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Chapter 1171

News of the assassination attempt on Mason was suppressed. No one except those on the scenenovelbin

when it happened knew about it.

An attempt on his life happened as soon as he appeared in public. So, Mason wouldn't be appearing in

public anytime soon. He would even be working in the Heath Residence.

Krystal clung to Mason. "Dad, I'm so scared. Someone tried to kill you twice."

"Don't worry. I'm fine."

It was rare for Krystal to be so well-behaved. Mason reached out and patted her on the head.

"You've really been spoiled rotten all these days. You're an adult now. You should learn to be more like

your brother."

"To become as emotionless and dense as him?"

Mason sighed. "You little brat. I mean you should learn to be more mature and sensible. Or else

someone would take advantage of you."

Simply put, Krystal was very dumb. Even if she weren't spoiled, she wouldn't really become a capable


If someone were to take advantage of her, things would be different.

The three-month deadline wasn't a great plan, but he didn't have a choice under those circumstances.

Krystal had to stand her ground these coming months to prevent herself from being corrupted by Yale.

But it was clear that Krystal didn't listen to a single word he said.

"Dad, I know that. By the way, Vanessa saved your life twice. I would like to host a banquet to thank


"I thought you hated her?"

"These are two different things. She saved you. It's only natural for me to show her some gratitude. We

should invite Ethan, too, to show our appreciation for him."

"Sure. Since you are so thoughtful for once, I'll be content if you can get along with her in the future. I'll

leave the preparations to you."

For a moment, Mason felt like his daughter had matured. She wasn't as obstinate as she used to be.

Krystal invited the Kingstons, Ethan, and some others.

When Olivia caught wind of the banquet, her first reaction was that Krystal was up to something.

The last time she hosted a banquet, she drugged Olivia and Ethan. She couldn't possibly pull the same

trick again, right?

Olivia couldn't possibly believe that Krystal actually wanted to thank her. People never change. Krystal

hated her. She was sure to try something during the banquet.

Olivia had a feeling that Krystal was plotting something against her. But if she didn't attend, she would

seem suspicious.

After giving it some thought, Olivia figured she just had to watch what she ate. Krystal wouldn't actually

poison her, right?

Besides, she was already immune to most poisons.

So, after thinking about it, she decided to attend.

This banquet was a smaller one. Around 20 people would be attending. There were almost no

outsiders. Most of them were people from the Benson and Kingston families.

Ethan's parents weren't in the country, so Ethan was the only person from the Miller family to attend.

When they noticed that Yale would also be coming, Olivia knew something was wrong.

And what goal would the two of them share?

"Vanessa, this is a toast in your honor. I apologize for being rude to you in the past. I also thank you for

saving my father." Content belongs to Draмa?ovеls.cом

Olivia raised her glass. "You're too kind, Ms. Heath."

"Other than showing my gratitude, I have something I wanted to ask you about."

There it was!

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