Even After Death

Chapter 488
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Chapter 488

Chapter 488

Olivia stood at the entrance of the Fordham residence. Different emotions emerged in her heart. Even

though the Fordham residence had been repurchased, it was done by Ethan and Marina. Olivia cringedat the thought of that. So, she hadn’t been back since.

The hydrangeas in front of the yard were in full bloom with various colors and were left untrimmed.Some roses had crept out from the wall, making their way around the old wall.

A gust of wind blew over, and the flowers began to sway in the wind. It was a beautiful sight, but

Olivia froze in her tracks.

“Mrs. Miller, let’s go in. Mr. Miller is waiting for you,” Kelvin urged.

The different emotions going through Olivia’s mind were making her reluctant. Before she could openthe door, she heard the door swing open. A white cat ran toward her.

Snowball purred and started to walk in circles around Olivia. She looked at Snowball, wondering why

Ethan would bring Snowball here.

Olivia wanted to see what Ethan was trying to pull before his wedding, so she entered the house.

As soon as she entered, she could smell the sweet scent of flowers. Olivia focused her gaze, only tosee

that the floor was covered in a romantic carpet of petals.

Olivia frowned in disdain and asked, “What is he trying to pull this time?”

Scratching his head, Kelvin said, “You’ll know when you go in.”

Then, some people came and dragged a confused Olivia into a room before starting to dress her up.She understood what was going on when she saw the long wedding dress that was put on her.

The makeup artists and stylists praised her beauty, but Olivia didn’t want to hear any of it. She askedcoldly, “Where’s Ethan?”

The praises stopped. They couldn’t believe that Olivia would display such impatience on such a happy


“About that…”

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll just have to look for him myself.”

Olivia walked out of the room quickly while holding the hem of her dress in her good hand.

“Slow down, Ms. Fordham.”

The door opened, and she saw Ethan standing there, surrounded by flowers. He wore a groom’s suit.His hair was neatly combed, and he was holding some flowers in his hand. The anxiety was visible onhis handsome face. Ethan’s face lit up when he saw Olivia.

Olivia was walking too fast, and she was holding the hem of her dress with her hand. She started tonovelbin

Chapter 488

fall after a few steps.

“Be careful!”

“Ms. Fordham!”


Everyone’s face paled as they watched Olivia fall. Olivia used to be light on her feet. She was knownfor her athleticism back in school. But she was more like a bird with clipped wings at the moment. Herright arm was useless, and her left was holding the dress.

She would be safe if she could break her fall with her right hand. But, as it was, she could only watchhelplessly as she fell.

Olivia suddenly thought about her babies. Her back was already covered in cold sweat. Closing hereyes, she accepted her fate.

But the pain didn’t come as Ethan caught her at the last moment.

“Are you okay?” Ethan asked with a concerned voice.

Olivia’s face was flushed. She came looking for trouble but made a fool of herself. She even forgotwhat she wanted to say.

Ethan wrapped an arm around Olivia’s waist and looked affectionately at her. “You look so beautifultoday, Liv. You’re as beautiful as I imagined you would be.”

Then, Olivia heard Jorge say happily, “Look over here.”

She instinctively looked toward Jorge and heard a snap. A photo had been taken.

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