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Chapter 1684

Pregnant and confined to the quietude of her home, Maja dared not inquire about the whereabouts of her husband, lan. Yet,while she nursed her solitude, he was out gallivanting with other women, even neglecting to return to their shared abode inGreenfield Gardens.

Asurge of fury bolted through Maja from the soles of her feet, clouding her judgment with a haze of blind rage.

She stormed up to them just as lan shoved Queena aside. Maja's hand flew, striking him with a resounding slap.


There she stood, her chest heaving tumultuously, her eyes catching Queena imploring, "lan, can we just leave together, please?”The slap almost sent lan, still recovering from a recent illness, into unconsciousness.

Upon recognizing Maja, panic flared in his eyes. "Maja?"

Words swirled in her mind, a tempest of accusations and pain, but faced with the stark reality before her, what could she possiblysay?

She had imagined the missing man was faithful, but here he was, keeping another woman. Seeing was believing, after all.Taking a deep breath, Maja turned on her heel and walked away.

lan staggered after her, "Maja!"

“Maja, it's not what you think!"

But Queena clung to his arm, desperate. "lan, come with me. | can heal you, really, | can make you better."

Her sanity was frayed, her single-minded goal to win him over.

lan's expression darkened, his face ashen. With a swift motion, he knocked Queena unconscious.

Ignoring the two dozen shopping bags in his hands, he pursued Maja with long strides. As he ran, he even called Beck on thephone, instructing him to take Queena away.

“Can't you keep an eye on one single woman, Beck? Are you useless?"Beck, upon hearing this, was reminded of a similar reprimand when Maja had secretly visited Cania.

Disconnecting the call, lan felt a wave of dizziness, especially when the scent of Queena lingered on him, an itch so unbearableit threatened to drive him mad.novelbin

"Maja"He called again, biting his tongue to stay conscious, and reached for her hand.

Maja was fuming, her mind buzzing with indignant static. She shook him off, her eyes brimming with tears as she headed for hercar.

How had things gone so terribly wrong?

He tried once more to hold her hand, "It's not what you saw."

His voice was weak, and he fought the urge to scratch at his itchy neck, knowing he'd draw blood if he gave in.Instead, he pulled Maja into an embrace. "Beck will explain, it's not what you think."

Maja stilled, her voice hoarse. "What do you mean?"

But lan couldn't utter another word, standing there, his chin resting in her hair, his whole body trembling."lan?"Maja sensed something was terribly wrong; his shaking was intense.

She drove them straight back toGreenfield Gardens, where oepeople arrived remy faking?quperalto}il Charged with threecounts of murder, Queena wassentenced to death, never to be seenagain. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Beck brought the gifts lan had dropped back to Greenfield Gardens, but by then, lan had fainted, stirring the household intofrantic action.

Sarah couldn't concoct an antidote quickly and had to break the news to Maja and Jack.

"Tie him up; that's all we can do. If hecan't get Queena’s blood, his comdependenc yon fen Wil Want andevaitaatly oO ish, It's going to beapainful process, though. It's up to himto endure it." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Maja's heart ached at the sight of the handprint on lan's cheek.Beck also felt a twinge of guilt; after all, Queena had escaped on his watch."Uh, Maja, he's back now, no harm done. Why don't you check out the gifts, see if there's anything you like?"

Maja had no interest in the so-called

gifts; she simply held wat handas \lay shergghisisen fa ing red, aenduring his agony in silence.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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