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Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Maureen just shot Maja a quick glance, then looked away

After all, Maja’s life choices were none of her business.

She didn’t bother with Maja, instead following a few high–ranking people into the elevator

A waiter approached Maja cautiously, asking, “Miss, do you need any help?”

Maja shook her head and left alone

Her body ached, especially her knees.

She took a cab back to Rosewood Manor and went straight to sleep

Maria knew Maja hadn’t come back last night but didn’t dare ask more.

After all, Maja had never been fond of Rosewood Manor

Maria could only make some soup, hoping it would help Maja recover.

Meanwhile, Maureen frowned after getting into the elevator, suddenly realizing this was the hotel where

lan was staying, and Maja had just left from here

She didn’t believe those marks on Maja were left by lan.

lan was not that kind of person.

But who truly understood lan in the Raymond family?

Maureen couldn’t resist and called lan

At that moment, lan was sitting on the couch, staring at the documents on the table since Maja left.

He couldn’t concentrate on a single word, feeling inexplicably imitated.

“lan, where are you?”

“In the hotel”

Histone was emotionless.

Maureen immediately had a bad feeling and rushed to lan’s room.

lan was neatly dressed, cold in demeanor, with documents in front of him, he didn’t look like someone

who would rough up a woman like that

Maja’s neck was visibly marked, and if so many were visible, there must be more hidden

Maureen looked at lan. He was always quiet, even when with family, and he had a strong presence

since childhood.

At the moment, there was a hint of red under his eyes, as if he had a pleasurable experience last


“Aunt Maureen, what’s up?”

Maureen glanced around the living room but saw nothing unusual.

She didn’t go into the bathroom. After all, it was lan’s private space, and he was a clean freak who

didn’t like sharing things.

“I just ran into Penny”

lan’s gaze hardened, but he didn’t say anything.

Maureen continued, “She could hardly walk. As a woman, I know what she’s been through. I hope itnovelbin

wasn’t you, lan. You’re not that kind of person.”

lan’s eyebrow raised, a rare smile appearing in his eyes.

His face was still handsome, but the vibe he gave off was not to be underestimated,

“So what kind of person do you think I am?”

Maureen frowned, she really couldn’t say

lan was cold about everything. Because Eric was too outstanding, lan inevitably got overshadowed.

So, no one tried to stop lan from doing whatever he wanted.

All in all, lan hadn’t been with the Raymond family for long, but he grew up under Holden’s wing.

Back in the days when Holden was not retired, he often took lan to the army. It was said that lan almost

made a significant contribution when he was about twelve. But Holden didn’t want lan to attract

attention. After all, someone from the Raymond family was already serving the higher ups, so he let

someone else take the credit.

The person who made that contribution didn’t know if they would live or die before doing it.

But lan was facing death at such a young age.

It made sense that Holden liked lan. He and lan had the same spirit when Holden was fighting in the


Maureen couldn’t answer, but she guessed that lan had caused the marks on Maja.

He didn’t hide it.

“I can handle my own business.” He casually sorted the documents in his hands, saying, “And I don’t

want anyone to meddle

Including Maureen.

For the first time, Maureen deeply felt that lan was uncontrollable.

Also, it’s just a transaction between us. Once it’s over, we won’t see each other”

Maureen breathed a sigh of relief. That would be the best.

“lan, I’m not meddling, I never wanted to control you. I’m just worried, she’s a married woman. She

could be after your wealth.”

lan lowered his eyelashes. She didn’t even glance at the bracelet worth twenty million, how could she

be after his money?

She was willing to share his bed now, simply because there were four times left

And she had always been dutiful and unpretentious in this regant, so even though he had exhausted

her, she gritted her teeth and didn’t make a sound He wished she was after his money


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