Don't Escape, My Doctor!

Chapter 6 Came across a great wits
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chapter 6 Came across a great wits

Lian Yi rushes to periodical office the next morning to do the confession, after all, the paper cannotcover the fire, the truth will come out someday. Julia Hill also feels anxious after Lian Yi left, Ian Wilsonalways means what he says, if the magazine office indeed is closed because of Lian Yi, then theconsenquences will be severe. As for her, she might not be able to work in Guang Ming hospital, at first she planned to find a job andthen saved some money to buy a small house on a down payment so that she and Rain will have astable home, now all of her plans goes into bubble. “Little Rain, if mommy is not accepted by Guang Ming hospital this time, will you be disappointed withmommy?” The little Rain is now brushing her teeth, after hearing this, she then shakes her head and spit out thebubble in her mouth:”of course not, mommy is not only good at singing but also save people’s life, myclassmates all admire mommy, so mommy should not look down upon yourself.” Julia Hill then smiles, maybe this is fine too, since the little Rain is now having her holiday, she plannedat first to find her a aunt to take care of her, now seems it’s no need to hire a nanny. “Sweetie, brush your teeth quickly, then mommy takes you to go outside.” “Yes.” Julia Hill takes the little Rain to play outside a whole day again, Lian Yi calls her in the afternoon andcried. “What’s wrong? How’s the thing going there now now?” “I’m busted this time, Julia, i need comfort.” Lian Yi bursts into tears on the other side of the phone. “Okay, okay, okay.” Julia Hill cannot tell clearly through the phone, she then asks in a hurry:”where areyou? I come to you now.” She then comes to Lian Yi with little Rain, Lian Yi holds Julia and cries the moment when she sees her.Actually Julia have already made a worst plan, if things get serious, she will beg Ian Wilson with a bareface, but... “What?” Julia Hill feels so surprised after hearing the words of Lian Yi:”you only got fired? So thenovelbin

magazine office is still on?” “What do you mean i only got fired? I lost my job now, isn’t it serious?” ... So he really didn’t shut down the magazine office? But why? Is he really cut some slack on her? “Well, stop crying.” Julia Hill then says:”this is the best outcome, okay? If the magazine really got shutdown because of you, the President would’ve killed you, it’s good for you too to lose your job as apaparazzi, it’s not a easy job after all.” “Are you really my friend? How can you say words like this?” “I’m saying this is because you are my good friend.” Julia then throws her a stare:”well, i might also notbe able to work in Guang Ming hospital, i don’t have a job now too, we can go out to look for jobstogether.” “My sister, how can i compare with you?” Lian Yi says with a sad look:”you are a medical doctor, even ifyou cannot get into Guang Ming hospital, there’s others waiting for you, but look at me, what have igot? I’m just a journalism graduates with poor grades from a thrid-rate school.” Julia Hill shrugs her shoulder hopelessly, seems Lian Yi knows her pretty well. Because Lian Yi is in bad mood, so Julia then takes her to a fancy meal. Eating is the only thing thatcan make Lian Yi feeling better. At the end of the meal, Lian Yi seems to remember something, she then asks:”well, about the secrethusband of joely, seems you know him?” Hearing this, Julia then dazes there for a second, she then pretend to be calm and chews down thefood in her mouth:”he’s the interviewer when i went to the hospital for the interview, he’s Ian Wilson, thePresident of Wilson Group, can say i know him.” Julia Hill don’t want anyone to know their past affairs including Lian Yi. Hearing this, Lian Yi then mutters:”wow, the President of Wilson Group, impressive! But since he’sPresident, how come he’s the interviewer of the hospital?” Julia Hill wants to ask the same, why was he in the hospital that day? She cannot understand...

Three days later, Julia gets a phone call from Guang Ming hospital before she plans to send herresume to other hospital, she then gets numb after answering the call. “Miss Hill, are you listening?” Julia then backs to her mind quickly:”yes, i’m here.” “Please report here at 8am tomorrow.” “Yes. Sure.” Julia still feels she’s in the dreaming, is she really admitted by Guang Ming hospital? How come IanWilson hire her? It’s so unbelievable! This comes so in a flash, she then holds high the little Rain:”mylittle Rain, mommy did it, mommy can work in Guang Ming hospital.” “Wow, momm’s brillant!” the little Rain also feels so excited, she then kisses on Julia’s face. “I’ve told you that you will surely get in, though you cannot look for jobs with me together, i still feelhappy for you, Julia, finally you can start your own happy life.” Lian Yi says with excitement too:”takeme to fancy meals again!” “Sure, i will treat you a good meal.” Julia says with a smile and then taps Lian Yi’s shoulder:”as the oldsaying goes, the new one never comes if the old one still is there, you’ll find a good job then.” “En.” Lian Yi then says with confidence:”i’m a tough girl, the more hardships i have, the more stronger iwill be.” “Yes, my godmommy is the best!” Hearing this, Lian Yi then holds over the little Rain and kisses her:”little Rain, how can you be so cute?I love you so much.” Suddenly, she then thinks of something and says in a hurry:”aren’t you supposed to work tomorrow?how about i take care the little Rain this summer vocation? Then you don’t need to find her a nanny,after all i don’t have a job now.” “That will be great.” if she finds the little Rain a nanny, she still has concerns, now she don’t need toworry about the little Rain:”don’t worry, even if you cannot find a job, i can support you as well.” “Okay, it’s worthwhile for me to take good care of little Rain so long.” At the thought she will report in Guang Ming hospital, Julia feels so excited, she lost her sleep all night

and waks up so early in the morning. “Don’t be late on your first day at work, mommy.” the little Rain warns Julia:”be good at work, mommy.”“Don’t worry, mommy will not let my little Rain down.” she then kisses on the little Rain before shewalks out of the room. She thinks the little Rain’s kiss would bring her good luck. After the makeups, Julia then takes the cab, they are lucky not to meet the traffic lights, so it’s kindsmooth on the way to the hospital, after get there, she then tidies her clothes and finds the director Gaoof the clinical department. Director Gao is a middle-ages man with medium stature, he looks nice. Julia then says polietly to him:”hello, director Gao, i’m a new one here. I’m Julia Hill.” Hearing the name, director Gao then takes a glance at her and feels a bit surprised:”you are Julia?” “Yes.” Director Gao is very nice man, he talks to Julia briefly about the situation about hospital and shows heraround. “This is pretty much about the hospital, you check for the patients every Friday, as for the rest of time,you basically are in the emergency room and the operating room, if there’s other changes,you mightalso need to go outside to see the patients, so it’s actually a very tiresome work, but i’ve heard that youhave more experiences in clinic, so i believe you can handle this.” It’s not so hard for Julia, she then replies:”yes, director Gao, i will work well.” “That will be the best.” then director Gao says again:”you are really lucky,you were about to be kickedout of the audit option, but someone asked to remain a place for you, that is why you are here.”

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