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Chapter 737

Chapter 737

Facing his accusations, Maja was at a loss for words.

She leaned against the wall, feeling absolutely wiped out. But she still had to head to where Lillian

stashed her stuff to search for that jellyfish–shaped seal. Seemed like this crowd was hell–bent on

finding it. The thing seemed to be pretty damn important.

And she had a hunch that the days ahead would be anything but quiet.

After all, people had been showing up at her doorstep already.

She opened her mouth and finally managed, “I’m beat. I need a breather.”

With that, she turned to leave.

lan quietly fell in step behind her, and when he saw her trying to hail a cab, he yanked her into his own

car instead.

Maja ended up in his arms, and he held her tight, not letting her squirm away.

“Penny, are you mad at me?“;

lan couldn’t make heads or tails of her complicated emotions, so he had no clue what Maja was feeling

right now.

Maja decided to shut her eyes.

lan planted a soft kiss on her lips, and her eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly’s wings at the touch.

That made his heart go’all mushy.

“We’ll head back to Greenfield later.”

Crystalbrook Valley was too dicey right now, and there could still be kidnappers lurking around..

Maja kept her lips sealed and just silently slid into the driver’s seat.

lan didn’t stop her, watching as she maneuvered the car onto a narrow path.

Once Maja got out of the car, she quickly entered Daly Elston’s house and headed straight for the


Without a moment’s hesitation, she picked up a chair from the side and smashed the stove tosmithereens.

Tan had wanted to stop her, but she beat him to it, “Mr. Raymond, wait outside for me.”

lan didn’t push for answers, but he did steal a glance at her, digging under the stove.

Soon enough, she found a small iron box about the size of a palm.

Maja opened it for a quick peek, and there it was the jellyfish–shaped seal..

There was a beautiful jellyfish carved at the top of the entire seal.

When she was a kid, she never thought much of it.

But looking at it now, the artistry of the carving was top–notch. Even the material was top–grade.

What the hell was this seal for?

Why were the kidnappers willing to fork out big bucks to get their hands on this seal?

She closed the iron box and held it tight in her palm, then headed out to find lan.

It was dusk by then, and lan was leaning against the car, casually smoking a cigarette. Even with his

clothes wrinkled, he still looked damn fancy.

He didn’t ask Maja what she found; just opened the passenger door for her when he saw her coming.

Maja squeezed the palm–sized iron box, initially wanting to hand it over to lan for him to look into it.

But remembering Lillian’s last wishes, she decided against it.

What truth had Lillian hidden from her all those years?

Did Lillian even know that Maja wasn’t her biological daughter?

Maja felt thoroughly confused, even doubting if Lillian really did pass away.

She was just a kid then; all she knew was that Lillian was bedridden and very sick, and then she was

gone, her world crumbling with it.

Then, she was dragged around by Neil Pennyfeather in various business venues, inhaling secondhand

smoke, the smell of alcohol always in her nostrils. That’s how Maja grew up.

She leaned back in her seat, her eyes vacant as she watched the setting sun.

When the car finally came to a stop, she realized they were back at the hospital.

Connie’s check–up was done, but she was still out cold. lan planned on taking her to Greenfield for

further examination.

Maj? thought lan was going to drive to Greenfield, but soon, she heard the sound of a helicopter.

A chopper ride there would take less than an hour.

But if they drove, it would take four to five hours.

Connie was also loaded onto the helicopter.

By the time they arrived in Greenfield, it was six in the evening.

Maja was so hungry. Her stomach was in knots. lan dropped her off at Greenfield Gardens, gave her anovelbin

quick hug at the door, and then said, “I’m going to check on Connie at the hospital. The rest of the

Raymond family will be there too. I’ve got some things I want to discuss with you later.”

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