Even After Death

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47

Chapter 47

As a former medical student, Everly was very aware of the side effects of chemo, and she expressedher understanding of Olivia’s decision

Moreover, a lot of patients died from the side effects rather than the cancer itself, which was a torturousway to go. She could never selfishly request Olivia to endure the pain.

She hugged the latter from behind before she started to weep. “Okay. I’ll stay by your side.”

Olivia’s pajamas were soaked with Everly’s tears. Everly said, “You must have been through so muchpain. Sorry for not knowing this earlier.”

“I’ve been doing better in the past two days. Eve, thank you. I don’t want to leave the world alone. I hadwanted Ethan to keep me company, but look at how things turned out. He and I are probably done for.”

Everly fumed at the mention of Ethan. “Liv, you said that someone damaged his sister’s grave, andthere was footage of you with a hammer in your hand. Could you have been framed?”

“Marina must have been behind this. No one else could have done that to me.” The incident happeneda month after Ethan agreed to keep her company. Marina must have had something to do with it.

“If you knew it was her, how can you be so calm about it?”

“She has pulled a lot of tricks since last year to get us divorced, and to be honest? She wasn’t the mosttactful. Ethan knew what she was up to, but he always sided with her. At first, I’d stand up for myself,but I realized that the truth wasn’t important at all. What mattered was that he’d chosen her over me.”

Everly tried to hype up the dejected Olivia. “But this time, it’s different. If she was the person whodefaced Leia’s grave, you should hold her accountable even if you get a divorce.”

“Eve, Marina isn’t the obstacle in my relationship with Ethan. He’s troubled by the death of his sister.There’s no way to resolve his grudge unless we somehow revive Leia. And even if we put behind allthe grudges, our relationship is over.”

“I get what you mean. But Liv, you shouldn’t let him step all over you just because you think your familyis to blame! He shouldn’t be using Leia’s death as an excuse for his infidelity.

“Ultimately, he has betrayed you and is heartless for abandoning you and your baby to save Marina! Iadmit that he was good to you in the past, but it’s time for you to move on,” Everly patiently advised herfriend.

She continued, “Liv, you only live once. Even if your dad is responsible for Leia’s death, it is not yourburden to bear. You do not have to accept punishment for wrongdoings that were not even your own.

“You asked if I have gotten over Josh. And my answer to that is: one day, I will. As for you, you have tolive your remaining days for yourself, even if that means only for a day.”

“Live for myself…” All of a sudden, Olivia seemed to have gotten out of her rut.

She still struggled to sleep well that night, for she’d have nightmares of a devilish Ethan grabbing at herthroat.

She woke up a few times in the night. It was already dawn the last time she woke up.

She sat up in bed and blankly touched the area of her neck that Ethan gripped in her dream. Even ifthey could not spend their lives together, she would hate to be enemies with him.

She looked at Everly, who was sleeping soundly, and tip–toed her way out of the room to wash upbefore leaving the house.

The city was a sight to behold, covered in a blanket of snow. Even the vast ocean was calm under thesunlight as it palpitated peacefully in the form of small waves.

A few seagulls soared in the sky, braving the chilly winds. Some distance away, ships blared theirhorns as they set sail.

The world moved on even after Ethan left her, as if nothing had changed.

She came to a decision and texted Ethan. This time, they met each other as promised. She showed upwith every inch of her

Chapter 47

skin wrapped tightly under a white down Jacket, a fuzzy beante, and a palt of snow bootsnovelbin

It seemed like she was unable to stand the cold, an

wondered if slur had always boon Ihr Hils. Is eyes traveled to the

delicate and smooth skin on her neck, where even a slight pluch would hustantly leave a red mark

She wrapped her neck in a thick knitted scart Standing under a snow–covered plne free, she looked aspure as a falry.

He was concerned about the bleeding on her arm yesterday. Did it get better?

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