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Chapter 798

Chapter 798

“Leo, take a breather You’re all over the place right now.”

Leo was hunched over, his lips trembling slightly

“They were scary, man. Loaded with guns and knives. My mom tried to bolt, but they dragged her back.

They were looking for something important to them: a seal. Getting their hands on it meant becoming

the head honcho. They wanted that seal novelbin

Leo curled up, mumbling to himself for a while, then touched his empty leg, his voice shaking.

“I ain’t got no legs anymore, I need to find Maja and tell her I’m broke and starving”

Seeing him like this, Maja felt a pang in her heart.

“You’ve found me now, no need to worry”

Leo didn’t respond, seemingly pacified by her words.

Maja took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check.

“You get some rest for now, I’ll have someone look after you. You need to get better, you’re way too


Leo was all skin and bones, unrecognizable from his former self.

“Don’t worry about the Raymonds; I’ll put Connie behind bars!”

“Alright, Maja, I trust you.”

Maja gave him a small smile and said, “I need to swing by the office; I’ll come check on you in the


“Okay, Maja, I trust you.”

Maja nodded, then told the doctor to prepare the most nourishing meal possible, insisting that Leo

needed to recover as soon as possible.

Only after getting the doctor’s assurance did she dare to leave,

But just as she reached the ground floor, she heard the sound of shattering glass from above.

Then a body fell right in front of her, hanging from the hospital’s lawn lamp.

as Leo.

Leo had jumped off the building and landed right in front of her.

Maja’s mind was a whirlwind. She even forgot to check on him, just staring in shock.

Around her, people were screaming and nurses were urging.

The lamppost had pierced through Leo’s chest. His eyes were wide open, looking at Maja.

Maja suddenly sat on the ground, retreating several steps. Her body felt weak.

Doctors rushed to lift Leo, but the blood was pouring out more.

Maja even saw the bloody hole in his body where the lamppost had pierced through. She felt sick; she

bent over and dry heaved a few times, but nothing came out.

Leo was pronounced dead on the spot.

She sat in silence, sweat pouring down her face.

After a while, she saw Leo’s body being lifted. A doctor went to lift his legs, then realized they were

gone and quickly changed directions.

The body was covered with a white sheet as it was carried past her.

Maja immediately tried to get up to look but found herself unsteady, falling down as soon as she got


After several attempts, a nurse finally came over to help her.

“How is he? How is he?”

“I’m sorry, he’s gone.”

Even though Maja knew the answer before she asked, she was still stunned when the doctor confirmed


Her entire extended family was gone.

She felt a sharp pain in her heart, starting to doubt if she had truly brought disaster. If it weren’t for

Connie’s batred towards her, she wouldn’t have gotten Leo involved

After all, Connie and Leo had no connection to begin with.

Tears–started to fall, she just stood there, as if frozen.

The doctors began to ask about body disposition, Maja couldn’t utter a word.

Half an hour later, she finally arranged for a funeral home.

She walked out of the hospital in a daze, only to see that lawyer again. Several hours had passed

since he left; he was probably here for a second round of negotiations.

“Ms. Pennyfeather, two million dollars is just too much.”

“Buzz off.”

Maja’s voice was calm as she got into her car.

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