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Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Olivia stared at the pale moon in the sky, which was an apt reflection of her miserable and meaningless


She no longer wished to be involved with Ethan and sought death. In death, there would be no love or

hate. Perhaps, he might give up obsessing over her if she were dead.

To her surprise, Ethan jumped and grabbed her wrist when she plunged from the balcony.

Connor was disturbed by the scene and hurriedly hopped off the bed. He then jogged out of the room

to look for Brent.

Brent was smoking outside the room but put it out when he saw the kid stumbling toward him. He

crouched and patiently asked, “Hey, Connor. Why are you out here?”

Panicking, Connor explained, “Mama … Cry…” He attempted to communicate with gestures, but Brent

had no idea what he was trying to say.

Brent lifted Connor into his arms. “I’ll send you back to the room. It’s cold out here. You shouldn’t catch

a cold.”

Meanwhile, Ethan was holding onto Olivia’s hand. She looked at him emotionlessly. “Ethan, I thought

you hated me. You’ll get the revenge you wanted for your sister if I die.”

Half of his body was dangling out of the window in an attempt to hold onto her. The veins on his arms

were bulging, and his temples were throbbing. He grabbed her tighter and hissed, “Olivia, I’ll kill your

dad if you try to kill yourself!”

She flashed him a half–smile. “He’s in a coma anyway, and he might never wake up. Maybe death

would be a relief for him.”

“Who says he’s never waking up? I tracked down Leo. If he leads the surgery, your dad will have an

80% chance of waking up. You were in the medical field, and you must have heard about his


Finally, he caught a glimpse of change in her expression. He worked on coaxing her, “Sure, I hated you

and your dad. But now, your family’s done for, he’s in a coma, and we’re separated. I no longer resent


A falling piece of a snowflake was caught in her long lashes. It looked like the brittle wings of butterflies.

“Ethan, you have a new family, and I no longer want to be in this world. Please let me go. It’ll be good

for both of us.” She knew very well that Ethan’s ceasefire was only temporary.

She added, “We’ll never return to where we were. Never.”

He stared at her bloodied wrist with fear in his face. It was rare to see him in such a state.

She beamed. “Oh, looks like you’re scared of me dying. Would that make you remember me forever?”

“You cannot die without my permission. I’ll hold you tight, and you can get yourself up with my help.” He

wanted to pull her up when Brent burst into the room. Brent almost lost his mind at the terrifying scene

of Ethan dangerously hanging out of the


More importantly, Olivia seemed dead set on dying, which complicated the rescue efforts.

Brent quickly called the bodyguards on the ground to get them prepared. Then, he placed Commor on

the bed and joined the rescue. “Mrs. Miller, every hardship is only temporary. Just tell Mr. Miller what’s

going on, and I’m sure he will agree to help. Please don’t throw away your life. You’re still young with a

long road ahead of you.”

With Brent’s help, Ethan managed to straighten up as they dragged Olivia further up. However, she

was determined to meet

her fate.

Rather than getting entangled with Ethan, she chose death. “Brent, it’s the end of the road for me.”

Without warning, she let go of one of her hands, and they went back to square one.

“Mrs. Miller!”

Ethan was bent over the window but did not let go. He held onto her hand, which was his only hope at

the moment. He truly panicked.


Chapter 73


Even after multiple near–death experiences, he had never felt fear like this. He finally understood how

much she meant to him.

“Liv, if you die today, I will bankrupt the Rogers Family. You know I am a man of my word.”

“Ethan, even when we’re staring at death, you are still a self–centered jackass.” She flashed him a

wide smile. “You cannot threaten a person who wants to die. Nothing concerns me once I’m dead.”

“Why must you choose death? If you had wanted to kill yourself, you wouldn’t have waited until today.

You would have done it a year ago or even at that time when your family went bankrupt. Liv, since

when have you become so hopeless?”

Ethan could not read her. In the past, she would fight her way through any challenges and never back

down. Why did she see no way out except for death now?

She had survived the darkest period of her life. With the wealth from the divorce settlement, she could

have lived a carefree life doing whatever she wanted.

“I can give you whatever you want.” He finally gave in.

“Ethan, did you think that I’d forgive you just because you coaxed me after how badly you hurt me?

How can you go about with your life, pretending that nothing has ever happened? Do you always think

you can control everything?”

She added, “Let me be frank with you–you were never in control. It was Marina who pushed me into

the water a year ago. She wanted to know who you’d save if we both fell into the water. I would never

gamble with my child’s life! Sure, I can swim, but have you thought that I was pregnant? Or that I was

suffering from cramps? My legs were tangled in fishing nets, and I almost died with the baby that day!”

She raged. “When I was tied up in the bathroom, I begged you to save me, just like the day I was

pushed into the water. But you still thought that I would be fine. Ethan, I’m fed up with your arrogance,novelbin

your volatile temper, and your contradictory nature! You cannot control my life, and you won’t have

control over my death.”

Then, she swung her body hard, and her fingers slid from his palm.

“No, Liv!”

“It’d be great if I hadn’t met you back then. You didn’t know that you were a huge part of my youth. You

were on my mind for many years just because you glanced at me once. But, it’s time to put an end to it


She forced a smile. “Ethan, if reincarnation is a thing, I hope I won’t come across you ever.”

With that, she freed her hand from his grasp.

“Goodbye, my youthful days. Ethan, let’s never meet again,” she

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