Eternal Wolves

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Eternal. The word eternal can be defined as an everlasting or universal spirit representing the MoonGoddess lasting or existing forever.novelbin

Let that sink in.

I wasn't always an Eternal Wolf. Before I was ever an Eternal Wolf, I was the Alpha Queen. Becomingthe Alpha Queen wasn't easy by any stretch of the word, but being the Alpha Queen shaped me intothe wolf I have become.

I didn't know it then, but I was destined for greatness. The Moon Goddess made sure of that. Savingmy people, and really the earth realm from absolute destruction wasn't something 1 was thinking aboutwhen I was a young wolf. Little did I know.

Before wolves, fae, dragons, angels, succubi, witches, and warlocks lived in harmony under my eternalrule, we all lived to serve ourselves and our kind.

The Great War was fought amongst the wolves before my time, but ended with my grandfather,Henosis, becoming the first Alpha King. He ruled over the wolves peacefully for fifty years andeventually passed leaving the title to my father, Alpha King Harmon.

When my father failed to produce a male heir, it created imbalance once again with the wolves and thecouncil of wolves.

The council consisted of the alphas of the 11 packs and one elder wolf from each making a total of 22wolves on the council.

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