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Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Olivia knew Ethan was deeply affected by his sister’s death. His mental health became more unstablein the past two years. Al that moment, he thought about killing her and sending himself off to see hissister tool

Everly wasn’t here yet. Just then, a bright light shone from a distance before a car came to a halt notfar from her.

Ethan must have been smart enough to figure out that she hadn’t left yet and turned back. The momentthe car door opened, the man anxiously got down from the car and looked around. He was searchingfor something.

Soon, he walked in Olivia’s direction. Olivia stood there blankdy before she cowered. Her whole bodyremained completely still Only her fingers moved to grab the corners of her clothes tightly.

Olivia was so scared as she heard his footsteps closing in on her. She held her breath and closed hereyes.

She didn’t know what Ethan would do when he found her. Would she lose her life and join Lela?

The love of her life was now a completely different person. It was her first time feeling fear. Her heartwas beating wildly with every step he took.

She was scared, absolutely terrified!

The man’s leather shoes made a crunching sound as he walked on a pile of snow. The sound drewcloser as if the call of death was getting nearer with each passing second.

Olivia’s face was drained of color. Then, Ethan stopped in his tracks right before a hundred–year–oldtree. It was the only thing separating her from him.

A few seconds later, she only heard the rustling sounds of him leaving. Olivia finally relaxed–he didn’tsee her.

However, she soon realized that she had left a trail of blood on her way here. It would stand out soclearly against the white snow. How could he not have seen her?

Olivia was unsure of what he was thinking when he stopped for a few seconds. However, it wasobvious; he was letting her go.

Olivia slowly peeped her head out. She watched as the man’s silhouette left under the moonlight. Shecouldn’t see the look on his face, but she could tell the air around him was heavy.

Perhaps it was his silent way of saying goodbye.

Everly came to pick her up. She was mortified by the sight of Olivia being out in the cold and the bloodon her. She screamed, Did Ethan do this? I’m gonna give him a piece of my mind! He thinks he’s allthat because he’s rich, huh? Infidelity and abuse. I’m going to call the media and have his sinssplashed all over the news!”


Olivia laughed wryly. She quickly stopped Everly from smashing Ethan’s car and saving her frompaying the insurance for it.

“Please send me to the hospital. This has nothing to do with him. He doesn’t know that I’m sick.”

“Sick? What do you have?” Everly asked.

“It’s a long story. I’ll slowly explain when we have time.”

It was the wee hours of the morning when Everly quickly sent her to the hospital to attend to her woundand came back.

When they went back to Olivia’s apartment, Everly sat opposite her and pulled a straight face. “Tell me.What have you been hiding from me? How did your arm get hurt?”

“Eve, please be mentally prepared for what I’m about to say.”

Everly lit a cigarette in her hand and put on a coy look. “What? Are you underestimating me? Whathave I not seen? Just tell me. It’ll start raining cows if I’m fazed by it.”

“I’m dying.”

Everly froze as she was smoking. Then, she heard Olivia continue, “I have stomach cancer.”

Chapter 45novelbin


Everly could not believe her ears and was dazed for a few seconds until she started choking. Whenshe regained her senses, she frantically put her cigarette out. She continued coughing as tears beganto form in the corners of her eyes.

She looked helpless from all the crying and choking. While trying to snuff her cigarette in the ashtray,her arm accidentally bumped into the cup next to It. It spilled water all over the table.

She quickly took a piece of tissue and haphazardly wiped the spilled water. However, with howaggressive she was, she managed to knock most of the things off the table.

An unscrewed bottle of medication for stomach cancer fell over on the table. A few capsules rolled ontothe floor. The white bottle cap spun a few times before it landed on the ground.

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