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Chapter 2077

Chapter 2076, Surrounded by Demon Qi Translator: Silavin & Ashish Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & DhaelLigerkeys Maplewood City... Followed by a deafening sound and quaking of the ground, a colourful screen of light appeared outof nowhere, surrounding the entire city ina dome. These defensive Arrays were painstakingly created and arranged by the pastCity Lords and masters of major families living in Maplewood City, to guard against the foreign enemies. However, thesedefensive Arrays had never been activated. Because Maplewood City hadn't encountered any powerful enemy invasion so far.Even the cultivators, who had been living in Maplewood City for a long time, had almost forgotten about these defensive Arrays.But today, all the Spirit Arrays were activated, one after another. “What is going on? Why are these Spirit Arrays activated?”“Something big must have happened. A foreign enemy wouldn't happen to be invading, right?” “Could an Emperor Realm masterbe attacking?” For a while, many cultivators in the city were surprised and confused. Everyone broke into lively discussions.Some even looked toward the City Lord’s Mansion, wondering what the City Lord’s Mansion had to say about it. At this moment,an anxious shout came from outside the city, “Everyone, quickly enter the city! No delays are allowed!” This sentence wasrepeated over and over again. The speaker sounded anxious. Furthermore, the speaker seemed to have imbued his energy intoit. His voice was heard throughout Maplewood City. “It’s Vice City Lord Drunkard!” After some cultivators recognized the owner ofthe voice, everyone was stunned. They immediately rushed to the city wall and looked around. After a short while, the wall wasjam-packed with cultivators. The next moment, cries of surprise rang everywhere. “Look, Sir Vice City Lord seems to be beingchased by something!” “Wa-what the hell is that? It’s all black!” “Even Sir Vice City Lord is not its opponent!?” While everyonewas clamouring, Drunkard had already arrived before Maplewood City. Seeing him arrive, the cultivator responsible forcontrolling the Spirit Array barrier immediately opened a gap in front of him. Drunkard’s figure immediately flew inside. After heentered, the gap was quickly closed again. The barrier looked as good as before. At the same time, the billowing black Qi thatwas hot on Drunkard’s tails had also reached the walls. It didn’t slow down and crashed straight into the screen of light. *Bang...*Adeafening crash instantly resounded across the city. The brightly glowing screen of light shook a little and dimmed all of asudden, almost shattering. This couldn’t escape from the eyes of the nearby cultivators. Everyone was scared, their faces turningpale as they backed away. The cultivators maintaining the Array hurriedly mobilized their own energy, pouring more of theirenergy into the array. Finally, they somehow stabilized the trembling screen of light. “Swish swish swish...* Streaks of lightimmediately shot toward this side from every nook and corner of the city. Obviously, all the cultivators in Maplewood City hadnoticed the commotion here. City Lord Duan Yuan Shan was first to appear. The moment he landed on the walls, he staredahead with a serious look on his face. The corner of his eyelids, twitching. Several cultivators emanating the aura of Dao SourceRealm appeared on either side of him, one by one. And after noticing what was happening before them, everyone’s face turnedpale. “City Lord Duan, what are these things?” One of the grey-haired old men asked. This old man was a First-Order DaoSource Realm cultivator. He was none other than Qin Family's Old Ancestor, Qin Zhao Yang! He was the oldest looking cultivatoramong the ten Dao Source Realm cultivators present here. He looked as if he didn’t have much time left; old age spots could beseen on his face. This was extremely rare for a Dao Source Realm cultivator. Only those cultivators, whose lifespan was about toreach the limit, would show these signs. “Yes, City Lord Duan, since you ordered the activation of the defensive Arrays inadvance, you should have gotten some news about this, right?” Du Family's Old Ancestor, Du Li Shen also asked. Other DaoSource Realm masters of other families also looked to Duan Yuan Shan, hoping to get an explanation from him. “Demon Qi!Pure Demon Qi of an Ancient Great Demon!” Duan Yuan Shan replied with a serious look on his face. “From what | know, ithappened to have leaked 2 thousand kilometres away!” “Ancient Great Demon’s pure Demon Qi!?” The crowd of Dao SourceRealm masters’ expression drastically changed after hearing this. “This City Lord just got the news. Don’t ask me where thisDemon Qi came from, this City Lord doesn’t have a clue. | only know that if we can’t work together, Maplewood City will bedestroyed today!” The crowd of Dao Source Realm masters looked shocked after hearing this. Duan Yuan Shan looked around.“Everyone, you all are leaders of your respective families. Most of your clansmen are still inside the city. | think you don’t want tosee them infected by the Demon Qi and lose their sanity, do you?” “Of course not!” Qin Zhao Yang was the first to express hisposition, “But how will we defend against it? | ask Sir City Lord to please share!” “Yeah! This is the first time we haveencountered pure Demon Qi of an Ancient Great Demon. We don’t know what the best way is to get rid of it,” Liang Peng Le ofthe Liang Family stated with a grim look hanging on his face. “Well...” Duan Yuan Shan was rendered speechless for a while.Although he was a Second-Order Dao Source Realm master and his cultivation was higher than the others, he was against thepure Demon Qi of an Ancient Great Demon. Just like everyone else, he was encountering it for the first time. How would he haveany idea how to get rid of it effectively? “Brother Duan, we might as well strengthen our defences first. We can slowly research itlater!” Drunkard was showing no signs of being drunk. He was wide awake now. “Exactly!” Duan Yuan Shan’s eyes lit up. Headded, “Everyone, please take care of a section of the city wall and help others defend the Spirit Array. | will go look forsomeone, | might get some answers from him!” While speaking, Duan Yuan Shan gave an eye signal to Drunkard. Drunkardimmediately understood and summoned everyone to come forward before they started studying. After a while, the Dao SourceRealm cultivators had settled on their section to defend before quickly dispersing. Meanwhile, Drunkard’s expressionmomentarily changed as if he recalled something. He hurriedly flew toward the City Lord’s Mansion. The shocking thinghappening outside the city had already reached the ears of many cultivators. The word got spread from one to ten, then from tento a hundred, and so on. Very soon, every cultivator in the entire Maplewood City knew about it. Some hot-blooded cultivatorsimmediately obeyed the call and went to the city wall to assist in the defence. In a flash, the walls of Maplewood City were jam-packed. Meanwhile, Yang Kai and Mo Xiao Qi were back at the Spirit Pill Plaza. Yang Kai immediately spread his Divine Senseand knew that Kang Si Ran and the members of the Spirit Pill Plaza were already ready. They had even boarded the ship. Hesignalled Mo Xiao Qi before Mo Xiao Qi embarked the ship the next moment. Just when he was about to enter the ship, hesuddenly looked toward a direction, immersed in his thoughts. In that direction, an unremarkable middle-aged man among thecrowd of onlookers was calmly gazing at Yang Kai. When their gazes met, the middle-aged man smiled slightly. His smileappeared quite weird. Yang Kai couldn’t help but furrow his brow. The middle-aged man was a complete stranger. He was surethat he had never seen this guy. However... to his surprise, this man was a Third-Order Dao Source Realm cultivator. He foundthis a little unbelievable. Masters of this level rarely appeared in Maplewood City. Apart from the Luan Feng’s appearance onClear Jade Mountain last time, which had attracted countless powerful cultivators to investigate, the entire Maplewood City mightnot have a single Third-Order Dao Source Realm master pass by in a year. But today, he found one in the crowd. And heseemed to be interested in Yang Kai, which puzzled him. However, he didn’t give it much of a thought. Instead, he quicklyembarked on the ship before controlling the ship to fly off. After the ship left, the middle-aged man coldly smiled as he mutteredto himself in a voice that only he could hear, “Wow, it’s really a case of wearing the iron shoes in fruitless search only to find it bycoincidence. Who would have thought that after finding no clues after half a year, | would see the Young Palace Master’s shiphere! Since you obtained it, you should know something!” Surprisingly, this middle-aged man was the master sent by the FlyingSaint Palace Master six months ago to investigate who murdered Ning Yuan Cheng! Following clues, he easily found out that theplace where he was seen last time was the auction fair in Maplewood City. So naturally, he rushed all the way to MaplewoodCity. However, he didn’t find any useful information even after investigating for six months. By some lucky coincidence, hemanaged to see Ning Yuan Cheng’s ship artifact in the city! He didn’t believe that Yang Kai had the ability to kill Ning YuanCheng. After all, Ning Yuan Chen was guarded by a Second-Order Dao Source Realm master, Liu Yi Zhi. And in his opinion,Yang Kai simply didn’t have that kind of ability. But he believed that since Yang Kai could get Ning Yuan Cheng’s ship, hedefinitely knew something. Therefore, he was paying attention to Yang Kai. There were many eyes in the city. It was inconvenientfor him to make a move here. He decided to follow him first. Yang Kai flew the ship to the city walls. But when he saw thesituation outside, his heart immediately hit rock bottom! Because at this moment, the boundless Ancient Demon Qi had alreadysurrounded the entire Maplewood City, leaving not even the slightest bit of gap. Looking from high above, it looked as if the citywalls of Maplewood City were built from pitch-black materials. The pitch-black city wall kept squirming and moving aroundseveral dozen kilometres around Maplewood City. Anyone who rushed into it would be in grave danger. Even though the shipartifact’s grade wasn’t low and it also had some defensive barriers, if Yang Kai hastily rushed in, everyone else besides himwould definitely be infected. “Brother Yang...” Kang Si Ran had obviously noticed the situation. He immediately turned pale.“How did this happen?” “Ah, it’s too late!” Mo Xiao Qi nibbled her cherry red lips. She looked frustrated. At the same time, shewas cursing Zhuang Pan in her heart. Had they not wasted so much time on Zhuang Pan, maybe they still had the chance toleave here before the Demon Qi surrounded the city. But now, it was too late. Inside the ship, everyone turned their gazes toYang Kai. At this point, Yang Kai’s cultivation was highest, and he had already become everyone’s pillar. Even though there wasa grim look on Yang Kai’s face, he wasn’t in a panic. Because even if he had nowhere to go, he could send everyone into theSmall Sealed World and break through the blockade of Demon Qi alone. He was eighty percent confident that he could safelyescape from it using Space Force. But this way, he would be unable to hide his big secret, the Sealed World Bead. The membersof the Zhang Family were still good. After all, they regarded Yang Kai as their saviour. If Yang Kai asked them to keep the matterabout the Sealed World Bead a secret, they would definitely swear an oath and keep a tight lid on it.The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!novelbin

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