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Chapter 236

Chapter 236 “Convergent Group wants to cooperate with me. They schemed against you and Turner Corporationtogether with Gabriel Not only did Gabriel take away the project funds, but he also took with him someof the trade secrets of the project.” Leonardo sat next to Nina and continued, “Why don’t you marry me? We’ll have a marriage ofconvenience. Ell help the Turner family and get all the project funds back for you. I can also makeGabriel return to kneel and beg you.”“ Nina froze for a moment in her seat and looked sideways at Leonardo, shocked, as if he was crazy. “Mr. Langford, you should quickly go back to wash up and sleep Let me be alone for a while.” Leonardo frowned, and his face darkened instantly. “Is Nina rejecting me?” he wondered. “I’ll give you one night to think about it. You know how many benefits you can get through marryingme.”To put it bluntly. Nina and Gabriel married as a marriage of convenience. Although Gabriel was a scu*,he was a top student who studied business management in Muprary, and it was a win-win situation forthem both. There was no love involved in such a marriage. However, Gabriel cheated on her, so she was angry at him. But if her marriage partner was Leonardo, although it wouldn’t matter for the Langford family, it wouldbe an unprecedented turn for the better for Turner Corporation. “What benefits will you get? Will you sacrifice your marriage just to gain some returns from theproject?” Nina sneered. “Obviously, Leonardo deliberately came to disgust me again. I’m curious when I have offendedLeonardo. Although. Sloummont and Hofcaster aren’t far from each other, I rarely visited Sloummont,so it’s unlikely I offended someone unknowingly. Is there a long-standing family feud between theTurner family and the Langford family? I will need to go back and ask Dad and Grandpa Lewis,” shenovelbin

mused. “Coincidentally, my grandpa is in poor health, so he’s urging me to marry. I’m also in a hurry to getmarried, so I’d rather marry a rational woman who I don’t love than someone else.” Leonardo’s words made Nina lower her guard. “You don’t know me well. Why did you choose me?” Nina asked, looking at Leonardo intently. “At the dinner table today, Gabriel said lots of bad things about you, such as you’re uninterested in sexand are unromantic. After marriage, you two lived separately, and you don’t let him touch you.” “That as*hole.” Nina was about to explode in anger. Rationality and manners were worthless when facing a sc*mbag Leonardo’s face darkened when he saw Nina’s hands trembling in her anger. “Those shortcomings he spoke about are things I desire. We can get married first and respect eachother’s private life. Of course. I won’t cheat on you while we’re married. If we still have no feelings foreach other after three years of marriage, the marriage ends automatically. Neither you nor I will faceany loss To put duntly, they could use each other and help each other through a marriage of convenience.

Nina didn’t say anything as she was still pondering a question. 11:08 Sat, May 18 7 M. Chapter 236 “If you think that sounds good, I’ll go to Turner Corporation in person tomorrow, and we can talk about itin detail. Leonardo continued, seizing the opportunity. However, Nina ignored Leonardo and turned to leave. A little worried, Leonardo frowned and uttered, “Follow her secretly. Call me if anything happens.” Frederick immediately followed Nina. After leaving the hotel, Nina video-called Leila and Mandy at the same time. “Find out where Gabriel, that jerk, is.”“No need to check. He must be in Caligo Club. I’ve been keeping an eye on him these days.” Leila was

still applying a face mask. “Go with me to Caligo Club to find him. I swear I will hit him until he kneels and begs me!” Ninasneered. Having just come home from walking at a fashion show, Mandy was wearing smoky makeup. “See youat Caligo Club,” After hanging up the video, Nina narrowed her eyes. “Gabriel Barnes!” she fumed internally, Meanwhile, at Santalum Alley, Samuel held Josie’s hand and took her to find Lewis. Only when theyarrived did they realize Lewis had gone home. “This is Grandpa Lewis and Grandpa John’s childhood memory Samuel declared, pointing to theparasol tree along Santalum Alley. “When I was a child, the parasol tree flowers would be scattered allover the ground. Its bud was incredibly sweet, and we kids all knew how to eat it. Have you ever eatenit? “The elderly woman next door said that one will become stupid if they ate the nectar of parasol treeflowers and won’t be able to find a wife,” Josie declared with a giggle, evidently deliberately teasingSamuel. Samuel glanced at Josie before pulling her into the corner with a smile. Then, he pressed her againstthe corner of the wall and kissed her. Josie forgot to breathe, and her ears were burning hot. To Samuel, Josie’s lips were sweeter than the nectar of the parasel tree flowers. “Jo, Madelyn is right. You’ve become naughty,” Samuel muttered hugging Josie and refusing to let go.. ms were still“Don’t act like a pervert,” Josie chided, although she didn’t resist his advances. Her arms were neck,yet she was accusing him of behaving like a pervert. Samuel released her resignedly. “Who is a pervert?” Josie’s smile widened.

Ever since her treatment ended, Josie’s personality changed a lot She was no longer as quiet as before and was slowly becoming more and more cheerful. Perhaps, being out in the sun also influenced and invigorated her. hanging around Samuel’s “Let’s go home. Let’s not make Grandpa Lewis wait too long.” Joe lowered her head and tugged on thecorner of Samuel’s 11:08 Sat, May 18 7 M. Chapter 236 Π After walking for a while, Josie spoke again. “Regarding Matilda. She did go to Clusia Media Group tosubmit her resume. and it’s in my hands.” “She’s not okay. She has no morals and is too ambitious. If you keep her, she’ll cause you trouble.”Samuel immediately disagreed in Josie’s stead. This immediately put an end to Josie’s dilemma. Josie thought Samuel would ask her to lower her standards and hire Matilda as the two families wereclose. “I agree,” Josie replied, smiling at Samuel. Samuel squeezed Josie’s hand dotingly. “In the future, no matter what you want to do, you don’t haveto care about the consequences. If you can’t solve it, there’s still me. If I can’t solve it, there’s still ourfamily.” Warmth flooded Josie. Then they began to go back as her hand in Samuel’s. “Samuel, I will try my best to make you life.” love men “I’m already too deeply in love with you.” Samuel sighed and mused. I’m afraid I won’t ever fall in lovewith anyone else again in this life.” Josie swung her arms happily and quickly strode off, pulling Samuel along.Samuel stared at Josie meaningfully.

He finally saw a trace of Josie from fifteen years ago in her. Those were Josie’s happiest days. She was bright and cheerful. Salvation sometimes worked both ways. He loved Josie and was willing to take care of her, protect her, and prevent her from all other sufferings. “Hello, Grandpa Lewis. I’m Tilda.” Matilda was well-versed in pleasing Lewis, not to mention she wasbeautiful. Smiling, Lewis nodded, “I had seen you when you were a child. You grew up so fast.” “Grandpa Lewis, Samuel seems to have gone to look for you.” Matilda tried to leave Lewis a goodimpression. “Yes, I called him and asked him to come back with Jo,” Lewis replied with a nod of pleasure. “Grandpa Lewis, about Josie… Do you know that she and Mr. Gibson of Gibson Corporation have notdivorced yet?” Matilda asked in a low voice as if worried that Samuel would get fooled. Lewis froze for a moment and said nothing. Matilda thought Lewis didn’t know. “Grandpa Lewis, will Samuel get cheated?” Thinking she was simply curious, Lewis answered with a laugh, “Who can fool him? Jo and Henry havealready divorced.” Matilda’s chest tightened. “They divorced?” she wondered. In truth, the didn’t care much about this matter. She only cared how long it would take for Samuel to betired of Josie 11:08 Sat, May 18 M Chapter 236 41 Everyone had a time they would get tired of something. No matter how much they liked a piece ofclothing, there would be a day when they would be tired of wearing it. SEND GIFT COMMENT 11:08 Sat, May 18 M

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