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Chapter 798

Chapter 798

Olivia opened her eyes and sat up abruptly.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she was suddenly jolted awake.She instinctively scanned hersurroundings.

There weren't any noises, and even the sea was calm.She didn't know what caused her to wake.It waslate.

Olivia opened the door and saw Logan, who was smoking at a distance.She had never seen Logansmoke before.

But he was leaning on the railing and smoking at that very moment.

The lighting in the corridor was dim.She could barely make out his face.

His body was also shrouded in darkness.Only his fingers holding the lit cigarette were visible.

His demeanor was completely different from his usual self.

He was like the new moon shrouded in the dark, exuding a sense of mystery.

As soon as he saw Olivia, he flicked the cigarette into the ocean.

He approached her and asked, "What's wrong, Ms.Fordham? Can't sleep?"

When he stepped into the light, he still had the harmless expression that he always wore.

Olivia thought she was seeing things.

"Why aren't you back in your room?"

Olivia was shocked.

Why was he still out here at this hour? Had he been doing this all along? Guarding her silently withouther knowing? "Yeah.I was afraid something would happen.I don't need that much sleep.I couldn't sleepeven if I went back to my room.Why did you come out, Ms.Fordham?"

"I came out for some air."

Olivia couldn't put her finger on what was wrong.She just felt uneasy for some reason.

"Don't worry, I've contacted the captain.They'll be back soon.Logan observed her expressioncarefully.He felt like there was something she wanted to say but was holding back.He wondered if shewas frightened by the gunshots earlier.

"Ms.Fordham, if you're afraid.I can stay with you in the room.You may feel more at ease if I'm with you.novelbin


Olivia agreed to his request and allowed him into her room.She lay on the bed while Logan sat on thefloor.

He was in her line of sight, but he stayed 10 feet away.

It made her feel safe.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, the captain, whose cheeks were flushed from drinking, was carryingtwo children in his arms as he staggered onboard.

"Poor kids.Why would there be parents so cruel as to abandon their children in such a deserted place?"Maurice, go check if anyone living in the area lost their children tomorrow."

"Yes, captain."

Tobias brought the children back to his room.

The little boy was very dirty, with some leaves sticking to him.His clothes were dusty, and he had a fewscrapes and scratches.

"Oh god, my poor child.This is so sad.Where are your parents?"

Both of the children didn't speak.

They only shook their heads.

Tobias figured that they were just too young and couldn't talk yet.

The young girl's nose was red, and she looked very adorable.

"Okay, don't be afraid, kids.I'll go get you some food."

Tobias brought them some food.

The children were initially on guard, but they were too hungry.So, they started to eat.

The little boy was like a hungry wolf.

He kept his eyes on Tobias and kept the girl behind him.

Tobias marveled at the sight.

The boy already knew he should protect his sister at such a young age.He took out a first-aid kit andwiped the boy's face with a warm towel.

"Does it hurt?"

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