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Chapter 138 Matilda 57% 10:58 ‘I’m done,” Prescott told me and I smiled. No. I wasn’t worried about him though he was in a pretty bad situation. I knew that my mate would finda way to kill him anyhow so I was just focusing on my task. I kicked the door and broke it down before catching them off guard. “Your leader thinks that a womanisn’t dangerous. There is no need to be scared of a woman,” I shrugged and rolled my eyes beforepointing my sword at them as I closed in. With a swift bound, I jumped and executed him by severing his head with my sword. “Guess what, he isdead just like your friend,” I said, looking at the other rogue who was cowering in fear. ‘I’m done as well, I told Prescott before swinging my sword and beheading that ba sta rd. “Everyone should be scared of women. They can be dangerous, too,” I smirked, looking at their deadbodies in satisfaction. That motherf ucker had provoked me and I wasn’t good at handling my anger. My wolf was howling inthe back of my mind in victory. She wanted to rip that bas ta rd’s heart out when he made fun of us butwe had to restrain ourselves as we couldn’t risk Dad and my people’s safety. “There are only two of them remaining. Once I send them to hell as well to accompany their as sholefriends, you guys are free to leave from here,” I told the women who were now sighing in relief. A few ofthem were holding their children closely to their chests and I felt a pang of hurt in my chest. Howblessed they were to become a mother and have their children with them. My wolf comforted me and told me that I was going to get my happiness soon, too. Just one more dayand I will heal this time. “Free Beta Jack,” I told a girl who didn’t look scared. She seemed to be bold and courageous as shehad no trace of fear in her eyes. She bowed to me respectfully before following my order. “I have to go now,” I told them and turned to face Beta Jack, “Are you okay?”

1/5 Emergency calls only Chapter 138 D 57% 10:58 “Yes, Your Highness. I will go and ask all of our men to return from the forest,” he said.

“Forest?” I asked perplexed. He hadn’t told me about that. “Alpha had asked them to flee when he learned that the rogues had killed all of the warriors who wereguarding the pack borders so he suggested that it was better to flee as we were no match for them andhe didn’t want more men to die so all of the men fled to the forest and the Alpha ordered me to protectthe women and children,” he explained with fear. I was furious after knowing that my men had fled like cowards but after hearing him, I realized that myfather’s decision was right. It was better to flee sometimes when the enemy was too powerful and itwould only cause you a painful death if you stayed and fought. Not all of them were as strong as mymate and those rogues weren’t ordinary rogues either. “Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?” I sought. “I was afraid that you might get furious and ask them to return to fight when Alpha has strictly asked allof them to leave and not to return until his order,” he replied, lowering his head. I sighed and shook my head. “I’m letting this slide but the next time, if you keep things from me, I willmake sure that you get punished severely for that,” I warmed them before leaving. As I reached the stairs, I found Prescott waiting for me there. I threw myself at him and pecked his lipswith a short kiss. He handed me over a gun and I restocked the knives at my thighs. “Show them what my woman is capable of,” he smirked, knowing me all too well that I wasn’t going torest till I killed them myself. We walked toward the office and stopped at the window. I found Owen looking right at me and smilingproudly. I flung a knife at both of their hands to make the gun fall out of their hands.

“F uck. Who is there?” One of them cursed, walking toward the window and that’s when I kicked thedoor and entered the office with two guns in my hands and I fired the bullets repeatedly at them whilewalking toward them. Their whole bodies were covered with the wounds of bullets and blood spilledfrom the wounds I had inflicted. “Tell your leader in the hell how dangerous a woman can be and how a woman killed you brutally andsent you up there,” I said innocently, batting my eyelashes. 2/5 Emergency calls only… Chapter 138 “No. No,” he begged as he looked into my cold eyes and saw my hands aiming at their heads. “Goodbye, assholes,” I smirked before firing the bullets. 057% 10.58 “Our Queen can be merciless when the need arises,” Owen remarked, freeing my father. He checked ifthere were any marks or wounds or scars from rogues’ hands but thanks to the Goddess, he was safe.“Where is Avery?” He asked, looking at me. “She is in her room. Mom is with her,” I told him. “Don’t worry. She is fine.” As soon as the words left my mouth, his shoulders slumped and he exhaled a heavy sigh through hismouth. “Don’t worry, Alpha Sheldon. Everything is under control now,” Prescott informed him. “Thank you for helping us, Alpha Prescott. I’m so relieved to see that I chose the right person for mydaughter. You have proved yourself over and over that no one deserved my daughter more than you,”Dad said, getting emotional. “I doubt that,” Owen whispered, making all of us laugh while my mate shot him a death glare. “Jokes apart, they are made for each other,” Owen said, looking at us with adoration and Prescottsmirked. *Now, I agree with you,” my mate said, making me giggle. He encircled his arm around my waist andlooked into my eyes with sincerity. “There is no need to thank me, Alpha Sheldon. It’s my pack, too, so

it’s my duty as well to protect everyone.” His eyes soon darkened with lust as he stared at my lips, making me lick my lips nervously. He took abreath sharply in. “How many times have I told you not to do that?’ His voice was deep and husky, making me swallowhard as I struggled to control my pu ssy from reacting to his sex y voice. ‘Stop staring at me, then. His burning gaze was making my vagina throb in excitement. *F uck. Why are you so beautiful and hot?’ He tore his gaze away from my lips as he struggled tocontrol himself, too. “Just one more night and then, I will devour every inch of you, baby girl.” Goddess, every time he called me that, I couldn’t help but get turned on. 3/5 Emergency calls only F Chapter 138 Owen cleared his throat and I realized that I was staring at my mate’s gorgeous face. 057% 10:58 5 “You both better stay away from each other for tonight,” he reminded us again. Dad also rubbed histemples, feeling uncomfortable. I found Prescott doing the same and couldn’t help but giggle at theirresponse. “Should I arrange tomorrow’s events here?” Dad asked, looking at Owen sadly. The room fell into dead silence for a minute. The sound of our heartbeat echoed in the room as all of usfeared what we had to do tomorrow. “No. I can’t break the promise I already made with Alpha Mason so we will have to return to the SilverClaw pack tomorrow morning but we can rest tonight here,” Owen said, breaking the silence and all ofus nodded. “Alright, I respect your decision,” Dad replied and we left for our rooms but Prescott and I wanted tocheck on Avery so we went to her room first. The tears were rolling down her cheeks as she stared at the wall blankly. She was sitting on her bednovelbin

and didn’t even realize that we had entered her room. “Why is Mason not here yet?” Prescott asked, his brows furrowed as he scanned the room. Avery shook as she heard his voice. Her heart started racing in her chest as she locked her eyes withme. “He… He is busy with work.” Her timid and broken voice ached my heart. What she had sufferedwas traumatic and it would take her time to heal from it. Her mate could help her heal sooner and his presence would have made things easier for her but itmade me feel disappointed that he wasn’t here. “Is the work more important than his mate?” I was seething in anger. How could he be so ignorant andcareless? “He should have come here the moment he got the news,” Prescott looked at Avery suspiciously. “Areyou hiding something, Avery?” “No, I’m not hiding anything. I’m just tired. I want to sleep,” she murmured and pulled the blanket overher before closing her eyes. What was wrong with Alpha Mason? I always found that man weird but after finding out that Avery washis mate, he had shown his care and respect toward her so I didn’t give my gut feeling much attention. 4/5 Dreame Emergency calls onlyDOR Chapter 138 .057% 10:58 5/5 SEND GIFT COMMENT

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