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Chapter 99

Chapter 99


| followed his gaze as his brows furrowed and he pinched the bridge of his nose, something that he did when he was runningshort on time or he was frustrated with shipping. | found Owen’s pale body returning to its normal color and the black scars whichlooked like burnt roots of trees on his back had vanished.

“He is recovering,” My Mom’s voice startled me. | didn’t expect her to come here at this hour. It was past midnight and | hadalready asked my Beta to announce that the celebration was over.

Tilting my head to see her. | found a plate of food in her hands and a weary expression on her face. “You didn’t eat,” she utteredin a low voice as if she was scared | would turn her away. After spending years without her, how could | do this to her?

“Um, excuse me,” Prescott cleared his throat, turning to leave and give us the privacy but Mom held his wrist and stopped him.My heart thundered as | watched him looking at my mother with baffled expression rather than angry as | had presumed as noone would dare stop him. Well, | was the exception, of course. The thought alone made me giggle in my head.

“| didn’t bring food for her alone, you also didn’t eat, Alpha Prescott,” Mom said softly, gazing at her son-in-law with motherlyaffection. He swallowed hard, not knowing how to respond. He grew up without his mother so it must have been hard for him.“There is no need for that You don’t have to do that for me,” he hesitatingly spoke, not bothered by the fact that Mom stoppedhim.

She let go of his hand and offered a warm smile to him. “I insist, Alpha Prescott. | have no intention of taking the place of yourmother but you can treat me like your mother as I’m your mate’s mother,” she sincerely said and Prescott smiled back at her,giving in to her request.

“I'm grateful,” he nodded his head and all of us sat on the small dining table in Owen’s room. Sadly, we could do nothing for himexcept wait for him to heal and wake up.

Mom mind-linked the maids and they brought us more food and served us. A wide grin appeared on my face when | sawspaghetti with meatballs and risotto with onion, garlic, and a walnut-ricotta pesto. Prescott dug into his baked pasta with mincedbeef and veggies while Mom watched us cating like we were starved.

We were big wolves, we had a big appetite and after all the drama, | was famished.

“You used to love risotto and meatballs when you were a kid. | had to feed you myself or else you would feed your clothes,” shegiggled, remembering the memories of the past.

“| wondered why you stopped cooking my favorite dishes for me but now it all makes sense,” the words came out of my mouthbefore | could contemplate. Hurt flashed in her eyes and | felt guilty

Dreame Secretary in bed dreame


Installed Open

Chapter 99

for reminding her of how she was away from us.


so jealous of you. All | had to eat was my father’s burnt food or the food that chefs made for us,” Prescott pouted, trying to easeup the tension | had unwittingly built around us.

“Don't tell me that’s why you learned to cook,” | pointed out to which he smirked.

“| wasn’t a spoiled Princess so had to learn all on my own unlike you, who got everything served on a silver plate,” he mockedme, taking a bite of his chicken wraps.

“You're so annoying,” | grunted and resumed eating my risotto. Only if he knew how hard my father was on me while growing upto train me to become the Alpha Queen. | missed him though he hadn't been good to me lately, | couldn’t help but miss how heused to be so caring and loving until 1 turned to the age of training.

After that, he never looked back and treated me like a project that he had to accomplish. | wondered where he was now and didhe missed us or was enjoying his life away from us in the human town.

Prescott had found out from his human connections that he was renting a place in the town and

King in a company as a finance manager. Did he give up on his family and duties and turn a

blind eye to us?

| wanted to meet him and question him but Mom refused me to go there as the people needed me here and she wanted hermate to be happy wherever he wanted to reside.

We finished the food and sat beside Owen, discussing the safety precautions we needed to take while dealing with Dylan. Calebwas reporting back and forth to us about that asshole, surprisingly, he was just sitting in the cell, not even trying to escape foronce.

“The elders and council members were eager to see your marking ceremony more than your coronation ceremony as theybelieve that your pair is chosen by the Goddess to rule over us and lead us as you both are the most powerful and blessedwolves so everyone has accepted both of your as their King and Queen from their hearts but after the news of our mate bond’ssevering broke out, they needed to be assured that their King and Queen would still choose each other as mates,” Momexplained the uation and | heaved a sigh of relief after knowing that she wasn’t aware of my stu pid choice of throwing myself asan offering to that ba sta rd to stop this war.

Thanks to Avery, she didn’t tell Mom anything about it. My little sister who was once playful and naughty had turned into a matureand responsible wolf. Perhaps it was all because of the pressure of taking over Owen’s position.

“After your sudden disappearance from the celebration, everyone was worried but when Caleb announced that you wanted aprivate marking ceremony this time, they were relieved,” she supplemented, reassuring me. “Dylan's arrival for tonight was prettyunexpected but it all makes sense why both of you escaped without notifying anyone.”


Oh, so that’s what Avery told everyone and they bought it. The timing was quite good.


Dreame Secretary in bed dreame




10:39 Mon, 4 Mar 0.

Chapter 99

“Private marking ceremony, huh?” Prescott passed me a teasing look and | had to roll my eyes to stop myself from blushing.

“I think

you should go for a rest now and have your marking completed as soon as possible as tomorrow is the Red Moon again and I’msure that Dylan will try to escape soon because he wants to claim his powers and complete the crowning ceremony tomorrow,”Mom suggested, rising to

her feet.

Heat crept up to my cheeks as | felt Prescott’s piercing gaze on me. | cleared my throat and said, “Then, we must not let himescape and claim the powers that would make him more powerful than he already is.”

All of us left Owen’s room after warning the guards to stay on alert all the time. Owen couldn't be killed because Avery hadn’tofficially taken over his post but we couldn't trust Dylan. He was a lethal monster who had no boundaries and he might becapable of killing Owen, we couldn't risk that.

“Alpha, Luna, a witch is asking for permission to enter the territory, the guard who was in charge of the southern border mind-linked us when Prescott was closing the door behind him and | was taking my earrings off.

“What's her name?’ Prescott asked.

‘Riya,’ he replied and Prescott told him to let her enter.

“If Dylan could come inside the pack territory without permission, why couldn’t Riya enter?” | asked, feeling something wrongabout this.

“There is only one hour left in the dawn. We need to complete our marking ceremony to get the blessings from the MoonGoddess and the powers to fight that b asta rd.” Prescott encased his arm around my waist and plopped his chin on myshoulder, looking into the mirror.

“You're right,” | smiled at him and he turned me into his embrace, holding my chin and making me look up.

“Witches are powerless in this place and | already know that it’s not Riya because she isn’t responding to any calls or texts soI'm worried about her safety but whoever this witch is, | have a feeling that she or he knows that Riya helped us.” His voice wascalm yet firm, he cupped my cheeks and | melted in his touch.

“Don't worry, baby. | have already asked Jericho and Serena to go there and keep an eye over that witch,” Prescott assured meand | smiled at him, nodding my head in approval.






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