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Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Olivia and Ethan couldn’t avoid reality forever. Hence, Ethan had decided to completely give up on her.

However, Olivia had also made her own decision. Olivia smiled gently at Erent and said, “I’m sorry,please tell Mr. Miller that I Tegret f.”

Brent couldn’t understand them. At first, Ethan was determined to divorce, then it was Olivia. Now thatEthan agreed, Olivia changed her mind again.

What game were they playing?

If it were Kelvin, he would have started complaining long ago, but Brent’s expression remainedunchanged. With business- like composure, he answered, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Miller. I can’t make the finaldecision. I hope that you will come with me.”

“I won’t make things difficult for you. Let’s go,” Olivia answered.

She had already anticipated that. Hence, she wrapped herself tightly in a scarf before following Brentout the door.

Whenever they were about to get divorced, unexpected incidents would occur. This time, however,things went surprisingly smoothly. Even the snowstorm from a few days ago had stopped, and it wasnow sunny.

After the snowstorm, the temperature remained low despite the bright sunshine. It melted theaccumulated snow on the treetops, causing it to drip down from the branches.

When Olivia arrived, Ethan was already waiting there. There was no one else in the hall but him. Hewas sitting cross–legged with his eyes half–closed. He looked exhausted and was rubbing his temples.

Ethan was weary, but sleep eluded him.

When Olivia drew closer to him, she detected the faint scent of alcohol on him.

wasn’t a drinker in the past, but now he always had to have alcohol at night.novelbin

inly, without any warning, two small hands landed on his temples, and with them came a familiarmassage technique the scent of hand cream.

Opening his eyes, he said, “You’re here.”

Olivia hummed back in response. Neither of them spoke further. It felt like time had turned back. In thepast, she always soothed him when he was weary.

After massaging him for a while, her hands were sore. Since she started chemotherapy, her health wasnot as good as it was before. As she couldn’t lift her hands any longer, she took a rest.

Ethan took out something from his briefcase and pushed it toward Olivia. “I have revised the divorceagreement. If you have any objections, please sign it.”

Olivia glanced at it. The divorce agreement she had drafted before only had one condition: she wantedten million dollars in compensation. The current divorce agreement, on the other hand, was much moreextensive. It amounted to a billion dollars, part of which was made up of villas, cars, and real estateproperties.

She chuckled lightly. “Mr. Miller, you’re really generous.”

Instead of looking at her, Ethan lowered his head to glance at his wristwatch. “It’s what you deserve.”

Olivia didn’t know what he had been thinking all night, but it was evident that he intended to completelyseparate himself from her. She couldn’t call him heartless as he was more sentimental than anyone

she had ever known.

She couldn’t claim that he was in love with her either as he had been ruthless to her.

Olivia held the pen and crossed out those clauses and conditions. “Thank you for your consideration,Mr. Miller. As I said, I only need the ten million dollars. You’ve given me five million dollars. What aboutthe remaining five million?”

Ethan frowned in dissatisfaction as he looked at her. “Olivia, don’t you know what’s good for you?”

However, Olivia smiled in return.


“I’m not used to a luxurious life. Although these past two years have been tiring, they’ve also been quitefulfilling. Besides, I didn’t bear you any children, so giving me only this much is not appropriate.”

Ethan was about to respond, but Olivia suddenly leaned over the table. She placed her hands on thetable and leaned closer to him “Ten million dollars, and I have one more condition.”

In the dark depths of his pupils, she could see the reflection of her gentle smile.

With a raised eyebrow, he asked, “What is it?”

Olivia’s lips formed a stunning smile as she sweetly requested, “Ethan, I want you to keep me companyfor three months.”

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