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Chapter 730

Chapter 730

When they were halfway through, Olivia tried to break free while Ethan wasn’t paying attention.

But the effects of the medicine made her dizzy and nauseous. She felt like the strength in her body had

been sapped away.

Ethan quickly helped her back into the bed. “Stop moving around, Liv.”

Olivia didn’t have the strength to move even if she wanted to. As soon as she tried, her head wouldspin.

She could only close her eyes to ease the discomfort.

Chemotherapy took much longer compared to the usual intravenous injections. It wasn’t until nightfall

that the last bag was approaching its end.

Ethan was with her the whole time. He was also uneasy. He was afraid that she would collapse beforethe

medicine was fully administered.

But although she was weak, Olivia had pulled through.

She didn’t dare to move in the slightest as she felt the familiar sensation. She couldn’t even open hereyes

because she was so dizzy.

Ethan asked Keith, “Did the same thing happen when she went through chemotherapy for the firsttime?”

Keith replied, “Yeah. She is one of the stronger ones. A lot of patients didn’t even last until the

chemotherapy was over. At least she pulled through. The side effects are the most severe during thefirst three days. They will start to get better after three days.

“A cycle lasts 21 days. The next treatment will have to be scheduled at least 21 days later. Of course,the decision to proceed depends on the effectiveness of this treatment and her overall physicalcondition.”

Ethan was guilt-ridden as he looked at Olivia. She was lying in bed and was trying her best to remainstill.

Keith explained, “The side effects are less serious today. She’ll start to feel worse tomorrow.Remember to get her to drink more water for detoxification. Also, she’ll need to have a diet thatreplenishes protein. After the chemotherapy, various indicators in her body, such as white blood cellsand red blood cells, will rapidly decrease.novelbin

“At this time, she may feel nauseous and reluctant to eat. You must persuade her to eat and keep aclose eye on all indicators. Take immediate action if any of them fall below normal values.”

Ethan listened carefully and took Keith’s words to heart.

After Keith finished talking, Ethan suddenly said, “Thanks. And … sorry for what happened before.”

Keith was stunned. “It’s such a rare occasion, hearing you say those words. I’ve put it all behind me. Ihave

to thank you, actually. I wouldn’t have met the woman I love otherwise.

“My relationship with Olivia is purely platonic now. She’s had a hard life, so I felt the urge to take care ofher. Besides, I learned a lot in the two years I was abroad. In the end, it wasn’t really a badexperience.”

Ethan said, “Liv’s emotionally unstable now. Please provide her with more encouragement andsupport.”

Keith shook his head in resignation. “Mr. Miller, you’re the only person that can change her mind.You’re the source of her trauma, after all. Let her sleep while she can. In the next three days, she won’tbe able to sleep even if she wanted to.

“But luckily, the toxins from the chemotherapy two years ago are already out of her system. The sideeffects of chemotherapy will get worse after every session. Every inch of her body will hurt when itcomes to the fifth or sixth session.

“The pain is almost unbearable. But it would be a good sign if Olivia could last until then. Her conditionis so bad now, I fear that …” Keith trailed off.

“The day you fear will never come.” Ethan quickly cut him off.

Keith read the room and stopped talking. “I’ll be going. Call me if anything happens.”

Ethan then went back to the room.

Olivia was already asleep. She was visibly weakened, but she was still able to fall asleep that night.

The next morning, when she tried to get up and go to the toilet, Olivia felt light-headed and weak. Then,she fell over abruptly.


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