Even After Death

Chapter 871
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Chapter 871

Chapter 871

On the top floor of the Imperial Strait Building, a man was smashing the entire tea set before him.

His assistant stood before him and reported fearfully, “The estimated losses from this incident is at 18.7billion dollars.”

The cost of acquiring the cruise ship and its furnishings was over five billion dollars. The assets on theship, including weapons, medical equipment, goods, and antiques, were worth nearly 20 billion dollars.

“Other than the monetary losses, we also lost our customers.”

“Where’s Flora?”

“We didn’t find her body on the ship. She must’ve been taken. Many of your customers are asking forcompensation. The total amount is also in the billions. What should we do, Boss?”

The man was furious. “Ignore them.”

“But won’t we incur the wrath of the masses if we don’t compensate them?”

“Do you think they would board one of our ships again even if we paid them?”

The assistant fell silent for a bit before saying, “No, they won’t.”novelbin

“Most of the people who board the Cherno are a sanctimonious lot. Would they really come to us todemand compensation? The people demanding compensation are mostly gangsters.

“Those people get their money illegally. They won’t be satisfied even if we pay them. So, why shouldwe waste the money and effort on them? It’s not like they’d do business with us again.

The assistant closed the folder and said, “We’ve suffered heavy losses this time, Boss. What should wedo?”

The man looked at a photo of a woman before him and replied, “She’s the one who caused thisincident. We’ll end it with her.”

Olivia was wearing a thick down jacket as she walked with Alicia in the commercial district.

The winter in Aldenvine came early, as usual. It would snow half of the time during winter. Thesnowflakes danced in the sky. It looked pretty and romantic.

Alicia had a scarf wrapped around her neck, and she was wearing a hat. She reached out to catch a

“Mom, snow. Pretty.”

Olivia looked at her tenderly. The lights on the street were shining brightly. Alicia smiled as she walkedin the snow. Everything seemed perfect.

In the past few years, Olivia would be depressed whenever she thought about her child. But herdaughter had finally returned to her side. Alicia’s presence gave her hope for the future. Her life wasn’tgloomy anymore

Christmas songs were being played on the streets. Olivia was amazed by how quickly time passed.Another year had passed, and Christmas was just around the corner.

Olivia had booked a slot with the bank. Luckily, Ethan didn’t terminate her account after her fakeddeath.

All the money was still in her account.

The amount even increased significantly due to the interest generated in the past few years and herinvestments growing exponentially.

Olivia looked at the balance in her account. She could live the rest of her life comfortably withouthaving to work

She was prepared for Ethan to find her once she performed the large-sum transfer the next day. Shefigured that she might not even be able to leave the bank.

But she couldn’t care less. She wasn’t about to let Keith incur such a huge loss for her.

She had also called Everly in advance. Her fake death had devastated Everly.

“Mom.” Alicia tugged at Olivia’s hand.

Olivia looked at her lovingly and said, “Baby, we’ll meet Aunt Eve in a bit. She’s my best friend. Be sureto say hi when you see her, okay?”


What Olivia didn’t know was that Everly was standing on the roof of a 108-floor building. The snow wasswirling around her. There was a group of people behind her.

*Ms. Hilton, please calm down. Mr. Synder is on his way back. You can tell him your demands. He’lldefinitely give you what you want.”

Everly was wearing a very thin nightgown. There were tears streaming down her pale face.

“I want my baby! Can he give me my baby back?”

“Ms. Hilton, please come over here. We can talk this out.”

“Talk, my ass Tell Henry I’ll haunt him for the rest of his life.”

Everly jumped after she said that.

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