Even After Death

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16

Before the meeting, Olivia put on some makeup for a healthier complexion. Looking at the flurry ofsnow out there, she wrapped herself up in layers of clothes for warmth.

After chemo, her physical functions, which included her immune system, had deteriorated, and herbody was as brittle as glass. She had to test her complete blood count for the ratio between her redand white blood cells every two days.

If the ratio dipped below average, she would need to take medicine to boost it. Otherwise, her lifewould be in danger if she caught any illness because of how she was immunocompromised.

She’d rather be safe than sorry and pick warmth over style. After touching the thinned hair at the backof her head, she carefully put on a black beanie.

Keith wasn’t keen about Olivia going out and protested, “Olivia, you’re not in a condition to leave home.You did the complete blood count test yesterday, and your ratio is below average. As your leadingphysician, I’m responsible for your health.”

Olivia pleaded with misty eyes, “Keith, no one wants to show up in front of an ex looking miserable. Ijust want to part ways with him when I still look decent.”

He recalled the furtive manner she hid the hair on her pillow and sighed. “Just stay warm.”

“I’m only finalizing the divorce. It’ll be quick.”

“I’ll drop you off.”

This time around, she did not turn down his help. She was too preoccupied with getting the divorcedone as soon as possible.

Checking her messages in the car, she came across one from Everly, whose boyfriend flew home in anattempt to save the relationship and even made a scene at her workplace. Everly had no choice but totake a long leave to avoid his harassment.

That explained why she was nowhere to be seen for the past few days.

Much to Olivia’s surprise, Ethan sent her a bunch of text messages as well, and in some of them, heresorted to threatening her with Jeff’s wellbeing if she did not reply to him. She dismissed his actions ashis urgency in seeking a divorce, which she’d soon grant him.

At the same time, the private detective Lee Coover did his job and sent files he’d organized to Olivia.The information showed that Jeff had been very close with Jodie Ferguson because he spent a third ofhis time meeting up with her monthly.

Surveillance footage captured him staying the night at Jodie’s place frequently. Not only that, hetransferred money to her on multiple occasions and even registered a car worth a million dollars underher name.

Olivia was rather disturbed by the information. The interest that Jeff showed in Jodie and the amount ofmoney he sent her were inappropriate. It was odd for a wealthy middle-aged man to show suchconcern for a female who was young enough to be his daughter.

On one hand, Olivia acknowledged that Jeff, who did not remarry, needed his needs met after her momabandoned them, and she never questioned him on that. Just like other children, she revered her dad.

Even when she knew that Jeff had his desires, she couldn’t picture him sleeping with that youngwoman. From then on, her opinion of him changed a little.

Since Jodie was dead and Jeff was in a coma, Olivia had no choice but to assume they were lovers.Given that Jeff had always been kind and generous, he must have cared for and doted on Jodie, who

was way younger than him. Logically, he wouldn’t have hurt the young lady.

If so, why would Ethan want revenge against the Fordhams?

Lee proved his capability with the extensive information he gathered within three days. Olivia paid partof the deposit and asked him to look into Jodie’s cause of death.

After staring at the phone for a while, she felt a little nauseous, her head filled with images of thesurveillance footage.

Before this, she had faith in her dad’s moral character, but after viewing the footage, she started havingdoubts.

The city had been enveloped in snow, where darkness lurked underneath the pristine sheet of white.

When they arrived at the City Hall, Keith pulled over and held the car door for her, like the gentlemanhe was. In his eyes, she wasn’t doing much better than she was days ago; she was as fragile as aporcelain doll.

“Be careful now. Go slow. The streets are slippery, so be on a lookout so that you don’t slip.”

Olivia flashed him a grateful smile. “Keith, you’re fussing over nothing. I will be careful because I wantto stay alive, more than anyone else.”

At least, she wanted to hang on until she arrived at the truth.

Letting go of his hand, she turned around and immediately locked eyes with a man seated in a blackcar across the street.

Ethan’s piercing gaze was fixed on her hand that was held by Keith moments ago. The death staresent a shiver down her spine, for she knew what he was capable of.

Even if he hated her, he would never allow another man to touch her. That was why she refused Keith’soffer to help.

Sensing Ethan’s burning gaze on her back, she hurriedly dismissed Keith, “Don’t you have a surgery toperform? I’ll get a cab home when I’ve settled the divorce. You should leave.”

“There’s no rush. The surgery is in the afternoon. I’m worried about leaving you alone.”

Panicked, she put on a sour face. “I’m not related to you in any way. Aren’t you worried that peoplemight gossip about us if you keep helping me out?”

“I wouldn’t have helped you if I were concerned about gossip.”

“Well, I am. Keith, even if my relationship with Ethan has ended, I am still legally married to him. I don’twant to be the center of gossip. Please leave me alone. My life is none of your business in the firstplace.”

Then, she left him behind with an air of indifference. Although Keith came from a family of doctors thatwere quite notable in the city, the Rogers were no match for the Millers.

Olivia didn’t want to cause a misunderstanding, which might result in Ethan giving Keith trouble.

Feeling frustrated at her abrupt departure, Keith thought over her words. She wasn’t wrong. He did nothave the right to stay by her side.

It wasn’t until he left that he noticed an ultra-luxurious car parked by the street, and he instantly put thepieces together.novelbin

Smiling helplessly, he understood that Olivia, still deep in love with Ethan, did not want to cause amisunderstanding. He turned the steering wheel and left the scene.

Meanwhile, in the black car, Kelvin felt a pair of eyes staring at his nape. He was too afraid to turnaround and take a look. He jolted in his seat when Ethan let out a scoff, and he stammered, “M-Mr.Miller.”

“What an eyesore.”

Kelvin was close to tears when he heard the remark. “I’ll get out of the car and let Brent take over.”

Seated beside Kelvin, Brent glared at his obtuse little brother before giving Ethan a slight nod. “Notedon that, Mr. Miller.”

With that, Ethan left the car and walked into the flurry of snow. Kelvin smacked himself on the headwhen he realized that Ethan’s remark was for Keith.

Standing in front of the City Hall, Olivia looked at the man who approached her with fear. Ethan’s blackcoat stood out in the snow. His good-looking features were blurred by the torrent of snow. The sight ofhim made her nervous.

He came closer and confronted her. “Are you getting a divorce because of that man?”

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