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Chapter 1495

Chapter 1495

Olivia and the children returned to the initial island. 1

After so many years of development, the island was quite different now.

There was a colorful road by the sea that ran around the whole island. The cherry tree in front of

Martha's house back then was still there.

Now, the cherry blossoms were blooming splendidly.

Olivia stood under the huge cherry tree, listening as the wind chimes hanging on the tree rang

melodiously in the sea breeze.

When the lights on the cherry tree were turned on, Olivia looked majestic as she stood among the

petals of the cherry blossoms drifting downward.

Even women who had never given birth before might look dull in comparison, let alone women who had

four children.

Willow sat in the cherry tree, the bells on her feet chiming.

Under the tree, the twins were messing around. Connor touched the cherry tree, feeling amazed.

He didn't remember much of his childhood, but he had a deep impression of this cherry tree.

Back then, he was still following Olivia everywhere in his diapers.

Martha had passed away two years ago, but Olivia's room was still preserved as is.

Most of the islanders didn't leave the place. They were glad to see Olivia, and they said that she had

made their lives much easier.

Now, there was clean water and electricity on the island, and the islanders could even access thenovelbin


They could learn about the world without stepping outside of their homes. They weren't as isolated as

they used to be.

Bringing the children with them, Olivia and Ethan stayed on the island for a week until a number

flashed on Olivia's phone screen.

Olivia stopped playing with the children. With a stern look on her face, she stepped aside to answer the

call. "Mr. Avery."

Avery's cough sounded over the phone. Olivia was a little worried about his health. "Are you okay?"

"I’m alright. I'm sorry for disturbing you during your holiday. Olivia, do you remember the younger

brother I mentioned who had his legs broken?"

"Mr. Sean?"

"Yes. Because of his legs, he had been in a bad mood for the past few years. He was diagnosed with

depression, and he even had thoughts of ending his own life recently. Fortunately, the other family

members noticed it.

"He'll need to solve the problem at its roots, so Olivia, can you please take a look at Sean's legs?

"If you can cure his legs, he should be released from his mental illness, too. n

She had already promised Avery to do it, but the person who wanted to kill her was in Zelotria. If she

went over now, she would be walking right into mortal danger.

Many years ago, Avery had done her a favor so Olivia couldn't decline.

"Alright, but I have a request. I want to use my fake identity." 1

Avery knew about Olivia being targeted as well. "I understand. Don't worry, I'll make the arrangements."

After a discussion with Avery, Olivia decided to head to Zelotria the next day. After all, a human life was

at stake.

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"Liv, can I say no?" Ethan's gaze was filled with worry. He had also found some leads pointing to

Zalotria. The person who wanted to kill Olivia was there! How could he not be worried? 1


Ethan let out a deep sigh. "Liv, what do I do with you?"

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