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Chapter 85

COMMENT Chapter 84 Prescott “I think you're right, babe. | have searched for the answers everywhere but the only thing thatmakes sense behind their immense powers must be Dylan’s magic. | remember Ken telling us about the rogue Alpha going intothe city every full moon night and bringing the rogues a special wine and a party at midnight.” | tried to put all the pieces together.Without wasting another second, | forced myself to let her go from my lap though | didn’t want to but the duty was calling me atthe pack borders. “While I’m going to the borders, | need you to listen to me this time and lead the pack members through thesecret path to the Blood Moon pack,” | told her firmly and didn’t wait for her response before shifting into my wolf form andsprinting towards the pack borders. ‘Dad, help Tila to get to the secret tunnel’ ‘Caleb, stop the rogues from coming inside theterritories.” Jericho, follow me to the borders. We need to overpower them and stop the intrusion further.” | commanded everyonethrough the open group link. The time was critical and we didn’t have enough time so | had to be quick and rational. As theborders came into my view, | saw six rogues trotting inside the territory, towards us. One thing was common between all of them:their red eyes as if they were fueled by blood. Their paws thundered against the ground, making the air charged with dirt and astrange power that forced us to submit to them. It was pretty tough to stand our guard and not bend our knees. 1 A thunderousgrowl escaped through my mouth as | leaped in the air and clawed two rogues’ snouts. My claws burned, their nasty bloodreaching my veins and making my whole body writhe in pain. “Hello, Alpha King,” a sultry female voice appeared out of the blue,and | tilted my head to find who it was. From her strong aura, blazing red eyes, and a crowned tattoo on her elbow, | presumedthat she was the leader of the rogues. “Who the f uck are you and what are you nasty creatures have been feeding on?” | hissed,baring my fangs at her after shifting back to my human form. My whole body was on fire, | could feel my veins exploding andswelling inside my body. The scorching sensation coerced me to shift, the pa was f ucking nerve-wracking and was getting worseevery second passing by. pain ‘Alpha, Jericho howled after being collided with a tree by a rogue who just slightly pushed him.They weren’t werewolves anymore. They had become the beasts and had immense powers, capable of killing anyone. “I’m theAlpha’s daughter whom you're going to marry this Red Moon,” she-wolf smirked, running her hand down my chest and abs, andseducing me by licking her lips. 1/3 Dreame 369% Chapter 84 “Stay the f uck away from me.” | spat and vehemently shoved herhand aside. “You look so hot being rebellious. | like that.” She said in a low voice, biting her lower lip. “If you keep resisting me,you won't live long. Your blood is mixed with the poison and its only antidote is my body.” Her lips twitched into a wicked smile asshe removed her scarf and arched her neck back. putting her marking spot on the show. | couldn't believe Dylan could stoop tosuch a low extent. He had poisoned all of them and | wondered how they were still alive. Probably he had trained them andturned them into monsters, his weapon to kill us. “Over my f ucking dead body,” | spat, looking her dead in the eye. The pain wasgetting worse. | could feel my muscles squirming inside my body. My wolf was howling in the back of my mind in pain, not able tofight back the poison and heal my body. She locked her gaze with me and threw me a coquettish smile. “You don’t have any ychoice, love. Either mark me or die,” she pouted. If she was here, where was her father? He should be here to protect hisdaughter but she came alone with a few rogues. Alpha, ten rogues have made it to the inside of pack territories, Caleb informed.“They are so lethal and strong that it seems like we're losing this war. ‘No, we can’t lose this war. Let's just focus on killing therogues and entering inside, | commanded. ‘Luna...” Jericho tried to reach out to her through the link but he had chosen the grouplink so | could hear their conversation as well. “Is everything alright, Gam ma?” My mate’s panicked voice rang and despite thepain, | could feel it soothing me. ‘No, Luna. Alpha needs you. Please, come here and heal him before the poison spreads in hiswhole. body, Jericho said in a low voice, lying against the tree. ‘No need to come here. I’m fine, | lied, not wanting her to rushhere when she should be leading the pack members to the secret tunnel. “The poison is already taking a toll on you, Alpha. Whydon’t you make it simple and pain-free for yourself? Mark me,” she insisted, cupping my cheeks while checking out me. | f uckinghated this woman. She was creeping me out. | didn’t have the strength anymore to push her away though | mustered all myleftover powers and repelled her. She didn’t back off, instead, she started stroking my chest and abs. Her hands were about toreach my pelvis when my eyes fluttered, not able to keep them open. | heard a thunderous growl and suddenly, the temperaturerose and a wave of relief washed over me. “Stay the f uck away from my mate, bit ch,” My mate snarled at her before slappingher hard across the face. She was too stunned to see Matilda there. Perhaps she wasn’t expecting my mate to be here at all.Her body trembled slightly as she composed herself and raised her hand to hit my mate Dreame Fore O 10:35 Mon, 4 MarChapter 81 who easily blocked her hand and twisted it behind her back. “How dare you touch him?” Tila snapped, her clawsdigging into her wrist. ‘No, don’t touch them. They are harboring poison within their bodies which they are immune to but it is fatalfor us, | told her through the link as my lips went dry and the words didn’t come out of my mouth. SEND GIFT Dreamenovelbin

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