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Chapter 1821

Nathan had just finished whipping up dinner when Carol settled into her seat, about to dig in, whenher phone pinged with a new message.

It was a text from Listina, complete with a snapshot - a stolen moment from her last smooch sessionwith Felix. The details of their lips locked were embarrassingly clear.

The sight killed Carol's appetite stone dead. She scrolled through the chat history - it was all Lizzietalking to herself.

Bragging about how Felix spent the day with her, how he brought her treats, took her shopping, andkissed her, etc. Carol hadn’t replied even once, but she hadn't blocked Lizzie either - it was her wayto keep tabs on Felix.

After the picture from Listina, another text came in.

[Last time I wanted to end you, but Felix still swept in to save me.]

Carol set her phone down, feeling a wave of ennui. It was the same old song and dance. How goodFelix was to her, how much he loved her.

She poked at the shrimp on her plate, ate a couple out of obligation, and sipped some chickensoup.

Barely halfway full, she put down her utensils and announced she was leaving. Nathan jumped upto see her out.

They had only been gone ten minutes when the doorbell rang. Fiona, thinking Nathan returned,wheeled herself over to the door, only to find Felix standing there.

She blinked in surprise as he asked, “Is your brother not home?”

“Nathan’s out, but come in, Felix. Make yourself at home.”

Felix kicked off his shoes in the foyer, a gift in hand - a housewarming present for Nathan's newplace.

He’d been busy looking after Carol recently and hadn’t found the time to come by. After placing thegift aside, Felix noticed the lavish spread on the dining table, complete with three place settings.

Besides Nathan, hardly anyone else visited their home, especially not during the Christmas.

“Fiona, did you guys have company tonight?”

Fiona’s spine went rigid, recalling Nathan’s warning to never bring up Carol in front of Felix.

“Ah, yeah, just a friend of Nathan’s.”

Felix narrowed his eyes and took a seat.

As Fiona rolled towards the kitchen to pour some water, Felix stopped her, “Don’t worry about it; I’vegot it myself.”

Fiona’s palms were sweaty. She had never lied to him before and felt her nerves were giving heraway.novelbin

“Last time I checked, your brother said he was chasing a lady?”

Had things progressed so quickly that he was already bringing her home for dinner? Nathan wasalways a quick catch when it came to women.

Fiona was at a loss for words, and after a tense ten seconds, she nodded, “Yeah, I guess they’renot officially dating, just friends. And Felix, are you and Lizzie tying the knot?”

Felix didn’t respond, his fingers itching for a cigarette, but he refrained out of consideration for herpresence.

“I was just passing by with a little something. Tell your brother I stopped by, will you?”

“Sure,” Fiona exhaled a sigh of relief.

Felix waited for the elevator down, and as the doors slid open, there stood Nathan.

Nathan’s expression shifted to guilt the moment he saw Felix.

“Felix? What brings you here?”

Felix glanced behind him, no one there - Nathan must have been out on a drop-off.

“Just passing through, brought a decorative piece for your place.”

Nathan, avoiding eye contact, edged into the elevator, “Alright, I’ll catch you later.”

As Felix brushed past him, he caught a whiff of something familiar on Nathan’s clothes.

But the elevator doors were already closing. He stood outside, wondering if his senses were playingtricks on him. That scent - it was just like Carol's perfume.

The thought of Carol made him lower his eyes, and he pulled out a cigarette.

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