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Chatper 1258

Chapter 1258

Olivia stood sternly as she lectured Wayne with an air of seriousness. Yet, deep down, she was plotting

to get closer to him.

She had not gotten into contact with any core information during these ten days. She knew she had to

take the initiative or time would be wasted.

"If you're worried about me, you can have someone watch over me," Olivia suggested.

Wayne responded with indifference, "There's nothing to worry about. If you wanted to kill me, aiming for

my vitals would do. Let's settle on that," he said.

He caught the smile on Olivia's lips. "So, you're eager to prepare medicine for me?" he asked.

"Of course. You're my patient. Healing you will mean you'll let me go sooner."

Wayne felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over him. He had thought Olivia seemed morenovelbin

enthusiastic. However, he realized she was actually anxious to leave.

"Is it because you miss your man?" Wayne probed after sensing her urgency.

Images of Ethan and their separation flashed through Olivia's mind. It hadn't been that long, but the

mention did stir feelings of longing.

"Yes, I miss him and our children,” she admitted.

As she spoke, a gentle smile played on Olivia's lips. Her eyes shimmered with a hint of shyness.

Wayne found her ordinary face extraordinarily vivid in that moment. It stirred an unexpected emotion

within him.

I'm curious, what's your man like?’ Wayne asked, his interest piqued.

Olivia played along, aiming to gain his trust. "He's tall, well-built, and handsome," she described.

Wayne scoffed. "He must be a pauper, then."

Olivia noticed Wayne's slight unease but didn't reveal her true feelings. She played along. "Yes, but

we're deeply in love and have four children." "Does his family have a throne to inherit? What era are we

in to have so many children?"

Wayne dismissed the notion with a sneer. His gaze inadvertently drifted to Olivia's slender waist.

Since their misunderstanding that day, Olivia had dressed more conservatively.

Today, she wore a sporty outfit. It was far from anything seductive. Wayne couldn't help but wonder

how a woman who had given birth to four children could maintain such firm skin.

"I love him and am willing to bear his children." Olivia laughed.

"That's why I call you foolish,” Wayne retorted.

"And you? Do you have someone you love?" Olivia redirected the conversation toward him.

"No one is worthy of my affection," Wayne answered coldly.

"Conceited much? I thought this ring was a token of love from your girlfriend," Olivia teased as she

reached out for the ring.

She felt like a fairy coveting a treasure and was almost drooling. Before she could touch the ring,

Wayne slapped her hand away sharply.

"Ouch! And you're saying it's not from your girlfriend? You treasure it so much, you won't even let

others take a closer look," Olivia complained.

Wayne's face darkened. "Have you forgotten my words? Look less, ask less, touch less. Otherwise,

you're dead."

Olivia touched her hand with a look of grievance on her face. 'I was merely curious about the unique

design of your ring. Did you really need to use so much force? Imagine if you incapacitated my hand,

who would help you with acupuncture then?' "I didn't even use much force," Wayne replied lightly.

She stretched her hand out to show him. The red mark on her fair skin was clearly visible and


"Women are such trouble," Wayne muttered under his breath.

Olivia wanted to argue further, but he was clearly not interested in talking about the ring.

Suddenly, Wayne mentioned, "In a few days, foreigners will arrive. Don't wander around like today to

avoid offending anyone."

During these days, Olivia hadn't just been idling in her room. She had gathered the current situation

from the maids.

Arlandia and Veutron had formed an alliance, leading to a ceasefire agreement. Hence, a multi-national

meeting was imminent.

Could one of the visitors be Ethan?

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