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Chapter 854

Chapter 854

It took Maja a while to finally settle her emotions. The new owner, upon entering the living room,

couldn’t help but scream.

“I don’t want this house anymore! You have to refund my rent, and I don’t need this house anymore!”

Anyone would freak out in this situation, especially a single woman, as seeing so many cameras might

leave a psychological scar.

Maja, having regained her composure, immediately began to comfort her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know the house was like this. I’m scared, too. I’ll refund your money, and I won’t sell

this house again.”

The new owner was still crying, but seeing that Maja also looked upset, she knew. Maja wasn’t lyingand quickly wiped her tears.

“I’m sorry. I initially thought you did it on purpose, that you did something bad before. I shouldn’t have

blamed you, but I really don’t dare to take this house anymore.”

The lady got up, feeling dizzy and completely terrified.

Maja nodded, “I’ll contact the bank to refund you.”

Seeing that Maja had no more disputes, the woman left immediately as if it were a cursed house.

Maja was also scared out of her wits at this time. Anyone seeing this situation would be crept out.

She described the situation to the police, then returned to Rosewood Manor and got a high fever thatnight.

When people get scared, they do this, especially when it’s a major psychological shock, plus she’s

been tired lately. Her high fever went up to forty degrees.

Finally, Maria took her to the hospital.

Maja barely held on and sent a message to the company’s executives, saying that she had to be

hospitalized for a few days and couldn’t go to the company. They can discuss any issues with Zoey


After saying that, she passed out.

Meanwhile, in North America.

lan stood in front of the hotel window, and it was morning here, he just opened the window.

It was drizzling outside, and a rainbow appeared in the sky.

He couldn’t help but check his phone, which had been mostly in airplane mode these days, not

receiving any calls.

He now turned off airplane mode and saw many messages from people.

But he ignored them all, only looking at Maja’s message, asking him where he was.

He smiled, then took a picture of the rainbow and replied childishly.


As long as she followed financial news, she should know where he was now.

After sending this picture, he sent another message:

[Maja, do you think this rainbow is beautiful?]

Maja didn’t reply. lan knew there was a time difference, and he thought she hadn’t woken up yet.

[I miss you, but I won’t be back for a few days. There’s a lot going on here.]

[I really want to kiss you.]

When he sent the last message, he felt a bit embarrassed, so he quickly retracted the message.

His body temperature rose, probably because it was his first time sending such intimate texts to

someone; he wasn’t used to it, so his face also became hot. He clumsily picked up a document from

the side and used it as a fan to cool himself down.

When the heat from his face subsided, he picked up his phone again and sent a message: [Wait for

me.] This message was much more normal than the previous


There was a knock on the door of the hotel. was that flirty woman’s voice, which only irritated him. Ever

since the first day he arrived in North America, this woman had been constantly appearing. Now she

even found his hotel. He frowned and immediately notified the security downstairs to get rid of her.

Two hours later, lan had to continue the meeting here. He was already in the EcoTraverse building,

but Jeff called him.

“Sir, Ms. Penny is sick and is in the hospital now,” Jeff said.

lan, who was about to walk into the meeting room, stopped in his tracks when he heard this, and his

heart rate instantly quickened.

“What happened to her?” lan asked.

“It seems that she is overworked, has a fever, and her body temperature has reached forty degrees,”

Jeff answered.

“I see” lan said.

After hanging up the phone, lan called Phelps.

Phelps only told him, “The high fever has subsided. She had a fever for a long time last night, but she

is now much better. There is no problem.”

lan was finally relieved but still felt anxious.

“Phelps, please take good care of her for me. During these few days of her hospitalization, I will have

meals sent over three times a day. You need to keep an eye on her and she may forget to eat because

she is busy with work!” lan said.

“Okay” Phelps agreed.

Phelps took off his gloves and threw them into the trash can nearby, then walked into Maja’s ward with


Maja was leaning against the wall, typing on her laptop.

“lan just called. He wanted you to rest well.” Phelps said. novelbin

Upon hearing his name, Maja felt a bit more at ease.

“Hmm.” She replied.

“He has some things to do abroad and may be back a few days later, and he wanted you not to

overwork.” After Phelps finished speaking, he poured her a glass of water and continued: “Ms.Pennyfeather, he asked me to take extra care of you.”

Despite his mild manner, Phelps was like a robot, emotionless. He appeared gentle but was actually

very indifferent. He only followed lan’s orders.

Maja took the water he handed her, her finger accidentally touching his. His hand loosened, and the

water spilled onto the blanket.

A large part of the blanket was wet. He immediately pulled it away, worried that the water would soak

her. But Maja was feverish and wearing thin clothes, and she didn’t expect him to suddenly pull away

the blanket, so she didn’t have time to fasten the top three buttons of her shirt. Her bra was exposed.


Phelps‘ face changed. He turned around and left immediately, “I’ll get a nurse to change your blanket.

He said.

Maja felt extremely embarrassed by his action, and she rubbed her forehead, and her headache

seemed to get worse.

This was really a ridiculous situation.

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