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Chapter 1814

For the man who had captured the Millers’ estate, if she seriously married him, it was an insult tothe entire family.

"I get it, you hold a grudge tighter than a miser with his last dime. But what's done is done. Thatthing in the past, I messed up; didn’t handle it well. I should've made sure the compensationreached those who deserved it, not left them to struggle. Life's dealt its hand; let's not reshuffle thedeck, okay?"

Abner was someone who always thought of the big picture, and after his wife was deceased, healone raised his daughter and did it well, never getting married again.

Lips pressed, Carol remained silent, seething with a mix of disgust and rage as she thought of Felix,probably cozying up to Listina even at this late hour.

"Carol, are you listening to me?"

"I heard you, Dad."

Abner read her face like a book - one that clearly wasn't going to follow his storyline. He frowned,"All I want is for you to be okay when I'm out of this mess."

"Dad, I will be."

But she wondered if his health would hold out that long. Felix had the system rigged against them,blocking even the chance for medical parole. Her hand, hanging by her side, clenched into a fist.novelbin

Meanwhile, at the top floor of the Miller Group skyscraper, the lights in the CEO's office were still on.Felix, alone, was burning the midnight oil.

He'd cleared his desk of the next month's work, hoping to carve out more time for going back homeearly. But no matter how early he arrived home, Carol was never there. The thought tightened hisgrip on the paperwork.

An employee knocked at the time and entered to deliver more files, surprised to see him still there,"Mr. Brown, aren't you heading home? The building's empty."

"I'll stay here tonight."

"Take care of yourself, then."

The employee placed the new files down and left, only to gossip with a colleague in the lobby on theground floor moments later.

"Mr. Brown's a machine. Still up there, working away. God, the man's too handsome for his owngood - like a walking, talking work of art. Who's gonna be lucky enough to marry him?"

Her colleague shushed her, and scanning the surrounding to ensure no one was there, thenwhispered, "You're new here, so you probably haven't heard of something through grapevine, haveyou?”

“What thing?”

“I heard of it from others, that there's been a massive shakeup in the company. People are all freshblood here; only a few in low-level positions are unchanged."

"What exactly have you heard? Cut to the chase, will you?"

"Word is Mr. Brown climbed to the top by courting President Miller's daughter, then got PresidentMiller locked up. Now, he's the big cheese. Ms. Miller used to visit him often, and they looked so in

love. She’s quite an eye-catcher, but ever since he took the helm, she's vanished. No idea howshe’s been."

The employee's eyes lit up at the gossip, "So it's like a real-life soap opera? Mr. Brown played thelong game, seduced the Miller daughter, then took over the empire?"

"That’s what they said, but keep it down! This topic's taboo here. If you get fired because of this,don’t come to me then.”

“Does Mr. Brown really love Ms. Miller or not? Come on, I’m curious.”

“Not a bit. He's got a fiancée, who's been to his office. I met her once when I delivered a file to theboss. She looked a bit frail, clutching his arm, asking things and all.”

“Poor Ms. Miiler.”

“Yeah. Seems like she’s just a tool being played.”

“Even though Mr. Brown’s really merciless, that face hits me. Alas, I’m such a face-judger; if only Iget a chance of losing ten years of age in exchange for bonking him!”

“How ambitious.”

“What? Don’t you think he’s good-looking? I’ve never seen someone with an attractive face likethat!”

As their chatter faded, Listina stepped out from her hiding spot. She'd been observing the housenext door; the moment she caught the sight of Felix’s car coming out, she’d track his every move.

Besides, she’d bribed one of the guards, who would keep her posted on how many people in hiscar.

Tonight, Felix was alone, heading to the company. It seemed he deeply despised going home.Listina had worried Felix was enamored with Carol. But right now, he’d rather stay at the companythan return to that house; hope instantly flared within Listina.

Maybe Felix was bothered with something else; maybe he wasn’t so into Carol.

A twisted smile curled Listina's lips as malice glittered in her eyes. She must destroy Carol, andmake her pay for bewitching his man.

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