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"Ask me questions," he demanded.

I had to grin at him. He had the stance of a fighter waiting for a physical blow. Knowing how muchMaster Damien hated questions, I could only imagine how this man felt. Here was a mighty Warriorstuck with the most annoying babysitting job on the planet.

"Could you tell me about you and your brothers, Keeper?" I asked shyly.

The man grinned and relaxed. He didn't mind talking about his family. My curiosity was strange, butit was a topic he adored.

He and his brothers had originally lived across the sea, a long way away. They were sent here bythe Administrators when he had just reached Warrior status. He told me about the other villagewhen I asked about it.

Fuji's owners had not been happy in the other compound. There was another family there theyfought with constantly. When they were just boys they could be kept apart, but as adults they hadthe freedom to seek each other out. It had been a constant battle between the two groups.

This village was better, he told me. The men were more agreeable and less temperamental. Heliked the other Warriors. While he enjoyed fighting with the bandits, discord in the compound wasunpleasant. The Administrators had been good to them and sent them a nice place.

I pondered this strange piece of information. The Administrators worked for the women. The womenmust have not been happy this man and his brothers were upset. They moved them so they wouldfit in better.

The whole story was very paternalistic or in this case maternalistic.

As we got up to leave he looked at me quizzically, "I do not understand, slave. Have you been madehappy?"

I looked around the little forest and remembered my friend. Being here made me feel closer to him."Yes, thank you Keeper, I enjoyed my mid day meal."

We went back to the compound and I thought about Christof. I hoped he was doing well. Worriesstarted to crawl around my brain, I stumbled over a root because I was perseverating on him. TheWarrior I was with steadied me as he looked in my face.

"I have a sense for things, slave. I know you are worried about Christof. He will be fine. I do notunderstand what has happened to him. You must stay well while your Warriors are gone. I knowhumans become ill when they worry," he said leading me back to the compound.novelbin

"Yes, Keeper," I answered dutifully.

I went into the ocean as usual in the afternoon. I slipped through the grate and explored the deepwater. The pull of the current was phenomenal deep down. I got caught in it and it pulled me a goodway out. I made it back through the grate just as the Keepers were starting to pull everyonetogether. I chastised myself for almost getting caught.

As I pulled myself out of the water Fuji screamed. I jumped back and stared at her. All the girls werestaring below my waist. I looked down and saw a bloody gash down the front of my right thigh.When I had gotten caught in the current I had slipped against a rock ledge, I didn't realize I was cutthat badly. The wound was pouring blood.

The Keepers lost their minds, to put it simply. I was carried, despite my objections, back to thecompound. They cleaned the jagged cut and started to apply a thick paste over it. Usually the men

that cared for us were calm and distant; now they were nearly hysterical.

When the Warriors arrived I saw why. I jumped in between the two groups because Fuji's ownershad drawn their blades in anger. They were approaching the Keepers with deadly intent.

"Please, it was my fault," I begged with hands extended, "I'm really clumsy," I begged.

They looked like Master Damien looked the last time I saw him. I was trembling in fear. It keptescaping my attention I was someone's property and they didn't want me damaged.

"Slave Keepers," the leader of Fuji's owner addressed the other men, "show us how to care for thisuntil we get it to a healer."

The wound had started to drip blood the minute I stood up. The daytime Keepers showed Fuji'sowners how to clean a human's wound and packed it with the thick cream again. My whole thighwas wrapped tightly in a piece of cloth. I wasn't permitted to walk to the transport pad and wascarried like a child.

Healers came to see me and didn't mention we were already acquainted. Much like on earth theyused something to numb the area and then used a needle to close the wound. Thick cream wasapplied over the top again and my leg was wrapped.

I was laid on the bed and fed my dinner there. By now, my leg was really starting to throb.

"Keepers, I'm very sorry, but is there anything for the pain," I whispered looking down. I doubtedthere was and they still looked furious.

The man from lunch returned into the room with a small tub of foul smelling goop he spread over mychest. At first I thought the smell would nauseate me and then I didn't care. My leg didn't hurt and Iwas so tired.

They let me lay down and one of Fuji's men lay next to me. I watched his face and it seemed todistort like in a carnival glass mirror. Reaching out, I wanted to touch his eyebrows, which appearedto be walking across his face.

After my third thwarted attempt to touch him, my wrists were tied to the beam in the center of thebed. I didn't really care and drifted to a weird dream filled sleep.

Fuji woke me up cautiously the next morning; her cool fingers were drifting over my face. Once Iwas up her owners carried me to the bathroom. The men sponged me off and let me relieve myself.They placed me carefully back in the bed afterward. I was glad to get out of my full morning'cleaning'.

"We get our own Keepers this day," Fuji whispered to me. "My owners don't want us to go back untilyou are well. They say your Masters may kill the old Keepers, anyway."

I groaned and tried to reason with Fuji; she didn't really see a problem with their logic. Her Mastersdidn't want to listen to me and found my reasoning obtuse. Master Damien and his brothers wouldpunish the Keepers as they saw fit.

Fuji and I spent the day on the bed playing card games. She brought in the little drums and weplayed with those too. The Keepers we were left with regularly put the smelly stuff on my chest, so Ialso slept a lot.

When the Healers showed up to look at my leg I was really surprised. It was completely healed.They removed the stitches and placed a thin sheen of cream over the scar.

By my standards the line was almost invisible, but when the Warriors saw it they all clucked theirtongues. They commented how large a scar it was and how it marred my skin. Panic overtook meas I realized my owners may not want me if I had a new flaw.

"Are they going to get rid of me now?" I asked Fuji's owners while fussing over the thin white line.

It didn't make me feel any better when her Warriors told me there would be another buyer if that wasthe case.

I was judged well enough to walk and followed them down the bathhouse. They didn't want me inthe water and left me in their alcove. I found a deck of cards and played what I considered a gameof solitaire.

I kept my head down, but there were a steady stream of men that walked by appraising me. Severalcommented amongst themselves what they would bid if Master Damien was agreeable. The scarwas present, but it would not overly detract from my use they believed.

Perhaps my owners wouldn't want me with this new scar, I feared.

Fat tears were running down my face when I felt a finger lift my chin. I resisted the finger and closedmy eyes.

"Ciara, why are you making tears?" I heard Christof ask, sounding concerned.

I bounded up and threw my arms around his neck. He tensed and I felt his brother's hands pull meaway. I sobbed my apologies and dropped to my knees in front of them. I heard Master Damien sighas he stood me up.

"There was no kneeling place beneath you, Ciara. Come and wash me," he said.

I looked at my owners and was shocked at their appearance. They were definitely worse for thewear. Jagged marks ran across their chests and there were several obvious teeth marks. MasterKein walked with a slight limp favoring his right side. None of them ran into the pool, they all enteredslowly.

I took up the rag and the bar and gently cleaned Master Damien. He didn't want me anywhere nearhis privates, so I just skipped that area. I cleaned each of the men the same way. They seemed tojust get relaxed with me touching them and then I would hit a sore spot. I was as gentle as I couldbe with them. Even Christof flinched when I cleaned his neck.

"Show me where you were injured, Ciara," Master Damien said sounding tired.

I stood in front of him while he sat in shallow water and let him examine the leg.

"I'm sorry Master Damien, please don't get rid of me," I begged.

"We have already told you we will not sell you, Ciara. You must learn to listen to us," he sighedbrushing his fingers over the scar.

"Will you kill the Keepers? It wasn't their fault. I was playing around and was clumsy. Please don'tkill the Keepers, Master Damien," I continued quietly.

"They allowed you to be injured, Ciara. I have every right to exact the price from their hides. Theyare well compensated to keep you safe while we are away," he said examining the mark.

Master Damien didn't sound like he wanted to listen to anymore from me, so I stayed silent. Hemotioned for me to sit beside him and I did quietly. The water stopped just over my thighs and Iplayed with my new scar under the surface. I was distracted from this when Master Evan lay downacross the seat and placed his head in my lap.

Tentatively, I stroked his hair, which he had thrown between Master Damien and I. He seemed torelax in the water and I brushed his face with my fingertips. I felt something nudging my shoulderand I turned my head. A man's hairy leg was right behind me, his toes were touching me just barely.Master Damien grabbed my head and forced it back down when I started to look up.

"Damien," Master Evan said quietly, "it appears Andre has yet to learn not to touch what is not his."

I recognized Fuji's Warriors by their voices approaching us. They weren't happy either. I rolled myeyes and shook my head wondering if Andre and his brothers would ever learn.

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