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Chapter 143

Chapter 143**Natalia, without another word, turned on her heel and strode out the door.

Caspian watched the scene unfold, his brow creasing in concern. He glanced at Hamilton’s phone, then stood up and gave hisshoulder a gentle pat.

“Look, if you can’t shake her off, you need to clear the decks before you try to win her back. As long as you've got anotherwoman on the hook, ready to play footsie with you at

a moment's notice, she’s not going to have a change of heart.”Hamilton looked down and drew a cigarette from his pack. “Don’t stir the pot. It’s bad enough as it is.”

Caspian couldn’t help but smirk. “Ms. Jenkins is back on the market, which means anyone can set their cap for her now. If notme, someone else will, right?”

With that, Caspian didn’t linger. He gathered his things and headed out. He could tell Hamilton hadn’t let go yet, but if he wasreally trying to hold on, he should be showing it, not just mouthing platitudes.

Caspian didn’t feel like giving him a nudge, though. This was Hamilton’s own mess toclean up,

and if it ended in tears, well, he’d have to dry his own eyes.

Deep down, Caspian had a soft spot for Natalia, charmed, perhaps, by her looks.

Hamilton never answered that call, letting it go to voicemail. Not long after the disconnect, the phone buzzed to life again. Eyeingthe incoming call, Hamilton pinched the bridge of his nose before answering.

“Eveleen, what’s up?”Her voice came through teary and distressed. “Hamilton, I’ve got this awful pain in my forehead.”

Listening to her, Hamilton’s mind inexplicably drifted to Natalia, to the dream where she cried out in pain, tears streaming downher face. But from the moment she woke, she never once complained of pain in front of him.

Hamilton massaged his forehead, trying to muster patience. “Have you taken any painkillers?”

Eveleen’s voice wavered even more. “Yes, but they’re not working.”

Hamilton was silent.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally said, “Eveleen, in times like these, a doctor will do you more good than | can.”There was a pause on the other end. “Hamilton, are you saying you won't help me?”


Hamilton picked up the cup Natalia had just used, his long fingers tracing the damp rim.

I've already arranged for you to see a doctor. Don’t worry, there won't be any scars on that pretty forehead of yours.”“But | want you to be with me!”

Hamilton chuckled wryly. “Eveleen, you should have your own life, your own loves, not just orbit around me.”Eveleen’s breath hitched. “Hamilton, are you telling me to go out and date?”

Hamilton didn’t deny it. He never intended to meddle in Eveleen’s love life. To him, such matters should be free and unforced. IfEveleen could break up with him once, it meant her feelings weren’t that deep. And he certainly wasn’t one to cling.

“If there’s someone suitable, sure, give it a shot.”Eveleen choked up. “Don’t you care for me anymore?”

Hamilton's laugh was hollow, his gaze devoid of mirth. “Eveleen, we’ve been over for a long time, and you know that better thananyone.”

With that, he ended the call. His expression was impassive, but anyone who knew him well could tell he was anything butpleased.

Hamilton had never anticipated that his split with Natalia would be like this. While Natalia seemed to walk away with ease, it washe who couldn't let go. Taking a sip of water from the cup, he stood up and left.

Life goes on, with or without someone.

The moment Hamilton got into his car, his phone rang. It was Alden.

“Bro, I've been thinking, if you want to make Ms. Jenkins happy-”

“No need,” Hamilton cut him off before he could finish. “I've ended things with her.”

Alden was taken aback. “What are you talking about?”

Hamilton lit a cigarette, took a drag, then leaned back in his seat, blowing out a plume of smoke. “I said, we’re over.”Alden was at a loss for words. After a moment, he ventured, “Are you okay?”


Hamilton’s laugh was cold. “Of course, I’m just fine.”

Alden knew him too well. After a brief silence, he asked, “Bro, did you actually fall for Ms. Jenkins?”Hamilton fell silent. In the end, he hung up without a word.

Fall for her?



He would never fall for anyone.

When out of the café, Caspian asked, “Ms. Jenkins, got any favorite food? Any dietary restrictions?”novelbin

Natalia thought for a moment. “I’ve got a sweet tooth for sure, but | have to steer clear of nuts like cashews and almonds, allergicreaction waiting to happen. Other than that, I’m good.”

Caspian paused before he burst out laughing. “You and my mother would get along like a house on fire—both with a knack forlanguages, both with a sweet tooth, both allergic to nuts. You really should meet her sometime; you’d have plenty to talk about.”

Natalia’s eyes sparkled with interest. “You mean Ms. Delia?”Caspian nodded with a smile. “Out in the world, she’s Ms. Delia. At home, she’s the matriarch spoiled rotten by my dad.”His tone was full of affection, and Natalia felt a twinge of envy. If only she could experience such a warm family bond.

Caspian seemed to notice her wistful expression. “Don’t worry, Ms. Jenkins, your mother will get better in time,” he reassuredher.

Natalia smiled and nodded.

Caspian took Natalia to a cozy bistro tucked away from the bustle. They talked over a meal, discussing the lawsuit Natalia waspreparing against Eveleen.

“You need to brace yourself for this case. Given Eveleen’s profile, it could draw a lot of attention. Your miscarriage might becomepublic knowledge, but I'll do my best to request a closed hearing,” Caspian said earnestly.

Natalia understood what Caspian was getting at, and honestly, she was pretty indifferent about the whole thing. She had suffereda miscarriage, that was the hard truth, but she didn’t want to dismiss Caspian’s kindness.

“Thanks, Mr. Spiegel,” she said with a smile, a touch of warmth in her voice despite the circumstances.After all, she and Caspian were hardly more than strangers, and she hadn't expected him to offer his support.

Watching her smile, Caspian felt a familiar tug at his heart. She bore such a striking resemblance to his sister. It was there in herfeatures and in the way she carried herself.

Frowning slightly, he watched Natalia for a moment before asking, “Ms. Jenkins, when



would it be convenient for me to pay a visit to your mother?”

Natalia blinked, a little puzzled by his request. But since Caspian had been so helpful, she didn’t question it and readily agreed.After resting at home for a couple of days, Natalia finally returned to the office. As soon as she walked in, Tess came up to her.“Boss, heard you're leaving us again. Is that true?”

It was then that Natalia realized that her resignation had become the talk of the office. Nobody knew where the rumor hadstarted, but indeed, it had been the subject of much discussion over the past few days.

Natalia didn’t deny it.

Sitting down at her desk, the first thing she did was submit her letter of resignation. She had braced herself for some pushbackfrom Hamilton.

To her surprise, the HR managersimply told her, “Follow the standardresignation propedixetahdin'anyorith, Gl be free to go. Someonewill be in touch to handle thehandover.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Natalia was somewhat taken aback by the straightforward response, but she didn’t dwell

on it.

Just before closing time, she got a call from Ronin.

“Ms. Jenkins, are you free? My old man is in Silkwood City. Care to join us for dinner?”

Without hesitation, Natalia accepted the invitation.

Five minutes before she was due to leave, Ronin texted her. [I’m downstairs at your office. Just come down when you're done.]

Natalia intended to say that shecould just take a cab, but co mMreconsidereshand defied not tomake a fuss since he had alreadycome all the way here. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


She packed her things and headed out.

Stepping out of the elevator, she immediately saw Hamilton and Alden exiting theexecutive lift.

Alden’s eyes


up when he saw her. “Ms. Jenkins, feeling better?”

Natalia nodded. “Much better, Alden, thanks for the other day.”

Alden seemed unsure how to respond to her thanks. After all, she had endured her ordeal, and there wasn’t much he had beenable to do for her.

“Ms. Jenkins, where are you headed? Can we give you a lift?” Alden suggested, glancing at Hamilton.Chapter 143Hamilton was just watching Natalia, silent.

But Natalia didn’t so much as glance in his direction. “No need, someone’s picking me up.” With that, she turned and walkedaway.

Hamilton’s eyes narrowed and asked, “Who's picking you up?”Natalia paused in her steps. “That's really none of your concern.”Hamilton’s brows furrowed, ready to speak, but then someone called out.

“Ms. Jenkins.” Ronin approachedwith a smile, his eyes ones aS,they rested py Natalia: was onlywhelt he was close that he turned toacknowledge Hamilton. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Ah, Mr. Fowler, you're here too.”

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