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Chapter 636

Chapter 636

Maja again tried to knock on the door but got no response. She shouted as loud as she could,

“Meetman, I’m here to talk business with you.” But inside, Meetman was pouring himself another drink.

He heard her and just laughed,

“Business talk?”

“Meetman, I know about your beef with Harden. And I think you were set up. I’m here to help, but if

you’d rather hide out here, I can leave.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a bottle could be heard hitting the floor inside.

Then the door swung open.

Meetman stood there, a surprise and a spark in his eyes as he asked,

“Who are you?”

Maja handed him her business card.

“I’m Maja, the CEO of Star Movie Group. We’re still a small fry, but I believe we can help you.”

Meetman took the card and opened the door.

The place was a complete mess. A tiny room with just a bed and a couch, and a table full of empty

bottles. There was a bucket filled with dirty clothes next to it. Meetman sat on the bed, while Maja and

Zoey took the couch.

“So, how do you plan to help me?”

“Meetman, my help comes with strings attached.”

Meetman eyed Maja, trying to gauge if she was legit.

Maja didn’t shy away from his gaze.

Meetman didn’t have much of a choice, so he took a big gulp of his drink.

“Look at me, I’ve got nothing to offer.”

“I want your talent. If I help you settle things with Harden, you’ll have to come to work for my company

as a director and stick to the scripts we give you.” Maja said that while scanning the room.

The walls were plastered with posters of popular movies and TV shows from recent years, showing that

Meetman hadn’t given up on his dream.

Meetman was once very dedicated to his work, uncompromising towards any faults from his stars. That

led to him getting no support from his co–workers when things went south for him. Sympathy was all on

Harden‘ side.

Harden thus created an image of a strong woman who, despite being abused and cheated on, still

worked hard.

This image, in today’s era of female empowerment, was widely accepted. Harden gained a lot of fans

and smartly used her image and popularity to attract viewers to her shows.

Most of her productions revolved around domestic abuse and infidelity, the topics that made her


Every time a new show aired, Meetman was dragged through the mud again.

In reality, Harden was using Meetman to boost her own status, even taking over his resources.

As a man, how could Meetman swallow this?

“I agree.”

“Meetman, I want you to commit to making movies or TV shows for my company, no distractions.”

Meetman was pissed, but he held it in.

“I take every work of mine seriously!”

Maja pulled out a contract and placed it in front of him.

“Then sign this.”

Meetman didn’t even read the contract, he just flipped to the last page and signed his name.

Maja raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Once Meetman signed, Maja did the same. Then she said, “I heard Harden has a new show coming

up, based on her own life. Guess you’ll be the talk of the town again.”

“That woman is evil!”

Meetman’s eyes were filled with hatred. His teeth were clenched.

Unfortunately, Harden was on high alect with him. She never answered his calls or agreed to meet

with him after their divorce.

But Meetman’s life just kept on getting worse. Either he found his belongings being tossed out by

landlords who refused to rent to him or was barred from working at restaurants.

So, he ended up in this forgotten place, barely scraping by every day!

His livelihood came from acting as a bodyguard for the women in that alley.

All kinds of shady businesses were conducted there, with low pay and frequent trouble from gangsters.

Meetman went from being a director to a vagabond who often got into fights with thugs. He was alwaysnovelbin

bruised and barely made ends meet each month.

When he was a director, he dealt with millions. Now, he was barely scraping by, dealing with constant


All because

All because of Harden!

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