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Chapter 887

Chapter 887

The building had a heavily guarded entrance through which he can enter the largest and most famous

underground fight club in the whole of North America.

The deals here were dark and spine–chilling. Almost every day, someone died in the arena. But the

money they can make in just an hour on the stage was more than what most people made in their

entire lives.

The fight club had seven floors underground. The top four were for trading, and the bottom three were

for life–or–death fights.

Each floor took up roughly 3,000 square meters, also known as North America’s famous lawless zone, novelbin

Nobody dared to pick fights casually here. Even the top–notch killers on the hitmen ranking list had to

behave once they stepped inside.

Here, one can choose to wear a mask or not. It’s up to themselves.

Ever since lan entered, he’s been taking the special passage, and then he stopped in a room.

From this room, one can watch the fights in the arena below. Right now, a man and a wild wolf were

launching their final attack.

There’s a huge one–way glass window in front, with the largest electronic screen in the club displaying

the fight countdown.

On both sides of the screen, the amount of money bet on each side was displayed.

Ten billion dollars in cash had been bet on the man winning and a whopping hundred billion dollars on

the wolf.

Just one fight involved such a massive cash transaction. They can only imagine how crazy the cash

flow was in the entire fight club every day.

A woman walked in slowly and handed him a cup of coffee.

lan didn’t take it, just kept watching the fight below.

He used to come here occasionally in North America, and once he was here, he would stay for an

entire afternoon.

The woman brought over a bunch of green grapes and peeled one for him with her fingertips.

“lan.” She called out, holding the grape to his lips.

lan Nydia, I’m not hungry.”

“What’s wrong? You came so suddenly this time. Don’t you want to be the president of the Raymond


She seemed to have a low opinion of the Raymond Corporation.

lan, “No.”

The woman popped the grape into her mouth, licking the juice off her fingertips.

She said, “So you’re in love.”

lan didn’t answer, just focused on the fight below.

The man was losing, the wolf was still ferocious, and the crowd outside was screaming like crazy. It

was like the primal hell.

Every floor had such a room, offering a panoramic view of the arena. These rooms were meant for the

owners of the fight club.

Just as lan was thinking about joining the fun, the woman’s lips lunged at him.

He quickly turned his head, and the kiss intended for his lips landed on his cheek.

His face darkened, and his eyes were filled with anger.

The woman covered her face with a fan, laughing flirtatiously.

She said, “You’re so resistant. Looks like you really have someone you like. Do you want to go down to

fight today? Are you in a bad mood?”

lan grabbed a tissue from the side and wiped the lipstick mark off his cheek, his movements stiff.

He lowered his eyelashes and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, revealing his muscular abs,and perfect

abdominal lines.

His physique was very popular, both at home and abroad.

He said to the person next to him, “Arrange my next opponent for me.”

In the darkness, someone nodded and quickly left to prepare.

The flirtatious woman fanned herself, didn’t stop him, but smiled and looked through the thick glass at

the arena below.

Soon, tan, masked, appeared on stage.

The atmosphere was even crazier. Someone recognized him.

A muscle man started shouting, “Barlow! Barlow!”

The crowd began to chant along.

“Barlow! Barlow!”

Barlow referred to god.

lan had appeared with this mask a few times before, each time fighting against ferocious beasts.

He had never lost. It is said that a few years ago, at his first fight as Barlow, his opponents were two

male lions.

Everyone bet on the lions to win Only he bet on himself.

That fight, he won a lot of money, enough to buy the entire Wall Street, according to estimates.

Barlow didn’t appear often, but each appearance left a deep impression.

His opponents were strong, but he was more robust.

Men admired strength, and they admired the strong.

The woman in the room was watching and twirling a grape in her fingers. After a long while, she asked

the person next to her.

“Who is his opponent this time?”

The person answered, “Four wolves, one of which is the wolf king.”

The woman’s fingers stopped, her eyes narrowed.

She asked, “What happened to him in Windhelm?”

Someone answered, “We don’t know. Mr. Raymond didn’t let us follow him, nor did he allow us to

inquire about anything he did in Windhelm.”

The woman smiled, extending her grape juice–covered fingertip.

A bodyguard immediately held her hand, knelt down, and licked it clean, one finger at a time.

The woman’s other hand held a fan, tapping it lightly.

She said, “He might be in love. Didn’t you guys run into Carlene before? Send Carlene to his room

tonight. Didn’t he say he wanted to marry Carlene?” The ticklish sensation’spread throughout her body,

her eyes shifting. She saw the fight in the center of the arena had begun.

She looked at a certain part of the bodyguard and laughed softly, “Already getting a reaction?”

The bodyguard didn’t say a word, respectfully handed her hand back to her, “Madam, would you like

more coffee?”

This woman had a great figure. Wearing a tight, long dress, her figure was even more attractive. Who

would have thought that she was just a failed newlywed ten years ago.

There were other bodyguards in the room. None of them dared to look at her now.

Her steps were specially trained, each one just right.

Even though she’s already 33 this year, she’s still full of charm.

The most mature woman always knew how to attract meh the best.

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