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Chapter 1730

Felix had already taken the medication. His eyes twinkled as he scooped her up in his arms andmade his way to the bed. The night was still a whirlwind of activity.

Carol rose early for work, leaving the house before dawn crept over the horizon. Felix headed off tohis own job.

At lunchtime, he stopped by to see Listina. Her cheeks were rosy today; a subtle, persistent smilebetrayed her good spirits.

"Felix, really, you shouldn't spend so much next time. I know money's tight for you."

He thought she was referring to the birthday gift and nodded, "It didn't cost much."novelbin

Liar, she thought. She had looked it up online; that skincare set was around 1.5 grand, a luxury shehad never indulged in before.

"By the way, where's Nathan? I haven't seen him since my surgery. Was he busy?"

"He got sent off to Crystalbrook Valley for a while, but he's back now. Said he'd come by thisafternoon."

"That's good. I've missed him. It's too bad I can't celebrate my birthday out with you guys. Wecould've gone to our favorite diner - cheap prices and the owner's a gem."

Felix remained silent, pouring her a glass of water.

Nathan did show up that afternoon, his eyes full of mischief at the sight of Felix. The success ofListina's surgery was largely thanks to the influence of the Miller family.

Carol probably still had no clue about the relationship between Felix and Listina. Nathan nudgedFelix's shoulder in a conspiratorial gesture that all but said he'd keep their secret.

Felix ignored him, stepping out to answer his phone as it started to ring - it was Carol.

Meanwhile, Listina chatted with Nathan, who was curious about how Felix got on with Carol behindclosed doors. Carol, the heiress, was like someone out of a TV drama, and he couldn't resist theurge to eavesdrop.

But Felix's tone was calm throughout the call, ending with a simple, "Carol, I really don't need it.Don't buy it for me."

She had talked about struggling with rent and yet, here she was, shopping for clothes for him at amall. This time, Carol seriously couldn’t afford to buy any luxuries, and just stopped at a randomclothes store at the street.

Except that store wasn't cheap either - a casual piece set her back 200. Carol's rent was due nextmonth, and the total of her two jobs barely broke 1,000. After deductions for missed work, she wasleft with 700 - a tight situation indeed.

But Felix had just splurged on that expensive gift for her; she felt obliged to reciprocate. Shortlyafter, her phone pinged with a notification of a money transfer - Felix had sent her 5 grand.

Standing amidst the hustle and bustle of the streets, drowned out by honking cars, Carol had anepiphany: she couldn't imagine her life without this man.

Felix was too good to her, always touching her heart with the smallest of gestures. As if afraid she'drefuse his gift, he sent her a message.

[Go buy it. Get yourself a couple of outfits too.]

Her clothes had been repossessed, and now she was dressed in bargain-bin attire - something shehad complained to him about just the night before, saying it made her skin itch. He hadremembered.

A smile curled Carol's lips.

[Thanks, honey.]

As she was about to head inside, a snide voice reached her ears. It was one of her so-calledsocialite “friends”, always ready with a barb.

"Well, well, if it isn't Carol. What're you doing hanging around this shop? Don't tell me you're actuallyshopping here? My God, are the rumors true? I heard your dad's looking for a new flame, aiming foranother heir. Have you been cast aside? You’ve fallen from grace, and now he's leveling up a newcharacter, is that it?"

Carol's face darkened on spot, "What's it to you?"

The woman, clutching her designer bag, sneered at Carol's cheap attire, gloating openly.

"Not my business, but it'll be a shame not to see Ms. Miller at the galas anymore. Look at whatyou've been reduced to. Even my maid dresses better."

Carol rolled her eyes, "Believe it or not, this outfit could fetch 50 grand on Facebook. I don't wearclothes because they're expensive; they're valuable because I've worn them. Even if my father isdisappointed in me, I still have my rights. Save your snide comments, or you'll pay for your stupidityif he changes his mind and brings me back into the fold."

Carol was never one to back down from a verbal duel. Anyone insulted her, and she’d fight backhundredfold.

The woman's face flushed with anger, but she managed a mocking laugh, "We'll see if you're luckyenough to make it back. From what I've heard, your dad is indeed planning for another."

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