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Chapter 639

Chapter 639

“Meetman, don’t you get it? Your words mean nothing! No one wants to hear you yap! You’re nothing

but a pitiful castoff.”

“You obviously bribed that actress! You also bribed the doctor to accuse me of domestic violence, you

wicked woman, I won’t let you off the hook even if I die!”

The more Meetman ranted furiously, the more joy Harden derived.

However, she quickly sensed something was off and turned to her bodyguards.

“Has he been searched thoroughly?”

If he had a phone or recording device, that could spell trouble.

Every time Harden sent someone to mess with Meetman, she made sure of that detail, and so far,

Meetman had no dirt on her.

“Yeah, we’ve thoroughly searched him. His phone and recording device were ditched.”

Harden fumed when she found out that Meetman did bring a recording device.

She gave Meetman another kick in the face with her high heels that were sharp enough to inflict injury.

Meetman curled up into a ball, hands covering his head, his eyes filled with humiliation.

“Meetman, just look at yourself, you’re like trash. Are you dreaming of a comeback? Maybe in your next


With that, Harden turned to her bodyguards, “Treat him good, make sure he stays in bed for at least a

month. Let’s see if he dares to show up again. People like him should be kept in the dark!”

“Sure thing, Miss Dickens!”

Then, the sound of beating started to echo.

Meetman was crying out in pain while Harden watched from not too far away.

An hour later/the assault gradually stopped.

Harden shot a disdainful glance at the battered Meetman.

“Dump him somewhere but be extra careful to make sure he doesn’t die. This lowlife has reported me

before, if he dies, I’ll be the first suspect.”

“Don’t worry Miss Dickens, we’ll take him to the hospital.”

Harden scoffed, “Sometimes, living is more painful than death.”

Indeed, Meetman was taken to the hospital.

That wasn’t the first time they had beaten him up, they always made sure to cause him excruciating

pain but never life–threatening.

Maja was the first one to visit Meetman. She had a medical examination done on him and had pictures

taken of his injuries.

Meetman’s current state could easily evoke sympathy.

Maja saw Meetman clench his fists in humiliation and knew that this incident would remain a thorn in

his side.

“Meetman, you need to stay positive. Life is a one–way street, there’s no turning back, what matters is

the future. You can still make movies, let people see your work, that’s the reason you’re enduring this.”

Hearing this, Meetman, a forty–year–old man, couldn’t help but cry.

He leaned against the headboard, his shoulders shaking violently.

For a man, releasing such a recording was like trampling on his dignity, but only in this way could he

completely defeat that evil Harden. “Meetman, once you’re ready, let me know. I’ll buy web traffic to

push your posts to the trending topics, it will draw public attention.”

If Meetman was to do this on his own, even with such crucial evidence, Harden could easily suppress

him with the power of her money. Now that Maja was willing to pay, this evidence could reach a wider


Meetman nodded, wiping his tears away. But his face was swollen, covered in wounds, and the tears

dripping on them caused severe pain. “Meetman, have a good rest and get your emotions in check.”

“Thank you.”

Meetman thanked her in a hoarse voice and then closed his eyes.

Maja didn’t say anything else; she just instructed the hospital staff to take good care of him.

As for Harden, she felt refreshed after venting her anger on Meetman.

Because the information she posted on her profile today was still trending, and everyone was stillnovelbin

asking who the woman who attacked her was.

Harden glanced at the clock on the wall, it was six in the evening. If Maja didn’t apologize to her by ten,

she would expose Maja’s personal information. By then, Maja would face public scrutiny, and she

wondered if Maja could withstand it!

Maja, that scoundrel, dared to challenge her without knowing her own weight, she was really

overestimating herself.

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