Dominance (Book 1)

Chapter 45: Taken
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Chapter 45: Taken

I woke up with banging on the front door. Grayson groaned and got up with sweatpants on. He walkeddownstairs. I ran to the window to see who it might be. I opened the curtains. It looked like my dadsBetas car. I got dressed in clothes.

Ethan walked up and looked at me

"Hey Dan, your dads Beta wants you to pack your bags" he says sadly

Anger boiled up inside of me

"What? Why?" I ask, irritated

His last words made me pissed

"Your dad wants you to come back home" he says, looking down

"What?!" I shout and run downstairs

My dads Beta was having a have screaming match with Grayson. They both looked at me, the Betalooked concerned and Grayson's jaw was clenched and his eyes were black. The only thing keepinghim from killing the beta was Grayson's Beta, Conor.

"Danielle get in the car" My dads Beta, Liam said sternly.

I looked at Grayson. Grayson's eyes were black with rage. Conor looked at me and nodded. I sighedand walked outside, looking back at Grayson, whose frown was replaced with a smirk

"I'll see you soon Danielle" he smirks and walks in the house

What the fuck just happened??!!

Liam said something to Conor, they both looked back at me. Conor nodded to whatever Liam said andLiam walked to the car and climbed in, closing the door.

"What the fuck is going on Liam?!" I shout and he drives off

Liam sighs and starts talking

"Alright Danielle so maybe about a week ago your father heard about how Grayson was treating you asLuna, and as girlfriend. He had been spanking you against your will. Now your father still will die foryou, your brothers were furious, and as Shawn is next in line for Alpha, not only is he next in line, buthe is a true alpha. Which means that Shawn is stronger than an average Alpha. Of course not asstrong as Grayson, but to avoid a war going on and to avoid you getting hurt, your father wants yousafely back home, where we are guaranteed your safety" he says

How did he even find out?

Grayson made a mistake, right? He said that he was sorry. And I love him, don't I? I mean his my matebut do I actually love him? His changed hasn't he?

"How did he find out?" I ask

"Ethan Dolan told Shawn" he says, turning into our pack houses. Ethan? Ethan betrayed his brother,why?

A tear slipped down my cheek. My life was falling apart in front of me.

Liam drove to my house and stopped in front of it. He smiled comfortably at me and I climbed out.Grayson was gone. I lost my mate.


I was fucking pissed, how the fuck do they think that they can take my mate. Danielle is mine. She willalways be mine. I don't give a fuck who thinks they can take away what is mine. They will die. I howland my warriors come out of the dark of the forest. I'm coming for you Danielle.


Of course I was going to tell her brother, knowing that he is true alpha. I am inlove with Danielle. Thosefew days where Grayson wasn't there and I got to spend time with her, I fell for her. I don't give a fuckwhat Grayson was gonna do to me. Seeing Danielle so sad made me pissed, She deserves to betreated like a Queen that she is. He doesn't give Danielle the love and respect that she deserves. Ipack my bags and walk downstairs. I need space from Grayson, especially now that Danielle is gone,his going to go crazy. Literally. I walk to my car and put the bags in it. Conor was standing by the frontdoor. I walk to him and he bows his head to me, I nod.

"Where is my brother?" I ask him

"Grayson was in a raging mood and his wolf took over, he ran into the forest" he says, looking into thedark woods nervously

Shit. His wolf would kill everything and anything in his way.

"Fuck, I'm going to go away for a couple of days. Look after Grayson for me, alright?" I offer him a fakesmile. I was seriously disappointed in my brother. He really fucked up this time, he got what came tohim.

Conor sends me a smile and nods

"Will do, my prince" he says

I nod and put my things into my car and drive off.


I got settled in my old room. I didn't know what to think. Maybe Grayson got what came to him? Shawnsays that I must distance myself from him for a while and that Ethan was just taking care of me. Ithought about Ethan and how he needs a pack to stay in, considering that Grayson probably doesn'twant to see his face. I dialed Ethan's number..

'Hey Ethan'

'Oh hey Danielle, what's up?'

'You can come stay by my dad's pack, you're more than welcome here'

'Nah I don't wanna intrude'

'Nonsense. I want you to stay here. Please?'

'Alright, I'll be there soon'


'And Danielle?


'Thank you'

'It's cool'

He hung up and I went downstairs to the spare room. I missed Grayson so damn much. He hasn't eventried contacting me since, no messages, no phone calls. I missed his voice..

Maybe I should just listen to Shawn. Having Ethan here was gonna make me feel better, Ethan alwaysmade me smile, no matter how down I was feeling, he always is their to listen to me and support me,he truly respects me.

Ethans car pulled up and he climbed outside. I opened the door and offered him a smile, which hekindly returned. He looked very down.

"I hope your parents are fine with having a Dolan sleeping in your house" he chuckled and I smiled

"Actually my family thinks of you as a hero after 'rescuing' me" I say

"Look Danielle I'm really sorry, I was sick of seeing you so damn sad all the time an-" I cut him off

"Its okay. I think I need space from him" I smile at him and show him the spare room. I set out hisblankets. It must also be hard for Ethan. Grayson is after all his twin brother.

I walk to my room, physically and mentally exhausted. I lay on the bed and check my phone. Nomessages. I look at Grayson's contact

Gray baby.novelbin

My heart was sore. I missed him, but honestly I think space would do us good, maybe help us get anew start right? I mean what could go wrong?

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