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Chapter 1825

Carol felt a surge of irritation wash over her. She couldn't understand why Felix had to be socomplicated. If he was smitten with Listina, why couldn't they just date and be happy? Why did hehave to drag her into their mess?

"I'll be back later," she muttered.

"And when is 'later'?" Felix pressed, but his voice trailed off into silence at the other end of the line.

He had a sinking feeling that Carol was at her wits' end, utterly uninterested in anything he had tosay.

His voice grew stern, "Just come back within twenty minutes."

Not bothered to respond, Carol hung up abruptly.

Felix stared at the darkened screen of his phone. Around him, the hotel lobby buzzed with life. Itwas decked out in opulence, and the air was thick with the scent of perfume and the rustle ofexpensive fabric.

Business associates he had recently schmoozed with were now fawning over him, eager to curryfavor.

His expression was impassive as he picked up his suit jacket. He had had a bit too much to drink,and the alcohol was making his head spin.

"Mr. Brown, let's cut the cake, shall we?" someone suggested cheerfully.

"Go ahead, Mr. Brown, a toast to your success!"

Felix, with little enthusiasm, took the knife and made a cut into the towering cake. The guestsshowered him with well-wishes, but he had no interest in their flattery. Using the first excuse thatcame to mind, he had his assistant escort him home.

It was 11:20 PM when he arrived home, leaving him just forty minutes before the day was done. Hehad thought that Carol would obediently return, but when he opened the door to the parlor, she wasnowhere in sight.

Turning to the housekeeper, he asked curtly, "Where is she?"

"Ms. Miller hasn't come back yet."

Felix's mood darkened instantly, and he dialed Carol's number again.

This time the call went through, but she didn't pick up.

He settled onto the couch in the foyer, when a staff member approached, "Sir, would you likesomething to help you sober up?"

"No, just go to bed, all of you."

The lights in the foyer were dim, obscuring his brooding expression.

The housekeeper and assistant retired, leaving Felix alone on the couch, waiting.

When Carol finally arrived home, she found the villa shrouded in darkness, so she assumed thateveryone had gone to bed.

She keyed in the code, opened the door to the living room, and flicked on the lights, only to see thesilhouette of a man sitting on the couch.novelbin

Frowning, she began to change her shoes without saying a word.

Felix shielded his eyes from the glare of the overhead light, wincing, and then his gaze found Carol.

After hanging up her coat and tossing her bag onto the console table, she started to head upstairsbut was stopped by his voice, "Get me a glass of water."

With her steps faltered, she sensed that he must be drunk.

She glanced at the medicine in her hand, pondered for a moment, and then headed to the kitchen.

Dropping three tablets into the glass, she made sure there were no signs of tampering beforesetting it in front of Felix.

His eyes were heavy with intoxication as he looked up at her, and his voice was husky, "Do youknow what today is?"

Carol racked her brain but came up empty.

He took the glass from her, murmuring to himself.

"I knew it. You don't remember a thing anymore."

Dismissing his words as drunken nonsense, Carol just watched him finishing the water and helpedhim to the master bedroom. She then sent a message to Listina.

Listina had been provoking her with texts all this time, but Carol had never responded—until now.

[Felix is drunk. Come and take care of him.]

When Listina saw the message, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

She had been scheming for Felix's affection, and now here was Carol, handing her the opportunityon a silver platter.

What was Carol up to?

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