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Chatper 1384

Linus was making a report back in the Heath Residence.

"Wayne and his men arrived at the airport at 3:00 pm."

"That's quite punctual of him. He comes to visit that grave this time of the year every year. But this time,

he also asked to visit me."

Linus frowned. "Is it because Olivia stole his ring?"

"He's the leader of a nation. He won't bring up something like that without concrete proof."

Mason squeezed a stress ball and said, "But just to be safe, tell Olivia to stay away. It's best if she

doesn't meet with him."

"Olivia didn't come back last night. She should be at her own home. I'll check."

Linus called Ethan. "Is Olivia with you?"

"She's at home."

"Ask her not to come to the Heath residence today. Wayne will be coming."


Ethan had been busy the entire day. He looked at the calendar.

He had forgotten something.

Olivia was still sleeping when he left in the morning.

She had been exhausted recently, so he didn't wake her. She said she would continue decorating the

house the day before.

Before he could call Olivia to confirm, he received a call. He had a bad feeling. It was a call from the


Something happened to Jack!

"What's wrong?"

"Bad news, Mr. Miller. Jack hijacked a military vehicle and ran through the gate. We didn't dare to shoot

at him because you told us not to hurt him."

Ethan rubbed his temples. Jack had just barely recovered.

He probably found out about Wayne visiting Leroy's grave and wanted to avenge Kurt.

Ethan would also love to end Wayne while he was in the country. But he came to Aldenvine with a

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How would Arlandia answer to Carathia if something happened to him?

So, Ethan couldn't do anything to Wayne, nor did he want to.

To him, the nation's interest was more important than avenging Kurt. But to Jack, nothing was more

important than family.

"Try your best to stop him without hurting him!"

Ethan could feel his head throbbing. He hung up and said to Brent, "Find out where Wayne is."

Brent looked at his watch. "He landed at 3:00 pm. It's 4:30 pm now. He should've arrived at thenovelbin


"Set up defensive perimeters around that location. Jack must be stopped!"


Ethan grabbed his jacket and called Olivia's phone. The call went through, but no one answered. Did

she leave her phone in the bedroom?

A gust blew by and ruffled Olivia's hair.

Wayne looked at her silently. She was a completely different person than when she was by his side.

The black fur coat made her look elegant and dignified.

The pearl earrings she wore glistened under the setting sun. That was her true appearance. It was the

polar opposite of the persona she created.

A hint of surprise flashed on Olivia's face, but she quickly suppressed it.

"Like I said, I'm not interested in the grudge between the guys."

Wayne took a good look at her. Then, he smiled.

"On the contrary, I'm quite... interested in you, Ms. Fordham."

He took a step forward while Olivia stepped back instinctively. But the grave was right behind her. She

had nowhere to go.

Wayne's men surrounded them. She was like a helpless lamb surrounded by a pack of wolves.

Wayne leaned in slightly. He whispered in her ear, "Or should I call you Septem? How have you been?"

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