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Chapter 143 Matilda 056% 10.59 I couldn’t believe my reflection in the mirror. I had asked the stylist to color my hair blonde temporarily. Ialso wore lenses to hide my real eye color before they arrived. It wasn’t normal to have lilac color eyesand silver hair among the humans. I still remember how those girls stared at me when I was working inthe restaurant and made fun of my natural hair and eye color. Tonight’s event was important and there would be media, too, so I didn’t want to look abnormalbetween them. “Are you ready, Luna?” Caleb asked, knocking on my door. “Luna? Isn’t your name Matilda?” Sheena, the stylist asked, her brows creased. “That’s my brother. He has liked to call me Luna since childhood. He has been calling me Luna eversince we were little. It’s my nickname,” I giggled, lying to them. “Aww, that’s so sweet,” Kathy, her assistant spoke sweetly. ‘Caleb, there are humans around. Please, call me by my name,’ I told him through the link. ‘Oh, Goddess. Why is my brain not working today? Why do I keep forgetting that I’m in the town andnot in our pack?” He sounded sad and tired. ‘Maybe it’s because you’re missing my bestie,’ I teased him. ‘Can I bring her with me from the next time? Please…?’ He pleaded. The poor guy was really missinghis mate. ‘Sure, I will also get her company. I get bored when he is away working! I would ask Prescott and I wassure that he wouldn’t have any issue. From the next time, whenever I visited the town, I would have the company of my twins, too. The duedate that Lila had given me was just one week away. “Are you satisfied with your look, Ma’am?” Sheena asked. novelbin

“Please, call me Matilda. I’m in love with it. Thank you so much,” I thanked both of them beforegrabbing my

1/4 Emergency calls only Chapter 143 clutch and opening the door. D56% 10:59 Caleb was pacing around the room impatiently. When our eyes locked, he was going to bow to me but Ithrew my arms at him and pinched him slightly to bring his mind back to the town which was wanderingaround Serena. “I’m your sister, that’s what I told them so you better not act like Beta for tonight,” I whispered in his earbefore. pulling myself away. “You’re looking so pretty, Lu… Matilda,” he smiled at me and then, looked at my stylist and herassistant who were still watching us, probably to say goodbye but then, I realized that they would alsocome to the event. They were invited as well so I asked them to come with us but she told me that shehad booked a cab which was on the way already. I sat in the passenger seat and Caleb drove us to the venue. We talked about how this event wouldhelp us recover from the loss we recently faced because of that bi tch. Her event wasn’t farther fromour venue, it was, just a 15-minute walk’s distance. Caleb showed me her venue from the outside. I decided to drop in there after our event ended. I had to meet her and tell her about our mate bond tomake her back off. The event hadn’t begun yet. As I met Prescott’s eyes, he checked me out from head to toe whilewalking toward me, mouthing beautiful and shaking his head while exhaling through his mouth. *F ucking smoldering hot,’ he complimented me and kissed my lips, leaning closer to me and holdingmy waist. ‘Seems like you missed me too much,’ I smirked, looking into his misty grey eyes deeply.

“You have transformed into a completely different person. I almost didn’t recognize you until I sniffedyour scent,” he remarked, making me giggle. Suddenly, the flashes of the camera made me frown. Iwas wondering why they were taking our pictures until I realized that I was the CEO’s wife and thenonly I smiled at them. Prescott posed for the camera, holding my waist and keeping his face closer to mine, his chin touchingthe side of my cheek. I put my hand on his chest and smiled at them. “You guys make a lovely couple.” “They look perfect together.” 2/4 Dreame Emergency calls onlyF Chapter 143 “Oh my gosh, she is so pretty.” “I’m sure their kids will look as gorgeous as their parents.” “Such a cute couple.” “They look like a power couple. They’re oozing confidence and love.” 056% 10:59 A few reporters and the people from the crowd complimented us. I also wondered whom our kids wouldtake after. My eyes fell on those girls who were shamelessly gawking at my mate and I felt jealousyrearing its ugly head in my heart. +5 “Let’s begin the event.” Prescott led me toward our seat and pulled out my chair for me. He helped mein sitting. and then, gave me a glass of juice. I didn’t even know that I was thirsty until I had the juice. I had eaten in the car so I wouldn’t eat like Ihad been starved for days amongst the humans. After Prescott gave his speech and introduced the footwear and makeup products. He did let the mediaask him questions about the products before starting the fashion show. They had kept the new

collection of clothing a secret. It was a limited edition so it would sell out within a blink of an eye. The beautiful models started walking on the ramp, wearing amazing outfits and shoes. The collectionwas so pretty that I wanted every item in my wardrobe. The designers had worked really hard for this.Prescott introduced every designer and acknowledged their hard work in making everything so perfect. A few of them sent flying kisses in Prescott’s way shamelessly. I had to restrain myself from killingthem. How dare they flirt with my mate right in front of me even after knowing that he was married andhis wife was present there? *Calm down, love. My eyes are on you only,’ Prescott’s soothing voice rang in my mind and I blushed.Even while working and being surrounded by hundreds of people, his eyes were on me. I locked mygaze with him and realized that he didn’t even bother to look at those models even though it was his event. ‘They should be only on me. You’re f ucking mine,’ I said possessively, crossing my arms across mychest. “Sir has asked me to give you this,” Caleb said, giving me the plate of a sandwich and fruit salad on theside. He was so thoughtful and caring. I wondered how he managed to do everything at once. Being a goodhusband 3/4 Emergency calls onlyDOO Chapter 143 and the CEO of such a big brand… 056% 10:59 “I have a surprise for you tonight. We will leave as soon as this show ends and the celebrity’s interviewends,” he told me and my eyes shone with excitement. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t looking forward to tonight. I finished my food and got up to use thewashroom. When I was a few feet away from the washroom, I heard a few women talking to each other.

“He is so hot, I’m so jealous of his wife.” “I wish he would have been a bachelor.” “He might be a bachelor soon. Women’s beauty tends to dull after becoming a mother. She would loseher charm but he won’t and then, he would lose his interest in him. Then, he might get single again.” I felt nauseous after hearing their nasty comments so I immediately opened the door and all of themlooked at me with paled faces but I ignored them and locked the door behind me before throwing up. 4/4

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