Ex-husband, Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 14:Just Because She was Short of Money
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Chapter 14:Just Because She was Short of Money

Cathy Lawson was very helpless.

When she got married, Tyrone was extremely unwilling to marry her and set a lot of additionalconditions.When she wanted divorce him, he did not like it, which confused her.

The next morning, Cathy Lawson went to the bank to withdraw her money.

Two bags fulled of $2.5 million in cash, a little heavy, she carried them to the lawyer's office directly.

" Here are $2.5 million, it should be enough,please help my father."

"That's enough. Just make up the stolen money. I'll try my best to defend your father."The lawyerchecked it out,relieved obviously .

"Thank you."Cathy Lawson did not know what to say, just said “thank you” again and again .

She really should thank her father for knowing such a good lawyer and taking on such a case, or shewould struggle with finding a lawyer.

"Manager Lawson,Mr. Bruno asked you to his office."

Cathy Lawson just came back from the lawyer company and answered a phone from President Office .She had to put down things, rushed to the office. It was about a cooperation case.

Their company and LT Company had a deal. They agreed to negotiate next Wednesday, but the personin charge of the negotiations was found ectopic pregnancy.She was lying in the hospital, so the bosswanted Cathy Lawson to replace her to negotiate.

"Are you sure?Mr. Bruno, please don't joke!I'm just a data guy" Cathy Lawson said,"I don't even knownegotiation." novelbin

"Take it easy. I'll send someone with you. You just need to follow the contract."Mr. Bruno smiled andsaid, "I have no choice. Your talents are the best in the company."

Before she could speak, he made an offer. "if you go to the negotiation, I can ask the treasurer to giveyou an additional $20,000 as payment, and I will reimburse you for all your expenses."

He made a bargain with money. Well.

Just because she was short of money.

Twenty thousand dollars was enough to support her and her mother for three months.

“OK, I promise. Remember to book my flight.”She took the contract from him and nodded that sheagreed.Maybe it was not that hard to negotiate, but luckily she had heard some professional knowledgewhen she was a French translator.

After returning to the office, she turned on the computer to search the information of LT Companyhabitually.

Four years ago, LT Company grew up in New York. It took four years to go public and to buy theWealth Center. Nowadays,the company was worth hundreds of millions of dollars .

She can’t help being surprised.

It was not easy to become a public company in just four years.Unless the boss of the company has astrong family.

She was about to check up on the company boss when the phone on her desk rang. She answered thephone.

“Matt?I just happened to be looking for you. I'd like to treat you and Milla to dinner tonight.”

“What a great coincidence! What time do you get off work? Do you need me to pick you up?” MattSpenser laughed.

"Half-past five."

After sending out the information, looking at the empty computer interface, she muttered, "What did Ijust want to do? Old, memory degenerates!"

She can't remember what she is going to do and started to do something else.

After work, Matt Spenser picked her up and took her to the restaurant for dinner.

While eating, Cathy Lawson found that Mila had been playing with her mobile phone for a longtime.She seldom talked with her father. Cathy Lawson asked with curiosity , "why doesn't she speak?"

He touched Mila’s head and said bitterly, "she has autism."

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