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Chapter 117

Chapter 117 “Mr. Gibson, I believe you need a relationship consultant, Cecilia whispered beside Henry. Then,patting her chest confidently, she continued, “It’s not your fault. You used to be busy with work, so youdon’t know how to date someone. Let me help you, okay?” Cecilia’s eyes were misty. First and foremost, she was Henry’s assistant. Even if she thought Samuelsuited Josie, she had to help Henry. After all, Henry was her boss. Henry stared fixedly at his assistant. Cecilia shut up in fear. “Is Henry angry?” she wondered. “What… What should I do?” But unexpectedly, Henry was really nervous. He really didn’t know how to date someone, and he didn’t know what girls liked or what he should giveJosie. It was Cecilia who taught him what gifts to buy for birthdays and his wedding anniversary. “First of all, we should reflect on ourselves and accept reality” Cecilia spoke with a firm conviction. “Mr.Gibson, you can’t always think that you are right. You, too, have made mistakes. You have to admit it,”she added. Henry frowned and looked around. “Should I move to live with her?” “Well… Mr. Gibson, I’m going to say something, but you can’t get mad at me.” Cecilia didn’t want tohurt Henry, but now she had to make him feel a sense of crisis. “Ms. Yates had already moved in withMr. Turner. Instantly, Henry couldn’t control his anger and coughed violently until his wound hurt. He would have rushed over and dragged Josie home if he was not injured. “Mr. Gibson! Calm down. Love is like sand. The tighter you grip it, the faster it escapes. Please think,Mr. Gibson, what is your only advantage over Mr. Turner? But let’s go to the hospital first. I’ll analyze itfor you along the way! Cecilia lied as she coaxed him. She had been with Henry for almost four years, so she knew Henry’s temper very well.

Henry’s shirt was already stained red with blood when the doctor ran to him in a panic. The sight of it shocked the doctor so much that he cursed. Henry glanced at Cecilia and seemed to obsess over her question. Even when they all got into the ambulance, Henry kept asking Cecilia, “Where… have I lost out to him?I mean Samuel… “I want to know what charm Samuel has that made Josie give up on me when she had clung to me forthree years, he thought “Mr. Gibson, do you really want to know? You sure?” Cecilia was a little embarrassed. “Say it. I’ll deduct your salary if you don’t.” Henry’s eyes darkened. “All right” Cecilia nodded. “Look, Mr. Turner looks even better than top models. Moreover, he smilessweetly.” novelbin

Cecilia had a dreamy look in her eyes as she continued, “Also, the Turner family is one of the topfamilies in Hofcaster. Most 1/4 Chapter 117 importantly, he is kind to Ms. Yates! When I picked you up from Mr. Turner’s house, he looked exactlylike the perfect man a woman dreams of” Henry frowned and looked at Cecilia, his expression getting darker and darker. After a long silence. Henry gritted his teeth. “So, you’re saying I’m worse than him?” Cecilia shuddered with fear. “That’s not true. You’re comparable to him in terms of appearance andfamily background, bur what woman could tolerate her husband caring too much about anotherwoman? Because of Ms. Long, you broke Ms. Yates’ heart.” Henry lowered his head and said nothing. He had to admit to himself that what Cecilia said was true. Cecilia continued, “But you also have an advantage, Mr. Gibson. You and Ms. Yates have a past

relationship. You will. definitely touch Ms. Yates heart if you are determined to change.” Cecilia made a gesture as if to say she was rooting for him. Henry lowered his head. Then….could you help me check her itinerary?” “Okay! But Mr. Gibson, before that, you should recover first. After all, you need the energy to win herback, Cecilia cajoled him. Henry frowned. “Got it.” Back on the filming set at Capston Hill, Josie had been distracted during the whole journey as shelooked out of the car window, her mind in a mess.Josie, what’s on your mind?” Sebastian snapped his fingers. Josie came to her senses and shook her head. She had forgotten to take anything when she went back to the house. After the episode with Henry, she had forgotten everything Sebastian smiled. “Well, you shouldn’t think of anyone else but my cousin Samuel.” At that, Josie subconsciously thought of Samuel, and a hint of a smile appeared on her face. “He treatsyou as his cousin, but you treat him as your own brother?” “What are you two talking about?” Speaking of the devil, the man in question, Samuel, got out ofanother car and slipped. into Sebastian’s car. “Why… Why are you here?” Josie was a little shocked. “Our studio has collaborations with Clusia Media Group. This time, the project is a period piece film, butit is also a huge production. Therefore, there are a lot of business partners as well, Samuel explainedcasually. Sebastian rolled his eyes. Samuel would do everything he could to pursue his wife-to-be. “Do you need me to help you with the bags? I’ll get it for you. Samuel took the initiative to help Josiewith anything she needed to carry. “Oh… I just forgot to take it.” Josie looked at her empty hands awkwardly. She had even forgotten tobring a change of clothing

12:51 Thu, 9 May ti. Chapter 117 “Jo!” Before Samuel could say anything more, he saw Rebecca rushing over. Rebecca said, “I was looking for you. The company agreed to poach you.” Instantly, Josie was in amuch better mood. Rebecca held Josie’s head and her. “You are really my lucky star.” “Hey, hey, back off! She’s mine!” Samuel frowned and went in front of Josie in a highly unapproachablemanner, protecting her. “Wow, does the boyfriend have to accompany his girlfriend when she works?” Only then did Rebeccasee Samuel. Josie covered her mouth and giggled. She couldn’t believe Rebecca had ignored Samuel, a man sohandsome that people who passed by would think he was an artist from some entertainment company. Samuel raised his eyebrows but was satisfied with how Rebecca called Josie his girlfriend. “Well, it’sdifficult to find a girlfriend now. Of course, I have to keep an eye on her all the time.* Once Rebecca saw Sebastian getting out of the car, she rushed over quickly as if she were a fly thathad smelt meat. “Sebbie, poor you. Is it awkward to be stuck between these lovebirds? Let me go withyou.” Sebastian was frightened by Rebecca’s sudden advances and looked at Samuel for help.. “He’s still young. Don’t scare him.” Samuel was helpless. Rebecca had always been this passionate, even when she was in school. “Young? You can’t say someone’s young to their face, right, Sebbie? Rebecca held Sebastian’s armand refused to let go. Sebastian blushed a deep shade of red. “What is this woman?” he thought in shock. Josie tried to hold back her laughter until she coughed. Instantly, Samuel handed her a bottle of water. Seeing that Rebecca bullying Sebastian could make Josie happy, Samuel had no choice but tosacrifice Sebastian. After all, he was Samuel’s cousin.

Josie took the bottled water and found that Samuel had already opened the cap for her. “There was no way… Henry could ever be this conscientious,” she thought. Josie.” Josie had only taken a few steps before she heard someone calling her. She looked up and saw Hazel and Ashley. Ashley held Hazel’s arm affectionately as she smiled shyly. They looked like mother and daughter. “No… They looked like a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law, Josie corrected herself in her head. Josie’s fingers went numb, but she asked Samuel and the others to leave before smiling politely atHazel. “Ms. Locke, you’re here early, too Celebrities like Hazel were not subjected to regular treatment like the film crew. “Ashley is a newcomer, after all. She needs guidance, so I’m taking her with me: Hazel smiled faintly. “Itwas a pity we couldn’t have dinner together that day! I was so worried when I heard that you two fellinto the water, though,” she continued, “Thank you your concern…” Josie lowered her head 3/4 12:51 Thu, 9 May Mti Chapter 117 56% + “Jo. Ashley will join our family in the future, and you two should also look out for each other. Well, youtwo are in the same circle, and you’ll meet each other often. One more thing, you’re older than Ashley,right?” Hazel asked. Josie’s fingers gripped the bottle so hard that it became deformed. She took a deep breath and replied,“I’m younger than her “Ah, then Ashley is older? Okay. That reminds me, if you enter our family, you have to bemagnanimous.” Hazel patted Ashley’s hand with a smile as if she didn’t know Josie’s age.

“Help Jo more in the future.” she added. Ashley nodded obediently. “I will.” Josie’s eyes turned a little red, and she took a deep breath. “Ms. Locke, I’m sorry, but I don’t need anysisters. The Gibson family… has no intention of adopting another girl.” Hazel’s smile instantly froze. “Is Josie reminding me that Henry is the adoptee while she is the trueheiress of the Gibson family?” she thought.

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