a bright future ahead of them interms of their careers and lives, whereas hers appeared to have reached its end.

Even if she were cured of her illness, she would still be weak. She didn’t know how many more yearsshe would have to live..

Looking at the soup in the bowl, Josie suddenly felt a little bored.

She also wanted to have a healthy body as well as a simple and ordinary life.

She didn’t care even if she would’ve had nothing, not even money.

“Do you want to help me?” Samuel asked in a low voice.

He respected Josie’s opinions.

“I don’t know anything. I’m afraid it will only make things worse.” Josie shook her head. It was not thatshe didn’t want to, but she didn’t dare.

She also wanted to work alongside a group of like–minded friends. When she was in DahonCorporation, her colleagues invited her to start a business together, but she refused because she didn’thave the

She didn’t know when she would leave the world. She didn’t want


to give anyone trouble,

Chapter 48

Till give you time to think about it? Samuel would never force Josie. He would always respect her ownchoices.

Putting a business card on the table, Samuel held his head and smiled, “We are short of talents, butyou can apply for the job independently. It has nothing to do with me. I won’t be partial to you.”

Josie smiled, and her pale face finally warmed up.

After dinner, the air conditioner was installed.

Samuel adjusted the temperature and left after ensuring that the bedroom was warm. “I’m going backto the hotel. Call me if you need anything.”

Walking out of the door, Samuel thought of something. He carried a bunch of flowers into the roomfrom outside and put them in the vase before leaving.

Josie sat quietly in the warm bedroom, looking at the flowers in the living room. Her gaze dartedaround.

In the past. she also thought that her life would be poetic.

She loved flowers very much, probably because of her mother, Kathy.

Back when her parents were together, no matter how poor they were, her father always insisted onsending her mother a bunch of freshly–cut flowers every week for more than ten years.

She thought Henry would do the same thing for her after their marriage, but Henry didn’t like flowersand wouldn’t allow them to be placed in a conspicuous spot in the living room.

Henry would say. Josie, I’m allergic to flowers. Don’t put flowers at home in the future.”

Or. Josie, don’t bring messy things to our home.”

With a bitter smile, Josie clenched her fingers together and kept rubbing them.

She had known Henry for ten years. She knew better than anyone what he liked, disliked, and hadallergies to.

He was not allergic to flowers. He just didn’t like her.

She remembered that on Ashley’s birthday last year, the media reported that Henry gave Ashley abunch of flowers.

After all, love was the source of all personal preferences.

The temperature in the room rose, and Josie felt much more comfortable at her waist.

She nestled in the blanket, feeling warm.

She took out her phone and checked the resume forms she had filled out. She had received interviewnotices for almost all of her applications.

Josie was confident in her ability and education level. At least many enterprises had approached herover the years while she worked at Dahon Corporation.

Josie sighed and adjusted her mindset. She thought, “Forget about Henry and Ashley. Let’s live a goodlife.”novelbin


At about six o’clock, Josie received another call from Lydia, who worked in Dahon Corporation’sHuman Resource Department.

Jo, are you free? I’ll treat you to dinner. Please come.

“Lydia, I’m not feeling very well. I’m sorry…” Josie refused.


13.10 Wed, 8 May

Chapter 48

“Jo, do me a favor. Please beg Mr. Gibson. Dahon Corporation really didn’t mean to fire you. Mr.Gibson is angry with Dahon Corporation now. If Dahon Corporation falls, all of us will lose our jobs.”

Josie froze for a moment and took a deep breath. “What’s going on?”

“You know that Dahon Corporation relies on Gibson Corporation, but this afternoon, Mr. Gibsonsuddenly stopped all cooperation with Dahon Corporation and even rejected Ashley’s endorsement.”

Josie was silent for a long time and suddenly felt her heart palpitating.

She knew Henry was forcing her into a corner..

He needed her obedient.

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