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Since my purpose was now on hold, I felt real fear. I wasn't sure they would keep a slave that wasnot responsive; that seemed important to them. I followed Damien and tried to coax him back tobed. My terror wasn't lost on him and he stroked my head as we waited for the Healers.

"You will not stay ill, Ciara," he soothed. "We will care for you and you will be better. My brothersand I do not wish to worsen your malady by forcing your use."

I wasn't sick; I knew that much. Without spilling Christof's secret, there was no way to explain that. Itwasn't clear to me what they would do to fix a non existent illness. Wow, how I wished they hadlistened to me and just used oil. The healer's advice was disgusting.

At the next meal after my usual vitamin drink the first thing Master Bane offered me was a slimygreen worm about six inches long. It wiggled in his fingers as he held it. I backed off of my kneelingplace and stared at it from the wall.

"Master Evan, that's not funny," I said addressing the most playful member of the group. If this wasjoke it had to be his idea.

"Ciara," Master Damien chastised, "it's not a joke. These are very good for humans. It will stop theillness and the weight loss. Kneel back down and take your sustenance."

I continued to watch the thing move around and refused to move back to my place. Out of habit Iwas shaking my head 'no'. At least they finally understood what I meant when I did that.

"Ciara, if you do not kneel down and take your meal from my brother I will hold you down while heputs it into your mouth," Master Evan threatened.

I continued to refuse and Master Evan had me around the waist before I could blink. They laid meacross the table and I screamed at them, in English I think. They did exactly what they threatenedand it was positively the worst experience I have ever had.

They force fed me the worms. Master Damien pried my jaws open as Master Evan and Master Keinheld me down. Master Bane chewed the worm and then spit the chewed up remains into my mouth.They would hold my mouth closed until I swallowed. By the third worm I swore to them I would eatanything they wanted. Christof asked them to let me try again.

Shaking head to toe I kneeled down and took three more of the disgusting worms. It was like eatingblood mixed with rubber. Afterward Master Bane fed me the slime from the bowl they had been in. Igagged on it, but took it all. The salty ooze was also supposed to have healthful properties.

After the worms I was asked to eat a little of the meal they were having. Fearing it would bedelivered like the first two worms if I refused; I took all they gave me. Master Kein commented whatan effective way to feed me that had been and I just glared at the floor. I couldn't stop the questionfrom popping out in response.

"Why can't they at least be cooked?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Who are you speaking to, slave?" Master Damien asked pleasantly.

My eyes got wide as I realized my dual mistakes. I hadn't addressed them as Master and I wasasking too many questions.

"I'm sorry, Master Damien. I was wondering why the worms can't be cooked, Master Damien?"

"The creatures lose the nutritional content when they are cooked. They must be eaten the way youjust did. We will feed them to you frequently. I do not suggest you argue with us about this again,"he stated.

"Yes, Master Damien," I answered him defeated.

The next day the men were scheduled to leave for their coupling and I was a wreck. They took medownstairs and gave me to Fuji's Masters. They would be my Keepers while my Masters wereaway. Master Damien quietly told me to behave for them. I heard the threat in his voice.

Fuji was excited I was there with her. She said she had asked her Masters to get us a set of drumsso I could play and she could dance for them. It was hard not to be happy spending time with sucha perky person.

We sat and talked quietly while her Masters got ready for their day. A commotion outside goteveryone's attention. Fuji's Warriors opened the front door and asked a passing man what theproblem was.

The man said Christof had refused to go to the coupling again. The General had been alerted. Ipanicked and bolted out the door.

I felt Fuji's Warriors behind me and one of them grabbed me. I screamed bloody murder and foughthim.

"I have to talk to him!" I screamed at the man holding me. "He will die if he doesn't go. Please,Keeper, let me speak to him."

Shockingly the man dropped me and let me go. I felt him follow me, but he didn't interfere.

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs to our dwelling. There was a swell of Warriors outside the frontdoor. I wove between them and dashed into our apartment. Master Damien, Master Evan, MasterBane, and Master Kein were standing in the main room looking frustrated. I could see Christof in thebedroom.

Master Damien yelled at me to stop and come to him. I ignored him and rushed into the bedroom,pulling the leather door cover closed. The last thing I saw was my Masters' faces go from shockedto furious. I didn't have long.

"Christof," I panted, "you promised me. Don't do this. We all need you. I need you. Think of me, youcan get through this. Life is awful sometimes and you have to work through the bad parts to get tothe good parts."

"Ciara," he said looking a little stunned, "shouldn't you be downstairs? How did you get up here?"

"Doesn't matter, I love you. Please just accept your life isn't what you thought it was, but it's stillgood. There are still things you need to live for. You won't win or prove anything doing this-"novelbin

I stopped talking when Master Damien's enraged face appeared in the door way.

The covering to the little room was thrown back and Master Damien stalked toward me. Iremembered Andre and cringed. "It was worth it Master Damien," I heard myself say. "Some thingsare worth a beating."

"I will not touch you, slave," he ground out, "the General will take a lash to your back until we feelyou have had enough," his face was indescribable it was so angry.

"Not now, brother," Christof sighed from behind me, "we don't want to be late for the coupling."

Uncertainty flitted across Master Damien's features. He hadn't been expecting that. Christof strodeout of the room and called to his brothers to hurry up. Master Damien stood watching me for severallong moments. I didn't back away, but I flinched when he reached for my arm. He passed me backto Fuji's owners as we walked by them on the walkway.

As we went downstairs I chanced a glance up and saw my Warriors talking with the General. Iwatched them finish their conversation and head out the wall of the compound. With all my staring I

got the attention of more than a few Warriors and they started toward me. Fuji's owners forced myhead back down as they escorted me back to their apartments.

The Keepers compound was subdued that day. Rose had seen the General administer one lashingand she didn't want to talk about it. All the other slaves looked at me with a mixture of shock andpity. Fuji paced around and prayed in her native language.

All their concern was nice, but it didn't change anything. I would be beaten, probably within an inchof my life and Christof might still not come back. When the lunch bell rang I was glad for it. At leastno one could talk about it for the next little while. I was wrong.

Fuji's Masters came to feed me and all the Warriors were talking about the morning excitement.Christof's refusal to go and the reason for it, my strange behavior, and exactly what a beating fromthe General would entail. I had no appetite, so it didn't really matter when they fed me the worms.

"Eat up, slave," the Warrior feeding me laughed, "you'll need the strength to heal once the Generalis done with you."

I started to retch a little and held it down. Getting sick wouldn't make this any better.

After lunch the Keepers took us to the beach. Straightaway, I went into the water and scootedthrough my secret hole. I spent the afternoon diving deep outside the inlet. If I was going to belashed I doubted I would be enjoying the water anytime after that.

When I went really deep I felt a strong current. I always managed to stay just above it. It wasexciting and distracting to let it pull me a little. The fun almost made me forget the horror that wascoming, almost.

Fuji's Warriors came and picked us up and transported us back to the Warrior's compound. Theypoked fun at me and made little comments; I didn't let it bother me. There was a good reason to act

like I had this morning. I'd take the lashing if it meant that I got to keep my friend.

We went to the bathhouse as a group, but I wasn't asked to wash anyone. I just sat on the littlesteps by my Keepers and kept my head down. That didn't mean I didn't get attention.

Groups of Warriors would come over intermittently to inspect me. They didn't touch me, thankgoodness. They watched me and tried to get me to respond to them. Most commented on my scenethat morning.

I was relieved when we finally left the bathhouse; perhaps my day was finally over. That was not tobe. Fuji's owners wanted to see her dance, she had promised them.

The men had little drums in the apartment, like the ones I played every day. Dutifully I played thedrums with a sensual, wild beat. Fuji moved her hips and swung her wispy hair every which way.Her owners looked like they were in heaven.

It wasn't surprising when one of them got up and threw her over his shoulder. I could see theerections grow as Fuji had danced. Sex was the obvious outcome, but Fuji's reaction wasunexpected.

My calm, demure friend screeched and fought the Warrior who held her. I'd never seen Fuji fight.She cursed him in their language and said she wanted to finish her dance. My hands were stoppedin mid air over my drums.

Her owners laughed and started walking toward their bedroom. One of them pulled me to my feetand followed. I was too stunned to resist him. The large man thrust me onto a kneeling place insidethe room and went to join his brothers on the bed.

The men held Fuji down to the bed and she continued to scream. One man got between her legsand started to lick her feet and suck her toes. Two other men held her arms and played their fingers

across her cool skin. I didn't want to watch my friend get raped by her men, but I knew I couldn'tstop them. In defeat, I dropped my eyes.

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