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Chapter 951

After hearing what Fitch said, Maja thought to herself, "Damn, I've put my foot in it this time."

With so many maids in Greenfield Gardens, Fitch must've been asked the same question the moment

he stepped foot in here.

She got it, and then she heard Ian chime in.

"Maybe not now, but possibly in the future."

That was him countering Fitch's claim that she wasn't the lady of the house.

Ian laid his feelings out for Maja with no holds barred.

But Maja, sitting on the chair by the bed, quickly shot back, "That's up in the air."

She was currently discussing with senior management about how to handle Simstar Entertainment and

didn't have the bandwidth to consider her personal feelings.

To Ian, however, this sounded like a diplomatic way of turning him down.

And she said it right in front of Fitch, no less.

He didn’t even have to look up to know that Fitch was probably shooting him one of those I-told-you-so

and mocking looks.

He stared at the small table before him, stirring his porridge with a spoon.

Doing his best to hide his disappointment, he said, "I was just pulling your leg. Did you really think I

cared about you?"

Maja breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up.

"Well, I'll head back to Rosewood Manor. I have a meeting in an hour."

Ian's fingers paused. He could feel her coldness even if he was slow on the uptake.

All the warmth and intimacy that had built up over the past week just vanished.

"Whatever you want."

Maja thought momentarily, then reminded him, "Don't exert yourself too much."

He could only get out of bed and move around, he couldn't even jog yet, his wound was healing slowly.

Ian wanted to say something to provoke her but held back in front of Fitch.

He was afraid if he said something, Fitch might get the wrong idea and start attacking Maja.

Other than researching cold weapons, Fitch was pretty emotionless about everything else.

He must still remember Mia's grudge against Maja.

After Maja left, Fitch stretched out his legs and put his feet up on a small table.

"Look at her attitude, and she clearly doesn't care about you."

"Mind your own business. Quit butting in on mine."

Fitch was taken aback by the rebuke.

Ian angrily stirred his porridge a few more times, growing more annoyed the more he thought about it.

"Are you and Tyler deliberately trying to sabotage me?"

One had to do with Darlene, and the other was deliberately ruining his impression in front of Maja.

Were they jealous that he was moving too fast?

Seeing that Ian was genuinely upset, Fitch quickly changed the subject.

"What are you going to do about Dennis?"

"What can he do?"

Ian lost his appetite and felt uneasy.

Fitch was a hard-nosed, direct kind of guy. Now, seeing Ian stirring his porridge, he started feeling


"Maybe I should go?"

"You go."

Ian was fuming and had nowhere to vent.

Fitch quickly stood up and left.

When he got downstairs, he ran into Maja, who was about to drive off.

Maja might not have seen him, but when she pulled out, the spray from her car wet his pants.

Fitch looked down and thought, "These two are cut from the same cloth."

Little did he know, Maja really hadn't noticed him.

On her way home, she made a stop at the vet.

Coco had been staying here for over a week and could finally move around. The vet had said that anovelbin

few bones were broken and needed healing time.

Seeing Maja, Coco was joyfully beside himself, wagging his tail like crazy, sticking his tongue out. Even

though his leg was hurt, he tried to come over.

Maja quickly walked over and squatted down in front of him.

"Coco, are you feeling better?"

Coco's bark was whiny, not as crisp as before. He probably knew he was hurt.

And he hadn't seen Maja in a while, and he probably thought his owner had left him. He looked

especially pitiful now.

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