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Chapter 4

Chapter 4


“This is my room, Tila. Besides, | never have the habit of forcing women so rest assured. My Beta will send you the contract.”He left, with this sentence.

The next day.

The orange rays of sunlight spilled through the curtains, forcing me to open my eyes. | nestled in a cocoon of blankets, stirredfrom my nap, blinking away the remnants of laziness.

“Luna, are you awake?” A low whisper made me sigh as | stretched my arms and found. Serena holding the tray of food andmedicines.

“Good evening to you, too, Serena,” | pouted, rolling my eyes.

She giggled, putting the tray on the bedside table before putting the small table on my bed so | could eat easily without gettingout of bed.

“It's been a week but you still haven’t gotten used to this,” Serena smiled, putting the food on my table.

“| want to go out. I’m bored of seeing these ceilings and walls.” | took a spoonful of the oatmeal.

“Alpha is with you to keep you busy,” she winked at me. “He never has stayed in his room as he is always busy traveling orworking with his Beta but he is changing for you.. Finally, our Alpha is settling down.”

| almost choked on my food. Had she known about our contract deal, she wouldn’t have joked about it. | knew very well what shemeant but | didn’t react to that. According to the contract, no one could know about this deal, not even my family.

Alpha Prescott was staying in his room probably to make sure that | wouldn’t escape again.

| could see it in his eyes how badly he wanted to become the Alpha King and | wanted revenge on the mate who manipulated meand used me for his own benefit so it was a fair deal to me.

“Tell me, are Alphas good in bed as people say?” She muttered, sitting on the bed. Her eyes twi nkled with curiosity and joy.


Chapter 41

Serena was the nurse who dealt with my stubborn attitude and the only person who was allowed in our room. Strangely, it didn’tfeel weird calling his room our room now that we were married on paper.

Before | could say something, | heard someone clearing his throat and she got up the bed. She bowed to Prescott beforescurrying out of the room.


“Your reports are good. Zech said that you can walk on your own now,” he informed me, holding a file in his hands.

“The doctor said that | was capable of walking two days ago but it was you who had prohibited me from getting out of my bed,” |rolled my eyes, scowling at the controlling Alpha.

He shook his head dramatically and smirked. “Shouldn't you thank me for saving you from answering her question?”

“| would have told her that not all the rumors are true,” | co cked a brow at him, the corners of my lips twitching into a tauntingsmirk.

“You shouldn't lie, you know, without trying it. | promise you will beg me after spending one night with me.” He crossed his arms,challenging me.

“Not interested,” | narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t forget that you can’t touch me.”

He let out a deep chuckle that sent chills down my spine which was surprisingly exciting. “Mark my words, you will beg me totouch you one day.”

My words remained in my mouth after hearing a knock on the door.

“Come in,” his face turned into a stoic mask.

“Alpha,” a beautiful tall girl with blue eyes entered the room and bowed slightly to Alpha. She locked her gaze with mine, “Luna,”she offered a smile that didn’t reach her


| nodded my head though | hated being called that. Whenever Serena called me Luna, | was reminded of the fact that | owed mylife to Alpha Prescott and now was a puppet in his hands but he didn’t know that | wasn’t an obedient girl anymore.

“She will help you to get ready for tonight’s ceremony,” he coldly told me and rushed. inside the adjoined room that he used ashis bedroom since | came, | assumed.

“Hello,” | smiled at her, eager to make more friends in the Silver Claw pack so | wouldn't feel lonely here, unlike the Lunar packwhere | was alone and a mere sl ave to my mate and his mistress.

“I'm Phoebe Morgan, the Ga mma’s sister,” she introduced herself politely but there was

Chapter 4

something behind her facade that my wolf was desperate to unravel.

She walked toward my walk-in wardrobe and returned with a black dress in her hands. which gave a gothic vibe and made mefeel like | was going to attend someone’s funeral. “Take a quick shower and change into this. | will arrange a beautician for you,”she suggested.

“| told you that she will wear the red dress as per rituals, Phoebe. Don’t make me regret assigning you this task,” Alpha Prescottcame outside, holding a beautiful red dress. His eyes flashed golden as fury overpowered his senses and Phoebe shivered,lowering her head in submission.

“|... 'm sorry, Alpha,” she stuttered. “You will not regret this. | will try my best to make her look pretty.

“She is the prettiest. You just need to make sure that she has everything that she needs,” Prescott seethed. His words startledme and | looked at him with my widened eyes.

Why was my heart racing at just a mere compliment from him? It’s not like he meant what he said. He was just pretending infront of Phoebe that he liked me. | couldn’t be stu pid to trust his words, | reminded myself and shook my head..

“It's okay. It’s not a big deal,” | frowned at my Alpha who was fuming with anger.

“It's a big deal when it comes to the rituals of the Silver Claw pack. We strictly follow our rituals,” he said while looking at Phoebeas if reminding her. The poor girl nodded her head in agreement and apologized again.

“Which ceremony is tonight?” | asked, getting up from my bed and grabbed the dress from him.

“Your Luna ceremony,” he replied with a poker face. | doubted if he knew how to smile.



Luna ceremony and you didn’t even think of telling me?” | was so mad at him. that | wanted to smack his face. Did he think that |was his pawn and would do anything at any time he wanted me to do?

“| was busy with preparation so it slipped my mind, please, forgive me, darling wife,” he held my hands in his and looked at mewith a puppy face.

| bit my lower lip as his stern gaze on me made me nervous. The way he called me wife caused a knot to twist inside mystomach.

It wasn’t affection, it was a taunt. He wanted to remind me that | wasn’t his wife so | shouldn’t expect him to inform me anything. |retracted my hands, feeling hurt and dejected.

| went inside the bathroom and took a quick cold shower to calm my nerves. Wrapping my hair in a towel. | dried my body withanother towel before slipping the red dress on. It was an off-shoulder gown in mermaid style and a deep plunging neckline thatfitted my body like a glove and accentuated every curve of my body.

“Help me zip me up, Phoebe.” The zip got stuck in between so | called Phoebe to help. me and unlocked the door of thebathroom.

“Pheobe, come soon. | need your help,” | called her again in frustration. It was my first encounter with the pack members and Ididn’t want to seem like a Luna who would be late on her own ceremony.

The door clicked and | turned my back toward her. “You need to hurry. I’m running late.” | regretted shouting at her when | heardher heart thumping loudly in her chest.

She was an innocent girl who had to endure her Alpha and Luna’s temper.

When she zipped me up, her hard knuckles brushed against my bare back and it sent tingles in my body. | turned to find Prescottstanding next to me and | almost gasped.novelbin

“She went to take your gloves and shoes. | thought that once you recover completely, you would like to fill your wardrobe withyour choice of clothes and accessories so | asked the designer to send a few dresses only and that f u*ker forgot to send thematching accessories with it,” he explained in one breath, annoyance was evident in every line of his face as his brows furrowedand he pinched them.

He left the bathroom before | could react and | let out a breath that | wasn’t even aware of holding in. When | stepped out, hewas gone and everything was set on the bed and Phoebe was nowhere to be seen either.

| put on light makeup quickly and painted my lips with the red lipstick, matching my dress, and stepped out of the room for thefirst time.

“Luna,” Beta Caleb greeted me as soon as | got out of my room. “This way, after you,” he pointed to the left and | nodded myhead before walking in the direction that led us to an elevator.

Alpha Prescott lived in an apartment which was on the top floor. The place was modern and well-furnished which suited his coldpersonality.

As soon as | arrived, Prescott came to me and pecked my cheek with a feather kiss, “Take my hand,” his words were more of acommand than a request.

“Ask me nicely and | might,” | smirked, mimicking the tone that he used when | asked him who he was.

“Such a brat,” he muttered through gritted teeth. “Take my hand, sweetheart.”

Chaparr 4

| averted my gaze from him and held his arm as he led us to the place where two chairs were arranged.

“You're looking lovely, Princess,” a man in his mid-forties who had a powerful aura and identical misty grey eyes like Prescott’scomplimented me with a smile.

“Thank you,” | said, blushing as he kissed my hand.

“Let's begin the ceremony, father,” Prescott said coldly.

“No. Not tonight,” his father replied sternly.


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